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Everything posted by TattooedMumma

  1. A girlfriend of mine git both knees done at once and hated life for it. I am FULLY expecting that experience ๐Ÿ˜† but I'll lie to myself and say it will be easy And I agree on elbow ditch being easy. Haven't done knee ditches yet Added a beautiful lady head to the left ankle. Spicy going , would do shins again over this spot again lol.
  2. The boys were saying the same thing, so I'm holding out hope that I have an easy experience with knees ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿฝ
  3. Nah the worst for me so far has been front of thigh. Elbow just felt weird right on the knobby bit and that was the only bit that "hurt". Shins were fine, I'd do shins every day of the week over the front of thigh again. Second shin done! So happy with the pair of them. I'm loving the colours in the torch. I'm still amazed by how easy they were to get, I fully expected to hate it. Kyle and Binger bith agreed that calves suck and shins are easy. I found the calves fine for the most part, it was near the Achilles that sucked and the healing. Not looking forward to inner calf though, that will be tender no doubt! Same with knees , I expect to tap out with my knees lol ๐Ÿ˜†
  4. Thanks guys, keen for Fridays appointment- the shins will look good once paired up! The tips of the flames were probably the worst of it for me. Helps I'm a fatty I guess ๐Ÿ˜„
  5. First for the year! Double -ended candle on my right shin. Heading back Friday arvo for the other shin.
  6. Thursday I got the cherries touched up and added the skull cherries . Andrew had a cancellation so I snavelled the appointment. Kyle is happy with how the seahorse and elbow are healing. He said he will add the extra lines into the peony , so I'm just waiting for a free appointment to pop up as he is pretty well booked til Dec. Think I'll throw another peony on the other elbow while I'm there. The pic showing both legs is taken in selfish mode so it's a reversed image (messes with my mind seeing tattoos on the wrong legs ๐Ÿคฃ)
  7. Thanks @Dan . He said once healed he will see if he needs to add some extra lines to the peony, but be didn't want to do anything too busy as everything else I've got it quite simple and not line heavy. The seahorse he was tossing between doing blues and greens but then decided to go darker to balance out the elbow.
  8. It feels like it's been longer between posts, but it hasn't been that long at all. Finally got back to see Kyle today for my peony on the elbow and seahorse on the inner, just below. This appoint had been moved a few times when I was losing nan. Fully expected this to be the tattoo to end me, but apart from the very knob of the elbow (which isn't for long) it actually wasn't too bad. I reckon the seahorse sucked more in comparison. Shit photos, so I'll post again when colours have settled and my arm isn't quite as swollen.
  9. Fiiiiinally. Got a purple peony on the right elbow today.
  10. Saturday gone I went in to get current webs touched up and extend webs into the cleavage. My appointment was pushed back an hr so we ran out time to fix the cleavage webs. It just wasn't working with my anatomy, so we're going to come back to those another time. Managed to get a couple lines thickened on existing webs and a little cherry banger on my left calf (will match with skull cherries on right) , just after closing time.
  11. Back at the shop yesterday to see Andrew (he did my most of my leg stuff plus a few others). Webs either side of my sternum heart. Once we finished, he said he will see how it heals and do some touch ups- and that we need sowing above the daggers to balance it. I suggested a mini Web, so we're going with that. Will be living in wire-free bras for a bit (material is softer so less irritation) while healing. I had to laugh , no bra and you can't even see the webs ๐Ÿคฃ. Thanks kids and gravity. I've booked a weekday with Kyle in August for my elbow, but I have an opportunity to teach so looks like I need to shuffle my elbow appointment yet again. I'm going to see if I can't get in earlier in the month. Anyway, super happy with the webs, I fully expected to hate my life choices but it was one of the easiest ones yet. The bottoms of the mermaids sucked way more. This was just lots of vibrations. Happy days!
  12. @rabbitrok @Dan , yeah can't go wrong with flowers! I have some little blossoms and the roses with more flowers to come. But I still stand by the skulls ๐Ÿ’€ ๐Ÿ˜
  13. TattooedMumma


    Left triceps.
  14. I know it's not a star, sun ,or moon... but it's in the sky ok.
  15. TattooedMumma

    Hey :)

    Welcome , care to elaborate further with your intro? What tattoos do you have? Hope to have? Styles you like?
  16. Thanks Dan , appreciate it. I'm loving the new additions too, we are going to do a happy cloud on the other leg and deciding if I balance out the flaming skull with another skull or a lady head. He drew my double ended candle, but she just didn't work-so looking for a similar shape to match with.
  17. Haha there's so many spin off conversations I want to have but this is a public space ๐Ÿคฃ You saying the butt isn't that bad though has me living in hope. I'm a while away from getting my butt done, so I'll live vicariously through your experience til then. Keep us updated!
  18. Well it's been a hot minute and I've had a heap of family stuff going on including a loss so had to cancel some appointments. Managed to get a couple done last weekend though. Bat, cicada , and angry cloud. A first for me- I almost fell asleep. I think purely due to the fact this was the first time I'd stopped since all of the things decided to happen. I'll get around to that elbow in the coming month I hope.
  19. Kyle did the elephant. I love it, and the horse on the other inner bicep too that he did.
  20. Seems nobody has a tattoo motif/theme they'd happy get forever๐Ÿ˜„. This topic actually came up in the shop last weekend (artist bought it up) and I mentioned mine would be skulls. It was interesting hearing what everyone would pick. Some were undecided, while others were very specific.
  21. Thought I'd add upcoming tattoos to this thread ๐Ÿ™‚ I've had a few tattoos already this year, and I've now got some appointments coming up over the next 2 months. April I have two bookings during school holidays (working in a school, holidays means I can snag a weekday booking finally!) . First with Kyle on the 16th for a flower on my right elbow and a seahorse just down from that on the fleshier inner elbow/forearm area). Keen for it, but it's also going to suck a fat one! The week after I go back to Andrew for a full day. We're hoping to get a few more on the backs of my legs (cicada, bat, eye cloud, double ended candle) and webs added to either side of the heart that I have on my sternum/under boob area. I've also had confirmation from Kyle for May 18 to add to my left arm which is now looking lonely in comparison to my right. Hoping to add a lady head to the outer bicep and fan to the elbow ditch. Just depends on time. He's fast as, but he may have other bookings around my appointment too . Initially I wanted the cloud on my right elbow, but Kyle is doing a flower to fit the awkward gap shape. Then I was going to put the cloud on the front of my shin, but now we're going with a semi matching/opposite theme on the back of the legs. Just a bit of fun. I'll likely get my left elbow done before it gets to the awkward gap stage, to allow for more freedom in design. Who knows, I'll probably just slap another flower there anyway ๐Ÿ˜†.
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