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    Juliana got a reaction from Paul sand in Some of the worst ever.   
    I have a friend that has several tattoos. She had a friend that was a tattoo apprentice and just let her use her as her guinea pig. She's always bragging about how she has OMG ELEVEN TATTOOS SOOOO REBELLIOUS. It's like it doesn't matter what they are of, how how poorly they are done, it's definately the quantity over quality for her. And damn, let me tell you. The vast majority of them are just terrible. Like, she got a rose on her foot and it looks like some had an abortion on her foot and then poured mustard on it. She's always telling me about her tattoo ideas and I want to tell her so badly that she should just stop going to where she is going while she is still ahead but I know she won't listen, or believe me.
    End. Rant.
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    Juliana got a reaction from SStu in Hello!   
    You asked for it! Here are a few, I don't have good pictures of the rest, at the moment.

    My first tattoo...so proud I went large! Or, what I consider large at least :)

    These ones HURT like a fucking bitch!

    My most recent one. Can't wait to get it colored in! :)
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    Juliana got a reaction from titforatat in Hello!   
    You asked for it! Here are a few, I don't have good pictures of the rest, at the moment.

    My first tattoo...so proud I went large! Or, what I consider large at least :)

    These ones HURT like a fucking bitch!

    My most recent one. Can't wait to get it colored in! :)
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    Juliana got a reaction from trill in howdy y'all from brooklyn   
    Nice! Loving the style of the first one very much. I too am new. Welcome!
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