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Everything posted by Iwar

  1. Then take look at this "Spencer Kmyta" tattoo And compare it to the original @Valerie Vargas tattoo which he obviously tried to rip off It's like the second picture in his online portfolio! The fucking nerves on this dude.... Same thing happened to @Stefan Johnsson a little while back (different hack though)
  2. @dcostello makes a good point. What could be cool though is if the front page had a picture generator of some sort where you could get a bunch of random photos from the gallery and push the like button on those you....ehm...like, with the option to leave a comment. I don`t know if this is possible, but maybe that could boost some traffic in the gallery section.
  3. Iwar

    Calling @MsRad

    I almost OD´d on cuteness. Your job is awesome! Great to have you back @MsRad :) (I mistyped "great to shave your back" on my first try. True story.
  4. You`re a lucky guy @jade1955. Wish I had a cock like that on me! :D (I predict a whole lot of cock compliments coming your way)
  5. Seconds before I clicked on this thread the LST homepage generated this picture from @ross nagle 's gallery: mask | Tattoo Gallery | Last Sparrow Tattoo
  6. I totally agree @slayer9019 And there`s always the inner thighs I guess... (and if some stranger manages to sneak a peak there I`ll probably have other things to worry about than being confronted with religious dillemmas) Sorry for getting off topic here. Maybe this subject needs a thread of its own.
  7. Holy balls! I hope you`ll share pictures once it`s finished!
  8. One of the greatest contributors to the LST forum @MsRad seems to have fallen off the face of the earth (or this board at least) the last few months. I wish she would join us again, and I bet I`m not the only one.
  9. I agree with you train of thought @hogg , but I`m pretty sure most will perceive a religious tattoo as a dedication to someones faith as opposed to picking a design purely because it makes for a great tattoo. I can imagine getting asked a lot of stupid questions if I get it done, so I think I`ll just save myself the hassle and get panthers, daggers, skulls and flowers instead ;) Hell, most people can`t even believe that none of my tattoos have any deeper meaning than me just being really fascinated with tattoos and tattoo imagery.
  10. Great thread! 1) I like to be as vague as possible. Seing the stencil for the first time is half the fun for me. 2) The only situation I see myself asking the artist to change the design is if he/she has included some symbolism that I can`t relate to. We`ve already talked about swastikas in a different thread ;) I`m atheist so I probably won´t have any religious imagery tattooed, despite how much I adore the look of it. I usually decide on design after I know who I`m able to book in with. I have no idea what I want to get tattooed next, but if suddenly, say Chad Koeplinger is doing a guestspot in town I wouldn`t have much problem coming up with something on the spot.
  11. Yes. It used to pop up in the notification box as "new picture comment" or something like that.
  12. I just noticed a few of the pictures in my gallery had been commented on without me getting notifications. Bug?
  13. Iwar


    Scott Sylvia - 2011 - Blackheart Tattoo
  14. Iwar

    White Tiger

    Tim Lehi - 2011 - Blackheart Tattoo
  15. Iwar

    Samurai Skull

    Grime - 2011 - Skull and Sword
  16. Welcome @todo_es_gravy That chestpiece is something else. Also the Burk tiger. Did you get any other tattoos while visiting San Francisco? What's on your back btw?
  17. That looks great @Duffa Can't wait to see more pictures and read about your trip when you post your blog.
  18. I think you should have taken @ian 's advice... I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or be a dick, but when you ask "what do you guys think?" on a tattoo forum I assume you want honest opinions be it positive or negative.
  19. Mjølner, or Thors hammer if you will, is actually one of the most common tattoos I see around my neck of the woods. I think it's a lame ass design for a tattoo, but I never considered it racist or offensive. Same goes for runes. Plenty of norwegians get their name, their kids names, their dogs name etc in runes. The norwegian flag on the other hand is more of a tabu to get tattooed here and will more likely be associated with racism than runes or mjølner.
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