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Posts posted by Iwar

  1. I really enjoy The Ricky Gervais show. Only risky thing about that one is you never know when you're going to spontaniously burst into laughter. I've gotten some weird looks from fellow passengers on public transportation several times.

    I listen to SModcast with Kevin Smith now and again too.

  2. Me and my friends were downtown for the public memorial today. Over 200.000 people came to show their respect. Thought I'd share a couple of pictures I took...

    This is where the public came to lay down flowers, letters and light candles in memory of the victims.

    268752_10150745108810249_842595248_20104399_752100  9_n.jpg

    A police car parked right by the memorial spot.

    283960_10150745108085249_842595248_20104386_497259  2_n.jpg

    My thoughts and sincerest compassion goes out to the relatives and friends of the victims. Today was a sad day, but it felt good to be united with my fellow Oslo residents against these despicable acts. Public memorials were held all over the country today.

    Maria Mena - Mitt lille land (My small country)

  3. Thanks for the support guys.

    I've been glued to the tv for 12 hours straight now. Latest is that atleast 80 kids were killed at the massacre on utøya island, and atleast 7 killed from the bombing. Looks as if it was all the actions of one man, a 32 year old norwegian right wing extremeist.

  4. Shit just got even crazier... "Gunman dressed as police officer opens fire at Labour party youth camp on Norway's Utoya island; many hurt" is the latest headline. Rumor has it that several kids has been gunned down. Not known if it's related to the terror event or not.

    Thanks for the kind words you guys!

  5. I'm ten minutes away by bus. Hope our fellow LST member Robin wasn't near by... It's now confirmed that it's a terror event. Windows shattered half a mile away, and it's the worst thing that has happened on Norwegian soil since WW2. Trying to get a hold of all my friends that live or work downtown....

  6. One hour ago a huge explosion went off in in the building that our prime minister holds office in, downtown Oslo. We have no idea what has happened yet. Looks like a warfield judging from the television images. This is unreal.... Everything is pointing towards it being an action of terror according to experts on the field.

  7. This thread is for those who want to share a little bit of their personal information with the rest of us. Most of you I only know by username and avatar, but because of our mutual passion for good tattoos I have grown curios to get to know you a little better.

    Internet forums are most often overcrowded with people saying all kinds of shit they don't dare utter in real life, but this place is different, and to me really precious. It's the only forum I even bother to be a member of.

    Anyways, my name is Ivar, I'm 29 years of age, and Oslo is the city I call home. I grew up on the country side in Telemark, but moved here in 1999. I work for a wholesalesbusiness that imports musical instruments and distributes them to all the music shops around in Norway. In my spare time I play guitar in one band and drums in another.

    My passion for tattoos and tattoo art started around 06 when I decided I wanted a halfsleeve. Luckily I went to a good shop at that time, which was pure coincidence since I didn't know jack shit at that point. I played in a hardcore band at the time, and I wanted to look the part and be cool. Its really fucking embarassing, but that's how it started...

    This is me...


    If anyone wants to add me on facebook send me a pm.

    I know this is not for everyone, but I thought I'd give it a go anyways :)

  8. My torso is done and done :) Finished picture has been in my gallery for a while now.

    I know Valerie posted this in her gallery, but in case someone might have overlooked it you can check it out here:


    Valerie was going to do a guestpot at a local shop here in Oslo, but had to cancell in the last minute. She offered me to get the tattoo done at Frith street instead, so I jumped at the opportunity and flew back and forth in less than 30 hours. It was a blast! :)

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