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Everything posted by Iwar

  1. @ian and I will be hanging out in SF September 18-22, and we both have appointments with Grime. Ian's doing another session on his back the 19th, and I will be starting mine with two back to back appointments the 20th and 21st. Holler at us if you want to grab a beer or something!
  2. I think you get that if you buy a shirt or donate $ to the site, but I'm not 100% sure. Maybe @steve1461686340 can shed some light?
  3. I can't wait to see that thing in person in a couple of days!!
  4. Ask your artist! What's the big rush anyways? Can't you just get it done when you're back from vacation? That only postpones the tattoo what, 3 weeks?
  5. @onthefly Don't forget to read this: Last Sparrow Tattoo - Newbie Guidelines This part especially: "Do not go posting a bunch of meaningless posts just to hit your 10 post requirement! If you want to ask a question right away - just post it in your intro thread." Welcome to the forum :)
  6. Welcome @JollyRoger
  7. Congrats @Mark Bee !!!! Do we get to see a picture of the happy couple? ;)
  8. @hogg I love that! Thigh action for you next month? What are you getting?
  9. Thanks @Duffa I love all your new additions! The subject of my Garver tattoo is called a Harpy Harpy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It's from greek mythology, and I think it's a little weird that it isn't seen more often in tattooing. Who doesn't like an eagle with tits? :cool: @hogg Getting tattooed by tebori was a real treat and something I've been looking forward to for a long time. Since this was my first tebori experience I don't really have any pain reference, but it wasn't too bad. Less painful than by machine, but slower. Horimasa was super friendly, humble and just an all round great guy. Such a great experience. We actually got it done in Marco Serio's studio since Horimasa was waiting for his own place to get greenlit by the health department. Unfortunately Marco was abroad, but I got to stare at his awesome stencils which were hanging all over the wall while I was getting tattooed :)
  10. [MENTION=3737]kyle[/MENTION]gray AWESOME!!!! Can't wait to see this one.
  11. Looks like we're off to a good start, once again... Great tattoos @Dennis & @Killercook76 Keep em coming!
  12. Giving this thread a long overdue bump! Stewart has posted up a lot of cool stuff at FST: On the Shoulders of Giants | Production diary these last few months. Clips from interviews with Ian Flower, Beau Brady, Danny Woodruff (who transcribes interviews for the upcoming movie) and a few FST regulars who talk about the shop from a clients perspective (and of course shows off the amazing tattoos they've had done there). Can't wait for this to be released!
  13. Hannya by Horimasa Tosui / Harpy by Chris Garver Pretty much healed up...
  14. Hi and welcome @introspect Your arms look great! Is Diego going to do your back as well?
  15. That looks great so far @Duffa Your backpiece has a backpiece!! Does it continue down your ass/back of thighs too?
  16. Nice tattoos!! Welcome to LST
  17. Incredible @WeRnDoG Any chance you'll post pics of the whole thing? Do you have any good spots left for future work, or are you pretty much covered at this point?
  18. Hands down the best game I have ever played, and I've been gaming since commodore 64 and Atari 500 was the shit. Who's with me?
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