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Everything posted by Iwar

  1. I can finally contribute to this thread :) Got tattooed by Bob Roberts today! Picture will follow soon.
  2. Hey @embers are you guys still in LA? For some reason the pm's aren't working, so I figured I'd just ask in this thread.
  3. Welcome to LST! Nice intro.
  4. @BrianH @ironchef Aww, you guys.... :) Like @hogg said, this is totally unnecessary, but damnit, if you guys insist we're not going to try to talk you out of it either ;) On behalf of all of us THANK YOU!!!
  5. In the vast ocean of shit online, I think it's safe to say that Last Sparrow is one of, if not the friendliest place on the internet. At least from what I've encountered. The level of civility here is second to none, and our strong community is build up by members who are truly passionate about keeping LST what it was meant to be from launch. A friendly place for enthusiasts to talk about, share, educate and promote good tattoos. Our community is in fact so strong that the site in most cases moderate itself before any of us has to step in. We're all pretty much on the same page here, and that's rare by internet standards. Sentimental shit aside, I think I'm just trying to say that having this place online to hang out with likeminded people is a reward within itself. I will however say that @steve1461686340 is much more deserving of this than I am. He has kept this site running and improving since the beginning, but since he's kind of a "behind the curtains guy" he rarely gets any credit for it. The hours he's put into building this awesome place deserves to be recognized, so if it's cool with you @ironchef I'd like him to receive the print you're giving away instead of me. Donations to Last Sparrow is also a really nice way to give something back. That way Steve won't have to dig into his own pockets when the server needs replacing or the domain bill shows up in his mailbox. Thanks for being a part of our community @ironchef! It's contributions from members like yourself that makes this site great!
  6. My buddy @ian has hooked me up with a prepaid phone that I'll be using for my entire stay. For anyone interested in meeting up while I'm out there, my phone number will be 805-403-2812. Thanks Ian (aka "The Wolf")
  7. Alright LSTers! New month means new contest. Last month showcased some incredible submissions, but I'm sure this month won't be any less great considering the rate that our members are collecting (and in some cases creating) insane tattoos! LST Monthly Contest The tattoo picture that gets posted in this thread for September 2013 with the most 'likes' for the month wins! The contest starts on the first of the month and ends on the last day of the month. Contest Guidelines Your tattoo picture must be posted in this thread (both tattooers and tattoo customers can win) in order to qualify. Include with your photo/post...tattoo artist name & tattoo shop. You MUST be the one who has the tattoo or did the tattoo. You can 'like' as many tattoos as you want. It can be a finished or in progress tattoo. To increase your 'likes' or to show off another's great tattoo share the link to the post in this thread on facebook, twitter, etc. - to get votes from your friends.. It's on!!
  8. Time to make it official then! Winner of August 2013 tattoo of the month is @Graeme with his jaw droppingly beautful Thomas Hooper sleeve Congratulations!! Thanks everyone for your submissions. Super excited to see what September has in store for us!! Please PM @steve1461686340 with your shirt info (size and male or female) along with your address.
  9. Just out of curiosity, why do you book these crazy marathon, back to back sessions? Do you have to travel real far to get the work? To get tattooed that intensely in such a short amount of time must be a real strain on your body. How you manage to mentally prepare yourself for a stretch like that, I have no idea :confused:
  10. Looks like @Graeme came out on top in the August contest! Such a tight race between him and @Wilhell all the way to the end. Can't wait to see what this month brings!! Congrats @Graeme!! Your arm is fucking AMAZING!!!!
  11. Welcome @sighthound. Rad tattoos!!
  12. Awesome!! I loved when he showed off the tattoos on his arms. "These are rare" :) It was interesting to hear Ed speak of the whole clothing line craze too.
  13. Iwar

    Say hey.

    Welcome to the forum Dick!
  14. The best spam filter on LST right there
  15. Welcome John! Cool painting!!
  16. If that's the case you're getting tattooed at the wrong places. Why would you get a tattoo from someone whom you can't trust for input and guidance? If you tell us where you're located we can maybe recommend some good shops in you area instead.
  17. Great plan @steve1461686340 So looking forward to this!
  18. Gaaawd!!! So many cool tattoos being posted in this thread lately. I absolutely love this one!! Been thinking of shunga for my own pits for a while (although I once swore i'd never get my pits done. Ha!) but I'm not sure if I have the balls to get that type of imagery tattoed on me yet.
  19. Dude, that's awesome!! If your other tattoos are half as cool as that one please feel free to post more ;)
  20. I don't really see any problems with what's been said so far in this thread, but let's stick to the subject of how they differ pain-wise from a clients perspective here on out. - - - Updated - - - I've been tattooed with rotary machines a couple times, and in my experience it was a little less painful than the coils.
  21. Iwar

    Yo, LST!

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