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Everything posted by Iwar

  1. Iwar

    Hey there

    Welcome @Inkless I'm not familiar with the artist you mention, but here's a couple links to some good shops I know of in your area. Tattoo Paradise Jinx Proof Tattoos
  2. Iwar

    hey y'all!

    Welcome to LST Brian
  3. Stoked for you guys! Congrats on the new place :D
  4. I'm in with Chris Garver while he's guesting in Amsterdam in June. I'll most likely get a harpy on the side of my thigh.
  5. That's awesome! Someone should make a junk food flash set at some point. I don't have any problems with the my knee now, except that it looks a little freaky because of the swelling. Getting it was a bitch though. It sucks that I have one more to go.
  6. @lving4today That tiger... Wow! Pizzaface was cool too. Flash or your idea?
  7. Started this with Koeplinger a couple days ago. It's incredibly swollen, so it was hard to get a decent shot of it.
  8. Holy shit @ironchef That water is insane!! I think he mentioned earlier that Henning did both his arms and thigh @BrianH
  9. First of all, you should have read the newbie guide: Last Sparrow Tattoo - Newbie Guidelines Do not go posting a bunch of meaningless posts just to hit your 10 post requirement! If you want to ask a question right away - just post it in your intro thread. Your first ten posts consisted solely of "Welcome" and "LMAO".... You could just as easily have posted this in an introduction thread. Second of all, why are you asking us for opinions when it seems as you've already made up your mind?
  10. It's basically like instagram, only with short video loops instead of pictures. My username is Iwar. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/vine/id592447445?mt=8
  11. What is there to think about? Cancel your appointment with her, forfeit the deposit if needed, then get tattooed by someone you're confident will to do a good job. - - - Updated - - - What is there to think about? Cancel your appointment with her, forfeit the deposit if needed, then get tattooed by someone you're confident will to do a good job.
  12. Are you planning to post some pictures of your tattoos soon, Johannes? I want to see that skull/rose/eagle bodysuit.
  13. @ironchef You are my hero!! Welcome to LST and thanks for sharing pictures (and backstories) of your amazing tattoos.
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