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Everything posted by TattooedMumma

  1. yeah sun exposure is a biggie. I have to get somebody else to apply the sun cream to be sure its being done properly. Even so, it has been victim of sunburn a few times sadly. - - - Updated - - - yeah sun exposure is a biggie. I have to get somebody else to apply the sun cream to be sure its being done properly. Even so, it has been victim of sunburn a few times sadly.
  2. Welcome Joyce :) I just had a look at your instagram. Glad you posted a link! How long have you been tattoing?
  3. Welcome! Lovely tattoos. Look forward to seeing these next two you are planning! Care to share your ideas?
  4. I found this on pinterest of all places. Sadly no mention of who did it. The photo doesn't link on either.
  5. So my husband and I were talking about tattoos recently and I said I want to be covered (barring hands neck and face). I am pretty sure he squealed on the inside before saying "If you want them, I'll buy them for you!!" He is mulling over an idea of his too which got me thinking about the whole meaningful tattoo vs that just looks fucking awesome. I am a fan of both. My husband has a mix of both. The few I currently have and the next few projects I am working on are all meaningful ones, but I do see myself getting something just because I like how it looks and nothing more. As a kid I liked tattoos. Which in a way is odd, because I am talking from back when my parents were still together, so around 6 years old , when we lived on a farm in the late 80's early 90's. Not too many tattooed people to come across there. The tattooed people I did see were bands on rage and video smash hits of a weekend (Australian music video shows for those playing at home) . I was constantly drawing on myself and getting my older sisters to draw on me. I just knew that one day I would get tattoos. Its only the lack of funding that has really prevented me from already being covered. Fast forward to when I was 9-12 and living with my Dad, I discovered his stash of tattoo magazines. I would flick through those things for hours. I am pretty sure I heard a choir of angels the first time I opened one! Dad was always talking about getting a tattoo but we were barely able to eat and pay rent let alone afford him a tattoo. So it never happened. I moved around a bit , moving back with Mum during my teen years and then as a way of removing myself from a toxic relationship I moved back to Dad. A year later at 19 I got my first tattoo. There were only two shops to choose from (travel wasn't an option for me so local it was). The first shop I went into, they were busy so I was looking at the flash on the wall when they walked right by me, left and locked the door! Yeah, great first impression. They came back after half an hour or more (there was no way to unlock from the inside either) . So I went to the next shop and that's where I got the tattoo! It was to signify that new step, new life, transformation and all that jazz. Seven butterflies from the front of my right hip (first one sitting quite close inside my undies line) and they wrapped up over my hip with the last two sitting closer to my back. I knew I wanted more but, funds or lack of kind of got in the way. I met my husband the following year and we soon started a family. Twin girls first up. Yeah those poor butterflies were never going to be the same again :D (during twin pregnancy back in 2007) after third daughter, Those poor butterflies have been through a lot. But I don't want them covered. I have considered adding to it or getting it fixed somehow. But then again I am a sentimental bastard who loves it even more now. I have considered work on my stomach but part of me doesn't want the stretchmarks covered. Each time I look at them I think of those pregnancies. I didn't get any extra with my single pregnancies, but those twins. I had stretchmarks on top of stretchmarks and they bled like a bitch. They were so painful. But its all part of the big picture you know. We had another little girl and with that I wanted a tattoo for my kids. I mulled over a few ideas , in the end going with stars and just their first initials. I headed back to the first shop I went to back in 2004. (It was now 2010) . By now a third shop had opened (Conspiracy ink, and then changed to Conspiracy tattoo) but I just felt comfortable going back to where it began. The shop had relocated, from an arcade now to a street front shop. Mauz had another bloke in there too and it was him, Drew, who did the letters and stars. I bought with me font that I liked, Drew had a look and made it look better, I flicked through their stars folder but went with standard 5 point stars. [/img] earlier this year I began thinking of other tattoo ideas. I fucking love skulls so that was going to be an idea (possibly a bit later on) . I started looking at symbology etc related to tattoos too. I really like the stories behind it all. I love traditional and I love Japanese tattoos , but don't feel I could do it justice (I personally feel I would need to deicate an entire space like whole arm or leg etc to it). But I came up with an idea of a raccoon on my right thigh and an owl on my left. Raccoon is all about me, owl is all about my belief system. Well that didn't come to fruition as soon as I had hoped! Husband lost his job (company went into liquidation) , I was in and out of work, youngest daughter was in and out of hospital. Shit times basically! Fast forward a few more years and I then started thinking about my arms. My family isn't what you call a close knit family. Lots of issues over the years. But it is what it is . It is the only family I have ,regardless. So I wanted something to do with them. I am having my right arm for the men (not all just some. some uncles are just too dodgy) and the left arm for the ladies. I was going to wait until I had my thighs done seeing I wanted them done for so bloody long. But when one of my Pop's died, I thought fuck it. I will start it now. He and my other Pop (who passed when I was 15) were both pipe smokers. It is one thing I really remember about them both. The smell, watching them clean and pack. So that's what I went with. Something a friend of mine is dead against. Personally I don't give a shit what you get. You want every single tattoo to have 500 meanings? Go for it. You just like the stories or traditions behind certain tattoos? Go for it. You just like the image itself regardless of if it holds a meaning or not? Go for it. Its a thing called personal choice and interest. Yet she tends to get completely hung up on the idea as if her way is the only way. anyway... So that's the journey so far. Nothing overly exciting, earth shattering or revolutionary. But that's how it started and where I am at now.
