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Everything posted by Iwar

  1. The other day I came across this piece by Chad Koeplinger And it got me thinking... I´ve seen quite a few tattoos done by respected artists with the swastika symbol incorporated in it. I assume that the majority of the members of this board already know that different variations of this symbol has been present for thousands of years before it was adopted by the nazi party in the 1920`s, but for most people today it is commonly assosiated with some form of white supremacism. Atleast in the Western part of the world. I´m sure none of the tattoos I just referred to was done with that ideoligy behind it, but almost anyone who sees a tattoo like that will immediately draw that conclusion. It makes me wonder why anyone wants it tattooed at all (even if it is a different variation of it and for completely different reasons). In the bonus episode of Tattoo Age Freddy Corbin mentioned that not even the Indian people would want the swastika symbol tattooed on them, despite it being represented throughout their religious artwork. I believe the swastika in the Koeplinger tattoo is the buddhist variation, but please correct me if I`m wrong. ..................................... (I´ve considered back and forth on whether or not to post this thread as I don´t want to offend anyone or start an unhealthy discussion. I´ll leave it up to @dari , @hogg , @steve1461686340 and the other moderators to decide it´s worth a shot.)
  2. I signed up to Netflix yesterday and spent the whole evening watching Terriers. Great show that unfortunately got cancelled after only one season.
  3. I need to stop posting on here while drinking... An ex girlfriend of mine made me sit through the first couple seasons of it, and I tell you man, that shit´s like heroin. I´m just glad it´s in its final season so I can lay it to rest soon and never speak of it again.
  4. Thoughts? Official Ink Master Series Trailer | Free Video Clips | SPIKE It´s not going to be the new Tattoo Age or Gipsy Gentleman, that´s for sure. Something tells me that the focus is going to be more on scripted drama rather than the tattoos, at least judging from the trailer. Oliver Peck is in it though :)
  5. I´ll play! 1.) Personal high of 2011? San Francisco trip by far 2.) Personal low of 2011? Not sure if I want to share that on a public forum 3.) Best LST Thread? Latest tattoo lowdown 4.) Worst LST Thread? Whatever threads Bubbleberry started 5.) Favorite tattoo (on you): I love all the tattoos I got this year equally believe it or not 6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else): @hogg ´s Lehi tigers 7.) Favorite artist? Since I bought IRON WILL earlier this year I´ve been puring over it every other week, so if I have to pick only one I´ll have to go with Grime 8.) Best/Worst movie: I´ve seen a ton of crap this year, but the only good one I can think of at the moment is Red State 9.) Best/Worst album: The best is probably City and Colour - Little Hell. I don´t know which is worst, but I´ll say the Metallica/Lou Reed album even though I haven´t heard a single song from it. 10.) Biggest guilty pleasure: Fuck dude, you had to ask... Okay, I´m sort of enjoying the latest season of Desperate Housewives. I feel like I´m setting the bar pretty high on this one. 11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend: Not sure. Didn´t attend too many concerts this year unfortunately. 12.) Sum up the year in one word: Pretty, pretty, pretty good. Oh, and I´m adding one: 13.) Best television series (I´m a television series whore!) Louie
  6. Unfortunately I couldn´t get a pantherhead or something to properly cover this one due to the tight space, but I think Marius did a fine job making me hate it alot less.
  7. I know these have been posted several times in different threads, but not from this angle I think.
  8. Awesome! A lot of LSTérs with filler-spiders on their arms now :)
  9. The print is 46x33" (or 118x84cm if you´re on the metric system) He sells them in two sizes through his website: http://www.mariusmeyer.com/
  10. Screw painrelieving ointments! I want to be in a state of deep hypnosis when I get my next tattoo :D Can´t wait for this book to come out!
  11. Buying a king size print from one of your favorite artists, getting it framed properly, hanging it on your wall and taking two steps back. I´ve been staring at the original hanging by Marius´ station for hours while getting tattooed, so when he decided to make giclee prints of it I had to rape my wallet and buy one. Stoked!
  12. You must be stoked! What are you getting?
  13. I believe the skull and rose is one and same design, not two different tattoos. And for the record, I ain´t squatting no dirty old basement, that´s just creepy. @hogg ´s nice and cozy bedroom closet is a different story. Too far? Anyways, back on topic. I like a little bit of bare space between tattoos, and I´m personally not a big fan of the ol´stars and dots. Or, I like them, just not something I would want to fill the gaps. I´ve played with the thought of maybe adding some smoke-like shading in between the tattoos on my right arm eventually, but that might be a really dumb idea since I have yet to see something like that (which I assume there is a reason for)
  14. In my mission to secretly become the norwegian eqivalent of @hogg I´ve decided to rip off all his tattoo ideas, shave my head and grow a beard. My beard-growing abilities aren´t up to par yet, despite me turning 30 in three weeks, but I managed to steal one of his filler idea´s the other day. Worst thing is I even ripped off the placement, haha!
  15. Really like that smokegirl.
  16. The Read Street forum has a section for that: Tattoodles :: Tattoo Forums, Tattoo Chat Rooms
  17. claudia de sabe also deserves to be mentioned in this thread.
  18. Back when I started this thread I mentioned James Tex in the first post. He recently posted these backpieces on his website, and they made me want to mention him just one more time. Anyone want to join me for a trip to Calgary in the near future?
  19. Anyone know if there´s any new episodes of this coming soon? The website hasn´t been updated for ages... Have you heard anything @Valerie Vargas?
  20. Order placed! Please make white ones next time 'round. I have a thing for white t-shirts for some reason.
  21. Iwar

    Hi from NYC!

    Have you decided on an artist yet @goldocat ?
  22. Awesome episode. Really hope they follow through with a second season. I regret not booking an appointment with Freddy before I my trip to SF. Next time!
  23. and it was LST´s very own community leader @gougetheeyes :D I ripped this lovely photo from facebook. Hope you don´t mind Patrick. Congrats man!!
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