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Everything posted by jimstanley

  1. Makes me laugh to think about people getting ambiguous words tattooed. something like "BK" could go one of five ways Celebrities aren't helping shit by being as dumb as they are. Wish I had a link to the story, but theres this italian scratcher whos tattooed mad celebrities for mad expensive with absolute garbage. Bullshits ignorant philosophies and generally raises my hackles. Feel like most shit tattoos are basically people that dont "get it" and are tryna look like they do. note: peeped the word "entitled" being used to defend a persons tattoos... so... My worst tattoo -- going to a charity event, but I didn't much like anything on the sheet. Yeah I shoulda dipped, lesson learned, but it was a "cant afford anything huge and rad so tiny and dumb is chill" deals. So I just told my girl to pick. Still like it, dont regret it, but its admittedly a shit tattoo and I ain't gonna do that again. Was 18 in a childish rush for coverage.
  2. GS9 - Shmoney Schoolboy Q - Oxymoron Mick Jenkins - The Waters OG Maco - EP Ilovemakonnen - EP Father - Young Hot Ebony Been living in NYC's LES. If you couldn't tell.
  3. @hawk That pan is tough as nails. My mom started dating my dad in church, but would only marry him if the whole party rode their Harleys home for the reception, so thats what happened in full regalia. Wish I had the picture on my computer. Can't think of a better wedding photo. Came out east for some reason, and only just now hearing about triumphs. Harleys are all my familys rode since my great grandpa got his living in LA. Anyone know any good spots to learn about their history? All I really know about it is that royal enfield got bought by triumph... Any chance anyone here was around when that went down and wants to tell some kid about it? I seen a couple of those old enfields on the NYC streets and they always get me pretty excited. @slayer9019 Didn't know triumph made hard tails, you know the year on that pretty piece of machine? Any chance I saw anyones bikes at the bk invitational this year?
  4. Travelling isn't my bag, so typically, "celebrity" tattooers aren't even an option. I universally don't support centralization like that... even if it helps something grow There are so many reasons and ways to get tattooed that I can't say there's a right way. I think that the "soul" of a tattoo is really what matters. Without LST or these streets I'd never see tattoos anymore because I'm just not interested in pictures unless they're historical. Off the top of my head I could name three tattooers I would go to tomorrow that are just a short trip away, and that feels right to me. I'm conscious of what the tattoo world is doing outside of my bubble but I just don't care. There are artists who grab me and there are artists who don't, whether theyre famous or not isn't gonna affect their art. Most of the work I ask people about walking around turns out to be from Invisible, and if I ever needed work like that, I'd go there for it. What does that tell you?
  5. Open skin can make or break a tattoo or collection. I'd rather fill in spaces with little tattoos in my old age than get a whole bunch of dots and stars. I feel like too much of a wrap can ruin a silhouette as fast as some flashy background. I remember something about DeVita throwing a giant spiderweb or something behind a tattoo so the client leaves happier. I got an anchor on my calf and the little color fillers had me stoked. I wouldn't want to put some splotch or sunburst behind everything, but. It's hard for me to imagine some killer large-scale black and gray without any filler. Negative space and placement are really two of the most noticeable about a tattoo so I typically leave them up to the tattooer. I come in with an image or idea and step back. Those Cripwell legs never would've come out of my head so I'll just leave Cripwell do the thinking for now.
  6. Tattoos on the side of the face, or on the head are somethin else, as are tribal tattoos, but if you don't live in an area with common facial tattoos for a while I can't see any good way to justify it. I would get my hands tattooed if I ever needed to. I'm not a lawyer, and no one I know is a lawyer, so I just leave copyright alone and hope I never have to deal with it.
  7. Would firebomb the inkmaster set to have a couple hrs with Horiyoshi III laughing at my broken Japanese. Also the neck shunga would be hysterical to me
  8. Cuz I kill stuff, meng. I imagine getting the dagger going down is crazy, cuz you had to drive that thing through a skull and brains and stuff, and thats baller, but that's too much thought. Realistically its just the combination of aesthetics. I want a dagger, and I want an animal head, lets do both. And it looks cool. @William Burgess It could also be a nature thing. Either our domination as top predator, and ownership of all the prey/resources, or our "domination over" nature in general.
  9. I was under the impression that traditional wasn't really done from the 70s-90s, at least not in the mainstream. When we developed all the styles and really expanded on the possibilities of what tattoos could be. Its just never stopped. We're still trying out all this shit that I imagine people pre-70s wouldn't have touched. Woodcuts, watercolors (though I've heard Europe kinda did these in the 90s? Supposedly they're all covered or gone now), and whatnot, trying to expand on possibilities. Traditional seems to be winning the fight though, which it probably always will. Been seing a lot of magic/pseudo-magic tattoos, runes, some generically "witchy" shit. Rose morphs but also these skull morph things I'm pretty into. Stairs, beehives, owls, arrows are coming in, traditional landscapes, traditional frames/framed traditional tattoos, mandalas and dotwork, these black and gray torso pieces that I kinda dig but feel weird to me (seems like a style that black and white photography created rather than black and grey tattooing), and a lot of linework. No one will like everything forever, and trends come and go, but the nature of tattoos gives them staying power. Puts them in the cycle.