  6. If this is where you want it then go for it. It is an easy spot, i had my 2nd/3rd there. My first was my hip , wrapping around toward my back. Like you said a tank top will be fine. I had a scoop neck tee on that was super loose so just popped one arm out for the lower section. Look forward to seeing what you get! - - - Updated - - - If this is where you want it then go for it. It is an easy spot, i had my 2nd/3rd there. My first was my hip , wrapping around toward my back. Like you said a tank top will be fine. I had a scoop neck tee on that was super loose so just popped one arm out for the lower section. Look forward to seeing what you get! - - - Updated - - - Calling today to see if I am able to book myself in for next tuesday to get this thigh piece done! Im so excited! Though it may fall around when Im due for a period. Ahwell , I know my skin is usually more sensitive during but should be right. - - - Updated - - - Calling today to see if I am able to book myself in for next tuesday to get this thigh piece done! Im so excited! Though it may fall around when Im due for a period. Ahwell , I know my skin is usually more sensitive during but should be right.
  7. the back sounds exciting! If I ever get the pleasure of being tattooed by somebody like W.T or Emily Rose Murray , I will do the same, get them to tattoo something they love or just give a loose idea (I love the way you do ladies or animals, go for it!). Cant wait to see what Saturday brings! - - - Updated - - - the back sounds exciting! If I ever get the pleasure of being tattooed by somebody like W.T or Emily Rose Murray , I will do the same, get them to tattoo something they love or just give a loose idea (I love the way you do ladies or animals, go for it!). Cant wait to see what Saturday brings!
  8. Thank you for sharing the end result with me! It looks brilliant, gotta be pretty stoked about it! - - - Updated - - - Thank you for sharing the end result with me! It looks brilliant, gotta be pretty stoked about it!
  9. I clearly haven't been looking in the right places! WOW!! I often get jealous looking at brilliant full on torso pieces on men, having not ever (yeah , ever) seen something like that on a woman. Everything I had seen lead me to believe that our magnificent bodies (all shapes and sizes, a woman's body is pretty bloody fabulous in my eyes) some how hindered us in some way when it came to such pieces. As though we were somehow limited because our breasts broke up the torso too much. Above breast / chest tattoo. Sternum. Under bust. Some torso work only. Wow, not at all, how wrong was I to ever let what I had seen, become all there was. So brilliant!!!
  10. Exciting stuff! So what are you getting this saturday and what do you have planned for your back?
  11. These are great! Must say, thats the first lava lamp Ive seen too!
  12. Started a job as a Teachers Aide! Day off today though just being a thread whore it would seem. Other awesomeness.... trail running. Did my first half last november. Hit a slump and now looking for an event to train for to get that motivation back ;)
  13. Welcome to LST Cass! You'll love it here :) I'd love to see some of your work if you are keen to share! I love seeing how an artist decides/ manages to cover up tattoos!
  14. Hi :) Welcome!My name is Cherie, I am from Australia. You're definitely in the right place. So where are you from? Do you already have some tattoos or are you looking for further info before getting your first? Read through threads, ask questions, use the search bar to see if there is a hidden amswer from older posts and drool over the tattoo gallery :)
  15. Have just come back to this thread and seen these extra posts! KEEP THEM COMING! Oh I love ogling thigh pieces. Husband's work went into liquidation, lack of funds, daughter in and out of hospital, surgeries, needless to say fast forward 3 years and I still don't have my thighs done! But that is all about to change, (again shit just keeps happening, was meant to get one started over Christmas period, then Jan, then Feb and well now it is March and I tell you what It is bloody well going to happen this month!!) I was tossing between nautical and my animals. I have FINALLY settled ( promise) on the animals. So once again, I am handing out an excuse to show off your thighs :)
  16. Hi I did see that we should expect to experience some bugs etc with site maintenance and was wondering if this was one. I have noticed my responses dont post just the once. They automatically double post to the thread (so there will be my response, then a line that says updated and the exact same response under it). I hadnt noticed it happening to anyone else though. Just thought I would let you know it was happening though. Cheers.
