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matcwlwelch last won the day on December 9 2013

matcwlwelch had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I was born in Tallahassee, and grew up on Panama City Beach, where I began tattooing when I was 17. I worked and lived in New Mexico for the last 3 years, now I travel from coast to coast. I've always loved to draw and paint, and make music. I have a loud laugh. I enjoy the company of others.
  • Location
    North Florida originally
  • Interests
    Painting, Biking, Reading, People
  • Occupation
    Tattooer on the road

matcwlwelch's Achievements

  1. Oo nice, i'll subscribe to that one thanks!
  2. To begin with, after looking around a bit, I wasn't sure if there was another thread already on this subject. This is also my first thread ever.. Sorry if I overlooked it. For this thread, I'd like to gear it towards sharing the artwork and designs that parallel the craft of tattooing. Whether it be inspired for making tattoos, like flash sheets and large watercolors, or, it could be art inspired by tattoos, of any medium. Curricular and extra-curricular. Old and new. This is a pretty wide margin for tattooers and collectors alike.. I try to paint and make drawings just as often as I design tattoos and stab people with them. I want to see what everyone else is doing and looking at! Thanks
  3. Do you have an online portfolio you could point me to?

  4. I would love to take the traveling that far!
  5. matcwlwelch


    Mermaid on the calf in one shot
  6. Thanks that's a huge compliment! I wish I had that talent, but that's what hard work is for - - - Updated - - - SStu thanks a lot! If ever I'm spending time in Texas and you catch me, that would be awesome!
  7. December is a month that I get more cancellations than any other and that means a lot of spare time for me.. I find myself up til 4-5 in the morning, painting or drawing til either I get sick of that or I've had enough beer to put me out. Sometimes neither and I find myself at a junction of just painting really shitty, watching Dracula movies til the sun comes up..
  8. Thanks so much for the kind words everyone! - - - Updated - - - Natvenom, Southern New Mexico was a really cool learning experience. Much different than North Florida, it was a good change of pace. It definantly added to my tastes in art and tattooing, and I met a lot of great people! - - - Updated - - - Real Meta, Awesome! Thanks alot! That guy is a great dude, that's cool to hear he's part of the forum, i'll be seeing him again sometime soon
  9. A picture taken after last sitting, by Matt Shamah
  10. I'm currently in progress on a backpiece from Matt Shamah, I'll try to find some pictures from the last sitting
  11. Garuda Mask Stomach Piece
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