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Everything posted by GrayCatLove

  1. Thank you, dead. I have a little crappy cherry blossom on my thigh that has solid lines, but needs reworking. No sense putting it up until it's jazzed up. CL, I figured. I'm a big fan of Tengwar and Sindarian. I also love the Runic inspired Dwarvish and the High Speech. Thank you for the polite welcome.
  2. Yes, you're correct; alcohol impairs judgment. But it does not have amphetamine-like properties. I've been around a LOT of drunks and dopers at my job. I'm a pro. ;) I didn't see him restraining her. She's not a big girl, but he was speaking to her calmly, holding her with one hand, saying, "I can't finish your tattoo unless you're still. Be still," and guiding her with his hand. Trust me, if he'd really restrained her and forced her to get a tattoo, she'd own that shop.
  3. GrayCatLove


    The tattoo above the rose is the rose. It's written in Tengwar. I know most tattoo afficiandos hate text, but my love of Tolkein and languages compels me.
  4. GrayCatLove

    Finished Cover-up

    This is the finished product, heavily inspired by India. The scar is no longer visible.
  5. This is the outline, really a mix of an Indian Blue Robin, clematis, and lotuses.
  6. A simple pink rose, a tribute to Ch IV's "A Rose in Misery." Bonus points if you guess the book. My favorite flower.
  7. GrayCatLove


    This was the scar as a result the removal of an ovarian tumor.
  8. I will be grateful to have survived that long, and continue repairing/getting tattoos so long as I am able. If they look ragged and are unfixable when I'm 90, I guess all those 20 year olds dying to have sex with me are just going to have to be sad and disappointed.
  9. No alcohol. I usually eat a light protein/carbs meal like sushi a few hours before. Sometimes I like to get a massage before like I am tomorrow. I don't load up on fluid because I hate to have to use the facilities in the middle of the tattoo... Had it happen. The morning before I am meticulous with my hygiene. I make sure I am freshly showered, my breath is good, deodorant, clean clothes, etc. I always arrive 15 minutes early. I bring the shop donuts. That way I have a snack if I crash. I also bring a full sugar soda. Afterwards, I wash it gently with Dial or feminine wash and treat with a special salve my shop makes. Once it heals, I use a gentle moisturizer to maintain it. Generally speaking, my tattoos have healed well.
  10. I feel like such a baby reading this. A little over three hours. Then another three hour session a few weeks later.
  11. Alcohol has anesthetic and sedative properties. She's just a jerk. Makes me feel less bad for the time I told my tattoo artist, "Please don't lead on my bladder." I thought the artist in the video was very professional. This woman seems like she's high on speed or something.
  12. This Friday, actually, by a guy named Ryan McDonald. He's done a couple of tattoos and we both adore color and heavy shading. I love Sak Yant, but being a woman, I don't have the option to get true Sak Yank and he has the same love of Asian culture. So rather than doing a cheap copy, he is doing a colored take on my side sort of above my hip, inspired by the Thai style. I think it will look pretty darn cool.
  13. I belong to another tattoo forum, and I heard nice things about here, so I decided to join. I'm delighted to be here. I have Asian-inspired, neo-classical, and even the dreaded text tattoo. (Don't give me too much guff. It's in an imaginary language and relatively artful. It's not Three Doors Down song lyrics. Don't shoot me.) I look forward to being a member of this community. I get my next tattoo on Friday. :) My tattoos are inspired by my love of flora, fauna, and literature. I'm a real dork. Be gentle with me. Edit: I swear I'm literate. I swears it!
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