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About Juliana

  • Birthday 09/06/1989

Juliana's Achievements

  1. My most painful hands down were the tops of my feet. Oi. Of course I had to choose full color, detailed on each foot. Otherwise, upper inner arm, close to the armpit. Ouch. Least painful was on the outside of my arm right above my elbow.
  2. I have a friend that has several tattoos. She had a friend that was a tattoo apprentice and just let her use her as her guinea pig. She's always bragging about how she has OMG ELEVEN TATTOOS SOOOO REBELLIOUS. It's like it doesn't matter what they are of, how how poorly they are done, it's definately the quantity over quality for her. And damn, let me tell you. The vast majority of them are just terrible. Like, she got a rose on her foot and it looks like some had an abortion on her foot and then poured mustard on it. She's always telling me about her tattoo ideas and I want to tell her so badly that she should just stop going to where she is going while she is still ahead but I know she won't listen, or believe me. End. Rant.
  3. Nice! Loving the style of the first one very much. I too am new. Welcome!
  4. Juliana


    You asked for it! Here are a few, I don't have good pictures of the rest, at the moment. My first tattoo...so proud I went large! Or, what I consider large at least :) These ones HURT like a fucking bitch! My most recent one. Can't wait to get it colored in! :)
  5. Juliana


    Hi! My name is Juliana (doi), I'm 24 and I...well, LOVE tattoos! I have one half sleeve started and five other tattoos in addition. I am looking to get more and more tattoos. I am happy to be part of this forum to discuss a great passion of mine! :) Extreme body mods are also very fascinating to me!! Tattoos are as far as I've gone but I love researching other mods such as ear shaping, silicone implants, suspension and etc.
  6. I worked at a retirement home for almost three years, waitressing. Halfway through I got two very visible arm tattoos done, and there was no problem. Several other people had very visible tattoos also. Also, a lot of the residents asked about it and I only received one or two negative responses as a result. Anyway, I have since quit that job to go to school full time, and am interning at a different retirement home. I don't know their guidelines as far as tattoos but I'm keeping mine covered up just to be on the safe side. Also, I am majoring in gerontology so the chances of me having to cover up for my careers are pretty high. No biggie though.
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