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Everything posted by Iwar

  1. Any LST'ers attending the Family Business pre-party tonight? Family Business annual party — The Family Business Tattoo Shop
  2. Another fine addition to an already breathtaking collection @Dhopper
  3. The first episode of the second season is up!!! Tattoo Age | VICE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRSygfrbZCo
  4. Got this little Dietzel filler from Tony Nilsson on the opening day of Blue Arms Tattoo a few weeks back.
  5. I think The Sailors Grave might be an appointment only shop, but you can always phone ahead and ask.
  6. I hate you @WeRnDoG ;) I remember your Grime piece (as I see it roughly every other week while I'm flipping through the IRON WILL book) I had forgotten that you also had a Shige piece. Did you go to Japan for that one, or did you catch an appointment at a convention?
  7. Iwar


    Sounds like you've collected some killer work there. Hope you decide to share some pictures with us. Welcome to LST!
  8. @WeRnDoG that is absolutely stunning!!! Stoked for you man. Who did the squidpants on your left leg? Do you have pictures of that somewhere?
  9. Iwar

    Foot Tattoo

    This happened yesterday. I'm going back in a couple weeks to finish them. Marius also gave me this awesome original painting. I had trouble sleeping because of how bad they hurt afterwards.
  10. So they're only going to feature three tattooers this time around, or are they waiting to announce the last two? Does anyone know? Not that I'm complaining. I'm beyond excited that it's coming back.
  11. Iwar


    Hi and welcome! Who's doing your viking ship tattoo?
  12. Iwar

    Foot Tattoo

    Marius will be doing them. We had to reschedule my appointment unfortunately, but hopefully I'll have them done within a week or so.
  13. Iwar

    Foot Tattoo

    I'm getting both my feet tattooed tommorrow. I prefer the matching look, so I'm getting a shishi and a baku.
  14. I just wanted to say that I love your blog, and I stop by every day for updates. Keep it up @Our Endless Days
  15. I like them all, but if someone twisted my arm I'd have to go with #1.
  16. Iwar

    New Member

    Hello and welcome!
  17. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss @Androosh I can't relate as I still have both my parents, but you have my deepest condolences. Great story about your uncle by the way.
  18. Chir Grosso just announced on his instagram that @Valerie Vargas will be featured in season 2!! I am beyond stoked that it's coming back!
  19. I'm visiting the London convention for the first time this year. Who else is going? Tattooers: Do you have available appointments still? If yes; how do you arrange your booking?
  20. Here's a better photo of the tattoo Bailey Robinson did
  21. Found a short article about Horitomo's involvement in designing the tattoos for the characters in the Yakuza video game series. Has anyone played any of these games? Horitomo-san began tattooing in 1992, although at the time he was not versed in the art of traditional Japanese tattooing. Instead, he focused his studies on the western style of tattoo artistry at a street tattoo studio. At that time studios which advertised their services openly on the streets of Japan were a real rarity. Following his initial studies, Horitomo-san went on to work at various tattoo studios based in Tokyo and Osaka. In the meantime, he was also actively taking part in various tattoo conventions, including shows in Amsterdam and Spain. In 2001, he finally began to learn traditional Japanese tattooing from a master of the style. Four years later, Kikuchi-san (producer of the Yakuza series), saw some of Horitomo-san’s work in a magazine which featured several of the best traditional Japanese tattoo artists of the time. He was impressed by what he saw and decided to get in touch with Horitomo-san at his workplace in Yokohama and ask him to be a part of the team for the first Yakuza game. He has continued his relationship with the team ever since that time.
  22. Really? This shit's Bubbleberry all over again. Someone please swing the hammer and end this. I'm convinced that threads like these are the reason so many tattoo artists have stopped posting on this site. Do we really want to lose the few that have stuck around??
  23. I giggled Yorkshireman has 15 Miley Cyrus tattoos | The Sun |News
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