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Everything posted by Iwar

  1. Hello @carmen1979 Welcome to the forum!
  2. @MJH IV Of course! We talked about that a just few days ago, haha... I'm still a little hung over and my brain isn't working at full capacity today. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;) Looking forward to seeing it though. Possible February contest contender?
  3. What are you getting @MJH IV ?? More work from Tony I assume?
  4. Iwar

    new to LST

    Welcome Matthew. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay! Do we get to see some pictures of the tattoos you make?
  5. Hello Tim, and welcome to LST. The Tattoo Artist Interviews | Last Sparrow Tattoo is a great place to start after you've read the Last Sparrow Tattoo - Newbie Guidelines Other than that there's a great search function in the top right corner if there's anything in particular you're interested in.
  6. Cute kid :) Bet you guys had a blast together. (I moved this thread as it's not really tattoo related btw)
  7. Iwar

    Hi there

    Welcome to LST @MrToby :)
  8. Welcome @JimEHaynes That bottled shark is pretty damn cool too!
  9. Hello Paul! Welcome to LST You've been on my list of people I need to get tattooed by for a long time (along with several of your co workers)
  10. @else Chad's coming to norway late March, and seeing that makes me even more excited about getting tattooed by him again. Really cool tattoo! Did you ask for that, or did you pick it out from his sketchbook? @slayer9019 So good. I love that tattoo. What additions have been made to it?
  11. Congrats @phickey Well deserved! Are you planning to get more work done in the near future?
  12. I met an old Swedish sailor a month or so back that let me take a few pictures of his tattoos. All he could remember was that the top two were done in the US, and the bottom two in Sweden, all from different artists during the 50's. He seemed stoked that someone took an interest in them, and I could see him stare at his own arms as he walked away after our conversation.
  13. Iwar


    Welcome @Amelia I also took a peak at your blog. Nice work :)
  14. @Mike Panic You forgot this guy: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/wtf-news/674-82-julia-roberts-tattoos.html
  15. I already have a t-shirt, so this is just to get things going this month. Healed Baku & Shishi by Marius Meyer (Going back for minor touch ups soon. Had some trouble healing one of the Baku's eye)
  16. Thanks everyone! I'm already annoying the shit out of the other mods with stupid questions, but I think I'm slowly getting to know the ropes. @steve1461686340 even granted me the honor of swinging the mighty banhammer to one of our most recent spammers today :cool: Thanks for trusting me @Lochlan @steve1461686340 @tammy @dari @gougetheeyes @slayer9019 @hogg I'll do my best to help out!
  17. @smoz Lucky you! Mo is great. Hope you'll share pictures once it's complete. - - - Updated - - - @lving4today Love it! I'm a real sucker for Eagle vs. Snake designs Also, the picture of your leg had me (once again) turn my laptop upside down. So cool!
  18. For some good recommendations on laser removal in the London area check this thread out: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-removal-coverup/1331-best-place-london.html
  19. I just took a peak at your profile gallery, and you have an insane collection of tattoos man. Leu, Roberts, Shige, Rassier... Thanks for sharing pictures and joining the community! Great squidpants by the way! ;)
  20. Iwar


    Second what @Graeme said. Pausinger is great! Welcome to LST
  21. Looks like TAM did some more of these at the Austin Convention. Here's the first one:
  22. Iwar


    Welcome! Really liked the Athena tattoo from your gallery.
  23. If your wife has a problem with you getting a tattoo it's probably a good idea to.... A) Not get tattooed B) Get her on board with it C) Get tattooed behind her back, and face the music you come home I doubt any tattooer would appreciate a client and his/her significant other fight over size, placement, design or anything else for that mather, in the shop.
  24. Always happy to find fellow scandinavians on this board. Where in Sweden are you located @Johannes, and who do you have tattoos from? A group of really good swedish tattooers are visiting Oslo next month actually; Jonas Nyberg, Mikael Harrstedt & Peter Lagergren.
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