  17. Its Tuesday lunchtime here in Australia (edst) . So I am assuming you either just had it done, are about to or possibly just on your way? (Basically no idea on time zone just that its monday for you by now haha) keen to see the end product! Checked out the link!! - - - Updated - - - Its Tuesday lunchtime here in Australia (edst) . So I am assuming you either just had it done, are about to or possibly just on your way? (Basically no idea on time zone just that its monday for you by now haha) keen to see the end product! Checked out the link!!
  18. Ive replied here about first tattoo, but I didnt get a semi negative experience until my pipes on my arm. Id been planning (im a planner, I like to work out how it will look in the end) my arms for some time and had most of it worked out (family men theme going on). When my paternal grandfather passed , on a whim I went stuff it im starting it now with his. Which actually has ended up being for both grandfathers (both avid pipe smokers. Maternal Grandfather had pipes for all occasions, Paternal Grandfather just had his favorite ) . Anyway. That afternoon I am sitting in the car, waiting in a carpark when Dad spots me and pops over for a chat. I moved my arm, resting it on the door/open window as I normally do when Dad sees my tattoo and screws his face up asking what it was (really meaning why there) so I said in my usual smart arse fashion... its a pipe tattoo. cue further grimacing and a question what for. I told him for pop and he was obviously not super impressed. Either because its a fairly constantly visible tattoo or because its his dad (issues there, bad history). Anyway a few hours later he must have got over himself because he ended up texting , probing more about the tattoo and "so what are ya gonna get for me when I cark it? " To which I said id get it before he did, told him what of and he jist said "cool!" Which, is a lot coming Dad. Man of few words lol. So that was that. No more grief.
  19. Have you been to an indoor play center before? I would not want to sit for a tattoo and listen to that. Coming from a Mum of four who works with kids. Im used to kids noise, but yeah no thanks.
  20. http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-advice/4126-chest-pieces-ladies-page4.html just linking a ladies chest thread here. I often drool over mens torso pieces and cant help but utter "lucky bastards" seeing men can do full front of torso with nothing breaking up the area. I found this thread which has great advice but also an absolute drool tastic lady chest piece . Love it!! I feel the same as the lady who started the chest thread t6hough. I personally cant pull off a whole torso . I had twins straight up. I had stretchmarks appearing on top of stretch marks which bled like a bitch and were itchy and painful as hell. Two more kids to boot means no stomach tattoos for this little black duck. I also wouldnt get my breasts done, not due to sagging etc. I dont know I just wouldnt. So again, further restiction means under bust (and not even a massive under bust tattoo due to scars from having gall bladder removed which left raised scars not just little lines) ... to either a piece above bust or sternum tattoo. - - - Updated - - - http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-advice/4126-chest-pieces-ladies-page4.html just linking a ladies chest thread here. I often drool over mens torso pieces and cant help but utter "lucky bastards" seeing men can do full front of torso with nothing breaking up the area. I found this thread which has great advice but also an absolute drool tastic lady chest piece . Love it!! I feel the same as the lady who started the chest thread t6hough. I personally cant pull off a whole torso . I had twins straight up. I had stretchmarks appearing on top of stretch marks which bled like a bitch and were itchy and painful as hell. Two more kids to boot means no stomach tattoos for this little black duck. I also wouldnt get my breasts done, not due to sagging etc. I dont know I just wouldnt. So again, further restiction means under bust (and not even a massive under bust tattoo due to scars from having gall bladder removed which left raised scars not just little lines) ... to either a piece above bust or sternum tattoo.
  21. Ok so first off I am guessing you havent had a chat the to the artist yet and soon is a loose term. Getting a star and getting a sleeve started require different things (more or less discussion time : hey I like this star vs discussing the finer details of covering an entire arm, then time requirements... first or only session sitting time, references etc) So a realistic underwater theme full sleeve with that particular star? I'm trying to see how the two could tie in. The star is very geometric, sharp edges, not at all natural. Then you have sea life. No straight edges, all flowing beautifully together regardless of what actual sea creatures you go with. Personally, when I look at the two concepts, they just don't flow together. If you want the star, get it. But I am just struggling to see how it can work in a nature theme . Just my oppinion.
  22. Holy shit a future tatto I am getting for my father just screams daddy issues in that case ?
  23. Just checked out the photos! Sensational!! Props to anyone who can get their nipples done! Seriously some days if I look at mine the wrong way they ache. I did see a tattoo in a magazine recently, full front torso piece on a man and he had his nips done. It looked great and made sense really. Like previously mentioned, if they haopen to fall smack dab in the tattoo it can look odd if they arent done. Then again I have seen other chest or full torso pieces where they leave the nipples, but because the tattoo itself is so bloody brilliant it doesnt even matter. I guess I'm a fence sitter?
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