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Everything posted by Herc

  1. Herc


  2. Herc


    Hello, I am Herc. 28years old from Europe, nice to meet you all.
  3. Keep it and dont give a s. or just laser it away and fill in the blanks. That should be a easy job I think
  4. If the artist is good it should be no problem! Ask the artist if he/her have done it on the ribs before? - - - Updated - - - If the artist is good it should be no problem! Ask the artist if he/her have done it on the ribs before?
  5. Still better than justin biebers tattoos.
  6. I think that was really cool. good for her :)
  7. This guy, justin bieber etc etc, they all take shitty tattoos. I wonder why...
  8. Polynesian half sleeve, left arm, Cant wait. summer 2014.
  9. Normally a week, depends on the size and placement ofcourse.
  10. Haha, everybody want a tattoo but no one want to pay or feel the pain.
  11. I can see how people want other peoples tattoo, thats just the way it is. For most people, they dont think about it being rude to take other peoples tattoos because they will never meet the person they copy the tattoo of. It should be the tattoo artist who should be the one to say no to the customer .
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