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Posts posted by Iwar

  1. I thought we could use a thread that shined a little light on some of the artists we love, but aren't necessarily very renowned or getting the recognition we feel they deserve.

    Lets get the ball rolling....

    I've been a fan of the work of James Tex of Deadly Tattoos inc, located in Calgary, Canada, for a few years now. I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with his work, and some members here might even know him personally and/or have tattoos from him.

    Anyways, I stumbled across him a while back in another tattoo forum where a member showed off the progress of a Samurai sleeve he was getting done from Tex. I was blown away by his work, and to my great viewing pleasure he had a fairly large online portfolio on his shops website: Deadly Tattoos inc.

    I'm not sure if everyone agrees with me in that he's "low key", but I can't say that I have read an article about him or seen any pictures of his tattoo except on his website (and obviously the forum I mentioned).

    Here's a few samples of his work from his online portfolio:







  2. Very nicely worded MsRad, I don't see a problem with the title of collecter. Although I don't think of myself as a collecter(haven't earned that right, and also think it's more of a word for others to discribe you). With anything that one can acquier a large supply of anything is known by defult as a "collecter." Now weither that person gives other collecters a bad name or not all depends on their attitude if they think they are better or not.

    That being said and like I said earlier, referring youself as a collecter is a bit odd in my mind. Kinda like talking in 3rd person, some people can pull it off with the right charm but for the rest of us it just sounds strange.

    Didn't see your post before I posted. Think I got my answer right there, thanks.

  3. I can see what Mario is saying about tattoo snobs with an attitude towards other clients, but I don't quite get why the term "collector" is so annoying. I refer to my tattoos as my collection, so doesn't that make me a collector? Is "enthusiast" a better term?

    I would never put myself above anyone, especially if they're getting work done from a respectable artist, regardless of the design they may choose. To each his own.

    Can the term "work" also be perceived as offensive? If so I might already have offended a few members here with my picture comments.

    Hopefully I'll be travelling to the US soon to get some work (see, I did it again) by some of the amazingly talented artists that you have over there. I would hate to make a bad first impression by blurting out something that an artist would interpret as ignorant or offensive. I'm certainly not going to say "whatup tat-wizard, fire up yo gun and shoot that ink on my squid slacks", but "love your work" is something that I imagine that I could have said without thinking twice.

  4. Iron Will is amazing! I also recently bought "these old blue arms" about Amund Dietzel which i highly recommend. The Bob Roberts book "in a world of comprimise, I don't" is next on my wishlist.

    Amazon has some great deals on some books too. I bought "the family business" amongst others there really cheap.

    Oh, and don't forget Hardy's tattoo time series!

    I'm with you on the bloodworks book that's in the making. I'm ordering the "sleeves" book as soon as I can afford it.

  5. Congrats and thank you for this great website!

    Probably my favorite part about LST is the ammount of talented tattooers and serious collectors that contribute on the forum. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and stories! (Special shoutout to Shawn for his Old tattoo documentaries thread!)

    And of course the interviews. They have been beyond awesome.

    The only thing I'd wish for is that we get even more tattooers and enthusiasts to recognize this site, sign up and contribute :)

  6. here's the newest addition by our own Lizzie:


    all one 4 hour session. i have two that were also just done by El Brad Mariachi too while he was in town, but i'm horribly bad with remembering to photograph tattoos.

    Love this!! Lizzie has done some killer vulture designs. There's a couple more in her gallery (including a badass chestpiece). Wish I was wearing one too.

  7. Hey! Good to see another Oslo resident on this Forum :)

    I'm sure I speak for everyone here in that we'd love to see some pictures of your collection!

    You're booked with Roper you say?? What are you getting done? I'm jealous beyond words :)

  8. Story:

    Miljenko Parserisas, a 56 year old newspaper salesman, has 82 Julia Roberts tattoos on his body, all of them inspired from different scenes from his favorite movie "Erin Brockovich".

    He has spent a total of 14.000 kroner (around $2350) so far, and he states that he's far from done.






    I have seen some shitty portraits in my time, but this guy takes the cake! :cool:

  9. this has been a very good week for this thread for sure.

    I'm still waiting to see Iwar's front side after the final session... that one's killer!

    We finished it last week actually. It's Pretty much healed already so I'll try to get a decent picture up soon.

  10. Damn, this is a tough one... so tough that I need to categorize:


    1.) Deadwood

    2.) Breaking Bad

    3.) Sopranos

    4.) Six Feet under

    5.) Treme (Waaay underrated in my opinion)


    1.) Curb your enthusiasm

    2.) Seinfeld

    3.) Extras

    4.) The Office (British version)

    5.) Bored to death


    1.) South Park

    2.) Family Guy

    3.) Futurama

    4.) Simpsons

    5.) The Ricky Gervais Show

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