Just going to share a quick story; I've read through this thread and watched the Hardy panther seminar, so pretty much was already convinced I needed a big panther piece on my chest. This past week, I'm spending a little time in the chair with the artist I've been going to and mentioned his big sheet of large cat flash is missing from the wall. Kinkos for prints, but that divulged into my desire for a panther head and watching the Ed Hardy gig online. His head suddenly snapped up and with excitement says, "I was there, only about 100 of us were in attendance!"
What are the odds, right? I didn't already need the encouragement to get it done this summer, but the universe seemingly gave me that extra little nudge I needed to follow through. His excitement for making the tattoo seemingly matches my excitement to receive it which makes it extra cool. Anyway, just felt like sharing.