  10. As far as the culture goes... Theres no point in pretending we don't live in a globalized society. That said, I only really want traditional (as a matter of taste) and black and gray, both of which are pretty American (maybe Russian for the black and gray). Not super worried about a japanese backpiece offending anyone or something. At the same time I feel like theres something to be said for those who honor their own cultures and their traditions intensely. I have a couple occult tattoos planned that I'm sketchy about in some superstitious way. I've been wanting to get some mayan stuff lately but I'm worried about stepping on any ancient toes since I'm not, you know, a priest or anything. Ive pored over their jars and read all their books and codices, am familiar with their pantheon, and generally try to educate myself about their culture. But to act like that gives me a right to step on their toes seems really ignorant to me. I dunno. Also worried about being possessed by some Mayan god or some shit. I'm pretty superstitious in general.
  11. I dont really think these woodcut tattoos will last long either, but I don't actually know. Looking at how fat the lines are on old tattoos, i wonder how big they were originally, and how a woodcut would look once all the lines get that much fatter. Anyone seen any aged ones, or heard of them being done? Watercolor tattoos always looked like a baby who ate some crayons and messed your arm up to me. So, I figure, at least it'll just look like some crazy disease eventually.
  12. Got one this last Friday at Daredevil in NYC cuz it was my birthday. Gave myself some unluck for my birthday this year, cuz fuck it, how often does that chance come around?
  13. Chill, dog. S'all good. Scheduling can be rough, especially for some kid who has no idea how to be that kind of serviceman. If hes just having trouble getting you into the shop, but hes doing good tattoos on you, then just try and make it easy for him to get you in. A tattoo is prolly worth waiting a couple weeks for anyways. Youre holding a 20 year old to adult standards? Come on man. I'm also sure Jesus would look the other way if you got a cross tattooed on the Sabbath.
  14. Might have even been here, but someone told me once to "never trust someone with only good tattoos." Same way you wouldn't trust a suit. Shitty tattoos add character. I also (as irresponsible as it is) think the romanticism of tattooing survives in shitty tattoo shops with shitty decisions being made. When the desire to be tattooed overcomes all sense of rationality or caution. Something to be said for somebody who wants to be tattooed that bad. F*** you if you expect me to be responsible before 30. Scratching, though, is just disrespectful.
  15. It makes sense that the body would be tired, and more vulnerable, after getting tattooed. I heard something that the body is sort of fighting the ink all the time like its any other foreign body and thats why tattoos fade. If thats true then maybe tattoos take up more immune system resources and leave less for illness? Just a bullshit guess. I've never had this problem. Getting tattooed has been lollipops and rainbows for me thus far. I've been told the chest is a bitch though, so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about that one.
  16. I get the feeling that if it's being used as a reference it doesn't particularly matter. You could probably even get a tattoo without bringing in any flash (someone said something about tattoos needing to be describable in four words or less). Aside from that I agree with Irezumi, if they don't have the flash in the shop, why should you want them to tattoo it? Seems like theres some kind of trading system between tattooers for flash, and I'd leave it up to that system to handle.
  17. Ive pretty much always got a different bodysuit planned out in my head. They change weekly. I think I just like to think about it because its not at all productive. Cant really go wrong, unless you get bad tattoos. Seem like theres a lot of people wanting to keep to either color/black and grey, though.
  18. Planning to get my chest done this summer. Getting a sphinx, probably from Curtis Burgess Curtis Burgess - Tattoo Artist - Tribal Rites but maybe from a traditional artist somewhere. A bit indecisive.
  19. Im planning on getting crossed shovel/pickaxes. Maybe with the word "provide" in some nice script. Digging + girlfriend = not much spare change for tattoos unfortunately. I think that the amount of craftsmen in America is decreasing and proud craftsmen are probably the most likely to get tattoos of the tools of their trade. I always liked that idea though.
  20. If you think it would probably look weird, then... I think blobs all over one's arms might end up looking more like a fucked up vitiligo than sleeves. Youre definitely on the right track wanting to give your artist creative freedom. I think gougetheeyes is right, you could do some research to get some imagery, and looking at large scale work is a good starting place to stimulate some creativity and get some inspiration: just make sure you're not directly copying any tattoos you see.
  21. "Fuck it, I'm just gonna go for it, spam the thread, and the mods will make a special exception for me."
  22. Sounds like a potentially good place to start researching for a tattoo. Still seems pretty pointless when you can just type "tatoo [cityname]" into google already and feasibly get the same information. Only way I can see it being worthwhile is if it's really easy to use or something along those lines. Example: I use instagram as a supplemental portfolio for a lot of tattooers (most post every tattoo instead of only their best & it's super accessible). I'd also like to think that "ratings & reviews" don't become the basis for people picking their shops. I'd rather a shop's merits and amount of success come from "clean lines & solid shading." Reviewing a tattoo shop seems like a good cop-out to avoid real research and a way for uneducated people to promote uneducated tattoo decisions. Maybe promotes bad tattoo decisions? Maybe is promoting longevity of the industry (we'll always need cover-up artists)?
  23. Honestly I couldn't care less about tattooing's PR. I wouldn't blame some dude saying tattoos give you cancer for 20 bucks just to keep the suckers fool enough to believe it out of this already (debatably) over-inflated industry/community. Maybe that's only because I wasn't around when things were 'worse' and mothers hid their children from tattoos. I'm no authority on whats best but thats my two cents. Also journalists are bloodsuckers. There is no integrity. But journalism is the only industry that self-regulates. If this gets out I can almost guarantee that it would get a retraction, or some other publication eager to throw this asshat under the bus (less competition is never a bad thing), flack against the organization claiming it, and in a best case scenario the medical community fighting back. I can't imagine, in a world where everything gives you cancer, that the medical community would be okay with some dumbass crying wolf with this shit.
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