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Joe Shit

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    I like to eat,travel,and collect tattoos.
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    New Jersey
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    Truck Driver

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  1. Welcome..But the most important question is do you have a really good tattooer doing your bodysuit.
  2. https://www.instagram.com/thelinedefined/ https://www.instagram.com/cultoftheoxandwren/
  3. Amir does pretty good work. Shey used to work with him,and does nice black & grey realistic work if that's the style you want it tattooed. https://www.instagram.com/sheyhafded/ Invoke Tattoo and Art Gallery Wilmington NC tattoo shop is into Illustrative work,and would do a good job with that.She might have more updated photos of her work on facebook,or instagram. Artfuel Inc – Tattoo Shop and Art Gallery – Wilmington, NC – 910-343-5233 Sarah & Brian https://www.instagram.com/heath_whitten/
  4. I would go with Shotonk Tattoo.I think he's the best out of them all.
  5. How bout a peacock or some chrysanthemum's.
  6. They look like a bunch of beauty marks.And in the pic they look brown not black. https://www.instagram.com/tatjew77/ does good cover up work. https://www.instagram.com/johnnyandres/ https://www.instagram.com/briangeckleart/ Tattoos by Don McDonald : Tattoos by Don McDonald in Pittsburgh, PA does bio mechanical work,but can pull that style off.
  7. I think what is frowned upon is people who get a bunch of lyrics tattooed in a small space real tiny without the foresight in how it's going to age down the road.I just think you should find an artist that specializes in that style because it is more challenging to do that style if you don't do it a lot.I dont know where this guy is in Italy,but he does nice lettering work. https://www.instagram.com/brigantetattoo/
  8. Yeah I Know..I mentioned it because the Doctor brought a soldier on who was suicidal after coming home from serving,and the guy got his blood work checked for free,and i think it found his hormones/testes levels were low,and he was put on this medication that the Dr.invented and he got better.
  9. Welcome..I would go visit some shops in Chicago and you can maybe have a quick consultation with a few artists to discuss your idea.I always go with the artist i click with the best.You'll be spending some time with this person,so you want to feel comfortable with them. The vine and flower idea from one side of the body to the other side sounds like it wont look good.I would consider going with a sleeve of flowers and a vine instead. I was listening to joe rogan podcast and he had the doctor on who specialty is TBI. He has medication to help with that,and was offering free blood work to all vets.His site is @ Traumatic Brain Injury and NFL Some artists to check out... Ryan Gutekunst | Insight Studios Online https://www.instagram.com/chucho_quetzal/ https://www.instagram.com/dianaregalado/
  10. Very nice collection...That red tiger is bad ass..I just came across two good artists up your way.Are you familiar with these guys. https://www.instagram.com/oliviachelltattoo/ https://www.instagram.com/elliottwells666/
  11. There's a convention in Novembet,but no artists listed yet.I googled but nothin good came up. Seems like the kind of place you have to do some digging around town and you might find a hidden gem,but I doubt it.Go to Cuba instead,you'll probably find a dude who does Russian prison style tattoos in his kitchen. HOME
  12. https://www.instagram.com/tpenningtontat2/ https://www.instagram.com/henrigates/ - - - Updated - - - He worked in Philly years ago when he was starting out.I believe he went to art school in Italy,and his paintings are impressive.His Japanese work is really good too.
  13. Roots are one thing,but for talent and the look of the sleeve that he posted I would go with Spider Murphy's,or California Electric.
  14. You can have all three of these guys contribute to a nice sleeve for you. California Electric tattoo parlour, Soquel, Santa Cruz
  15. Dave does real nice work..I think he does a mix of neo traditional/realism work.Fran who works with Dave also does real nice work.Here's a deer he did in a neo traditional style. https://www.instagram.com/p/8g6catjbJz/?taken-by=franmassino https://www.instagram.com/tatmaker/ Is a versatile tattooer,and does nice work.
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