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    Mom and Wife
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    Reading, Shopping, Writing
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  1. I decided on my next tattoo- Id like to get A Beautiful Chaos on my front shoulder with almost water color looking glass. Thoughts? I'm going to wait a bit of course but its meaningful to me. My life is always in chaos somehow but there's always beauty that comes from it. Sent from my LGL55C using Tapatalk 2
  2. ok well writing or font, the same thing still applies- I asked her to make it less fancy/loopy.
  3. No. She had something drawn up that was a fancier font with a lot more loops to it. I had shown her a font I liked that was much more simple so when she showed me that, I asked if we can make it less fancy and take out the looping. I assume the long cross part of the T was just part of the original design but I was unsure at first. I like it. day 4 and its VERY itchy today!
  4. If i found someone i loved, id stick with them. I dont know that I would switch around.
  5. Thanks Gregor.
  6. Days 2 and 3 of healing: (sorry they are huge) As for my aftercare regimen: Day 1: Waited 2hrs and took off wrap. Washed and used bacitracin about 3-4x. Wrapped at night with Nexcare waterproof bandages (knee and elbow). Day 2: Washed and used Bac when needed. Wrapped with Nexcare again. Day 3: Showered and started using Curel Unscented lotion. I dont think Ill wrap it tonight.
  7. I dont know. Im thinking something for the baby we lost but i want to wait awhile.
  8. Its a little too late now to draw it on my hand, its forever there now. Thanks though. The advice here was to get it facing out, my artist didnt say anything except ask " you want it facing you "...im saying if she, along with you guys had said " You know it will look better facing out because thats the general way most people do it and i like to do it that way.", i would have listened to what she was saying, maybe even considered it but it would have still been my choice in the end. Does that make sense? Im not the slightest bit unhappy with it facing in. Im sure it might look good facing out, maybe better in some opinions. I like it though.
  9. I just want to say she drew up the design and asked " You want it facing you right?" and I said yes. IF she had said otherwise, I would have listened to what she was saying but I likely would have still had it facing me (unless she had a really good reason).
  10. I put a bandage on last night and today there was the extra ink and small scabs. I washed it and put some Bac on it. The itchy is gone for now.
  11. oh my, its itchy right now. Could be the bandage but good grief, its itchy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. My husband works at a fast food place and they can have tattoos but im not sure how theyd feel about a heavily tattooed person.
  13. I had saran wrap, but if i could of chose it would of been gauze
  14. I left the saran wrap on for 2hrs and then havent wrapped since. i will wrap it tonight but thats it.
  15. Wel its done. I got Be Still facing me on my inner left wrist. :) ETA: Alright so heres the process for those interested :) Im a GIANT chicken. I dont like needles/pain/etc. I was excited but nervous about it all but set on doing it. I researched a ton on aftercare and wrist tattoos in general. I watched You Tube videos to get an idea on pain and even the sound of the machine. I went yesterday and got Bacitracin, Dove Unscented and Curel Unscented. I told myself since i bought that stuff i was in it now. I even bought OJ because i heard it can help healing, lol. I arrived at the shop and someone else was getting a tattoo so they had the machine going, which made me feel so much better. Still nervous but made me feel better. I also ate lunch before i left (sandwich and goldfish) because i heard it can prevent you from passing out. I had already told the artist I wanted Be Still on my inner left wrist so she had a few fonts drawn up but i didnt really like how they looked more fancy than simple. She took out some loopy-ness to the Ls and made it more simple. She had me lay down on my back and she started. Now I will tell you when she started I was FINE. It did NOT hurt. It didnt tickle but it didnt hurt. It did feel like "scratching"/"poking" closer to the middle of my wrist. BUT when she got to my right side of my wrist, I could have easily cussed and maybe grabbed the bed a little hard. It didnt last because she was moving quickly, but it felt more like the skin ripping some people talked about. Unpleasant but not unbearable. Not fun. The whole tat took seriously 5-10 minutes. She was fast. Im SOOOO happy. I was able to talk through it all, i had to pause at a few points but when she noticed it hurt she sort of moved and talked to me to keep me distracted. Would you believe afterward, i thought " That was easy, i want to do it again"? :) I left on the saran wrap for 2hrs (although she recommended taking it right off and washing every hour, but i cant do that with 4 dogs, 1 cat and 3 kids) Then i washed it with the Dove, patted dry and applied the Bac. I have left it unwrapped (until tonight and for tonight only). Overall? IM SOOO GLAD I DID IT! Its so out of my element and not like me.
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