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  1. Healed many many tattoos now over the last few years with tegaderm. The only time I've had the red irritation issue on the edge of the tegaderm was when it was applied too stretched in the first place, or at a weird angle on a spot that moves a lot. (This is yet another unfinished piece, more coming shortly to finish in a last session for background, etc.)
  2. I saw you posted about tegaderm and I have a couple questions. I got a tattoo about 4 days ago and the artist put tegaderm on it. After the 4 days it started to pull up from the edge and had an awful smell. So I took it off and reapplied new piece. I totally forgot you're supposed to have the person "glove up". 1.) Is it a bad idea to pull off and reapply after a few days? 2.) How bad is it that the person who reapplied didn't glove up? 

    Thank you!

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  3. Damn, have t been here in a long time, glad my thread has kept itself going. Still using tegaderm on any and all tattoos.... A few reminders/bullshit I've picked up along the way. Definitely out extra pieces on if the edges start to curl, or instead of wasting tegaderm you can just use a few strips of medical tape to hold on... Do not take off and reapply , REALLY bad decision... If you aren't super sketched out by trying this, don't! You'll drive the price of tegaderm up for the rest of us ... Do NOT use bactine or anything similar as a topical prior to putting on the tegaderm, the ingredients in bactine reduce the effectiveness of the glue on the sheets... Have fun, happy healing! - - - Updated - - - Oh another tip.... Stop putting this shit on RIGHT after your appointment!!!! I don't know who started this horrible advice, but that's what it is, shit advice. Wait until you're done with the initial plasma push, then shower, clean, apply tegaderm. My plasma push usually is all done within about 6 hours... I get a clean and wrap from artist, San and rewrP for bed short after, then do tegaderm in the AM - - - Updated - - - And I've got about 60 hours needle time that's been covered using this method, this isn't just guessing
  4. Healed.... Sorry for the shitty lighting
  5. Just popping in... Got another 7 hours on my owl coverup piece yesterday. Fresh and clean next morning Wrapped up Ended up using two 8x12 Tegaderm sheets to cover. For all the cost nazis out there, yes that means I spent a whole 8 dollars to heal my (to this point... in progress) 2500 dollar tattoo. Will leave on 3-4 days and then resume lotioning after I remove. Will post healed pics as well
  6. It's not you man, just overall get a big downer vibe from guys when I mention it. Even at other tattoo shops. Everybody tends to act like it's some gimmick, when in reality it's a super common method for healing all sorts of injuries. Hopefully someone else who is looking for info will find this thread anyhow, it's got good info on timing, application, etc. Later fellas
  7. I've used it right up to my knee ditch, worked great. Just gotta bend your limb to its natural resting position before applying and should be all good
  8. Definitely don't change anything if your methods work well already, this is just for folks who may need a little extra help, or maybe need a little extra protection for comfortability... My main focus is always on my tattooer. I spend thousands on tattoos, I make sure they're good ones (now, haha) and because of that reason I look towards making sure they heal properly. Tegaderm has worked really well for me, just wanted other people's thoughts on how they use it and their experience. for some reason this thread has elicited a negative response just talking about it. Wasn't the intention. Feel free to post anything you want here guys, I'm unsubbing from my own thread, haha. Happy healing everyone, no matter how you do it !
  9. Ya.... I criticize people that haven't used it and then come to a thread dedicated I the method of healing and downplay it's effectiveness without trying, or give "my buddy said" advice... Bottom line is there isn't a single person that used it and said their tattoos didn't heal equal to or better than any other way they've tried... So now that I found a rad aftercare product, I have to be a company rep? Hilarious. Not shilling for a company, just a regular guy trying to spread the word on a product that revolutionized my own personal healing process. Nobody has to be here in this thread, it wasn't meant to spring discussion about whether or not you like something that you've never even used
  10. @scubaron Yes except it's not a theory, it's science. Some folks around the industry like to poo poo anything "new", forgetting that this has had real world application for DECADES and directly translates to healing a tattoo.
  11. No hard feelings... And ya I totally get the owner reaction of "you want me to pay for what?" Haha. I think a bunch of "high end" custom type studios are moving towards -Derm products, but I bet it's another decade before we see it in random street shops
  12. Dude, I'm an accountant covered in tattoos.... I lobby for no company
  13. I'm not shitting on old school healing methods, I've used them my whole life up until now and have only had maybe 4 rough heals out of maybe 30 sessions. But I am saying 100% that if you don't heal perfectly 100% of the time then it's batshit crazy to not try something new. As far as the cost goes? It's so negligible that it's silly to even discuss cost, but if a tattooer doesn't want to fork over the couple bucks why couldn't he or she just pass on the cost?
  14. Sure, vinyl works great, but most people have moved on due to advancements. I love how a product which has not a single complaint, costs 4 bucks for an enormous sheet, and has had every user praise it for one reason or another.... Is called an "expensive" "gimmick"... Give me a break. Will some people heal fine and not notice improvement using it? Maybe.... But why are we spending thousands and thousands on tattoos and all the other care items, just to scoff at something that genuinely works? Just because something is considered a standard doesn't mean all people have to use it (rotary vs. cool anyone?), but lets not pretend like the majority of people wouldn't benefit, it's horseshit
  15. @Diehardonvhs ... It's like 4 bucks for an 8" x 12" sheet. Expensive? Smaller sheets even cheaper. If I were an artist I would want to take the idiot factor out of the healing process... I mean, how many great tattoos have probably been ruined by dirtball clients that don't heal them correctly?
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