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Everything posted by Iwar

  1. It's finally back up: Marcus Kuhn's - The Gypsy Gentleman - Home
  2. Iwar


    Just sounded to me like you were asking questions about "specific tattooing equipment", but I'm no tattooer so I guess I might have spoken out of place.
  3. Iwar


    Welcome to the forum. Don't mean to sound like an asshole, but I don't think this is the right place to ask tech question. Tattoo Newbie Guidelines Do not start threads asking about specific tattooing equipment or techniques, LST is not here to teach anyone how to tattoo. Ask your own tattooer, the next time you are getting tattooed. Maybe they'll answer you, maybe they won't.
  4. What a great story @hogg ! Thanks for sharing that one. @Shmitty Picture??
  5. My jaw just hit the floor! Best post so far this year. Bet that tickled a bit ;) Glad to see you're back on the LST wagon.
  6. Iwar


    Welcome Vladimir!
  7. Iwar

    Amund Dietzel Lady Head

    I love this! Such a classic... It's weird because I was flipping through These Old Blue Arms yesterday to find a Dietzel design to get tattooed, and I landed on this one. Don't know by who, when or where yet, but hopefully sometime in the near future I will also have this design tattooed on me.
  8. I recently bought a Chris Conn print that I'm super stoked about. SEKRETCITY INTERNATIONAL
  9. Haha! I guess I am. I bet that dude is going to be a little creeped out if he finds this thread and see so many people obsessing over his legs.
  10. That's cool! From what I've heard that's an awfully painful spot to get tattooed. Who did it?
  11. Sleep? Did the jetlag send you into a hibernation of some kind @Duffa ?? Where's the blog you promised us you lazy aussie?!? ;)
  12. I have two spaces for t-shirts in my closet. One for S&D shirts and one for others. There's probably around half a dozen more in the clothing hamper. Needless to say I like their shirts.
  13. Pay no attention to her @slayer9019 It's just some spammer trying to promote a shitty website.
  14. Those sharks are great, but I probably would have liked them even better if they didn't have bellyplates. I'm sure many will disagree with me on that though.
  15. These Fucking perfect! And I'm sure everyone here knows they're by Tim Lehi (and on our very own LST admin @hogg )
  16. Iwar

    Funny videos

    He´s an actor: boogie2988's Channel - YouTube
  17. I`m fascinated by one-take videos. These three in particular.
  18. Just about every video Rammstein has made is worth seeing, even if the music's not your cup of tea. This is my favorite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytRQjrP4A0s Oh, and this....
  19. Iwar

    Funny videos

  20. I almost always have some involuntary twitching while being tattooed on my arms or legs. I always apologise for it, and the most common response in something along the lines of "no worries, I`m holding you down". I don`t think there`s much to be done other than trying your best to relax, but if anyone has any good advice I`m all ears.
  21. If you get that I'm getting a finger with a mustache tattoo tattoo under my nose.
  22. Funny how Kmyta uses the copyright symbol and watermarks all over his website. It looks as if the Vargas rip-off is tattooed on his wife who also works at the shop:
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