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Everything posted by GrayCatLove

  1. Dumb shit? If Mr. Muscles called my tattoos "dumb shit," or "almost did," he'd be on the next thing smoking out of my life. Do you see where he's twisting his opinions into yours? It doesn't matter if they match up. He doesn't get to push you around. He's not going to change, and if he doesn't have the communication skills to talk to you or the trust to assume you wouldn't make major body changes without talking to him, he's not a nice person. You deserve someone who accepts what you want to do with your body in the future. It shouldn't be a "hoping and praying he'll still accept me" deal. You're better than that. When he can say, "It's your body, and I love you and respect your decisions no matter what," then you'll know he's the right man. Until then, you need to reconsider. Sounds like he's toying with your feelings and wants to control you. If you were selfishly tattooing without considering his feelings and discussion, then I'd be jumping on you. He sounds immature and mean-spirited.
  2. I write down my ideas as they come to me on this dumb list, including the artist as I think of them.
  3. I think my body is jacked up. I didn't think ribs were so bad, and I don't imagine pits being too bad. But I'm told if you're ticklish there, it's going to really hurt.
  4. It's simple, kind of old school, but fun. He's a nice little homage to William Blake's "Tyger."
  5. The guy I'm seeing is really into lifting. Has one tattoo, and we're the odd couple... He's ethnic, I'm Hitler's wet dream. He's athletic and I couldn't even hit a curve ball in high school. He's a nice guy, and I'm, well... Anyway, my left side is pretty well covered, big lower abdominal tattoo, and a little side tattoo. And I intend to get a lot more. I mentioned getting another tattoo on my left side and he says, "Oh, it's so crowded already; you don't want to overdo it." Then I mention it's Lucy's dagger from TCoN, and he starts going on how daggers are cool and I should do it if I really want to. Support is nice. I'm okay with individual taste, and if I was 50 and in a point in my career where I was considering half-sleeves and my other half said, "Please, I really don't want this," I'd listen to them. It's a matter of how it's presented. Forbidding me to "give up an obsession with tattooing" is not going to end well, but I respect the wishes of my partner, as he respects mine to continue getting tattoos.
  6. I've one in my album, and though it's no Jess Yen piece, I like it a lot. :) His name is Little George.
  7. Got up at 3 AM and took Mom to the airport. Peeing like crazy d/t the surgery alleviating water retention, and it feels WONDERFUL. I would not have thought based on my body size I had retained that much water. Took a pain pill. Gonna let it kick in and go work out with my dad. Then I'm going to come home, relax, then run into work and drop off my request for a day off and book plans with someone I want to spend some time with. After that, I'm going to sit down with my father and watch season three of The Walking Dead and eat hormone free, antibiotic free strip steak I bought for us. Then I'm going to shower until boiled alive and sleep, sleep, sleep. But not before another pain pill and antibiotics.
  8. If I became smashingly successful in my field and I could tattoo anything without any consequence, I'd leave my neck (on the front and side) and face alone. I think side and front neck tattoos often make necks look shorter and are unflattering, and facial tattoos just aren't for me.
  9. 20%+ depending on quality. And a box of donuts. Every time.
  10. Welcome, and don't forget to live free or die! You're from NH. You have to. :)
  11. Discuss budget with the artist... I just usually ask for a quote once I'm ready and they give me the okay the drawing is done. It's not a big deal. Good luck, and hope it turns out good
  12. Two minor in office surgeries, one day. And before that, PetCo for cat treats, Bath and Body where I got awesome stuff, and a delicious grilled chicken sandwich with romaine, tomato, and a pickle on a wheat bun... Hadn't eaten anything but oatmeal, strawberries, organic chocolate milk, and soda in days. Soooooooo freakin' good.
  13. He's not. And let me tell you, life is too short to be with someone who doesn't love every bit of you.
  14. GrayCatLove


    Yo. I just had a package pass through there with candy in it: Dove dark chocolate, peanut M&M's, and a bag of "Kiddie Mix" with the Tootsie pops, rolls, Dots, and all the other iconic American crap for my little cousin who lives in Thailand (white dad, Thai mom). Small world, ain't it?
  15. Better hurry up before the army puts down the ban hammer on tattoos, son. ;) GL.
  16. Oh, see, if I had time to travel, I'd do it in a heart beat... I've began planning a minor trip for a pin-up, though I haven't even nabbed the artist yet. Too many responsibilities in real life. Like you, I'm saving my prime real estate, albeit for the big guys (or gals), particularly my back. I know what I want, but it has to be perfectly executed. It may be a couple years, but I'm in no hurry. My first was on my outer thigh, so I thought tattooing was easy-peasy. Then the next four were rib, abdomen/pubis, and hip tattoos. Holy Jesus. That hip tattoo was way worse. I had to keep apologizing to the poor artist for putting up with my bullshit. When in pain, I count, deep breathe, but even then, sometimes I couldn't help but moan a little. No one wants to put up with that.
  17. Getting ready to cover for a bud at work for day shift. This would not be so awesome, but it eats up the day while I wait on phone calls for not one, but two minor surgeries I'll be having this week. And one of which, although it's a simple day surgery, is going to vastly improve my life. I am so freaking sick of puking, diarrhea, and eating nothing but oatmeal, organic chocolate milk, and the occasional soda when my body can tolerate it. If I'm ultra-lucky, one will be scheduled tomorrow, the next Wednesday, then I have Thursday off before returning to a week of night shifts. Now THAT would be truly awesome.
  18. Ran 3 miles at a 8.2 minute pace. Then I had my picture taken for the anthro dept at the local university where I'm donating my body when I die. I figure I won't look so cute when I'm dead, anyway.
  19. Went on a date and realized my heart is with someone else. \\It's a good thing. He treats me like a queen. :) Bought a bra and panty set in MY SIZE 32C (specialty size), and 5 on undies, for $12. Normally for my size this is a $200 specialty piece. What a rush! :D The artist doing my next tattoo just had me do measurements. I'm excited.
  20. No. You can never justify scratching no more than you can justify practicing law, medicine, or anything else without proper training and licensing.
  21. Take it from an old salt: This is an insult on your body. RUN! This is like a boyfriend that tells you you're too fat, thin, breasts are too small, that YOU are not good enough, and that YOU need to conform to his standards. Let's rephrase this: "You're getting kind of fat. Would you stop eating so much if I put on a few?" See the change in language? Reconsider if this guy is a real champ.
  22. @Synesthesia As a woman who just got a traditional tiger tattoo, which I guess is more on the masculine end of the spectrum, I understand your trepidation. We are who we are: Masculine, feminine, androgynous. Tattoos don't change the execution of your gender, or more importantly, YOU. Keep in mind that subject matter is all about artistic liberty and has a great impact on how masculine or feminine it looks. (I kind of think my tiger looks like a big old queen, but that's cool. I like him.) Your family is right. Your body will ruin. It will age, eat itself, cells will stop degenerating, and your skin isn't going to look like you're 23 forever. Guess what? Happens to the people without tattoos, too. Don't base opinions about your body on what others think, because you're going to have a lot of people in your life who care about you for you, not for the ink or lack of.
  23. This attitude baffles me as well. (Some of these folks try to pull me in their realm.... I have considerable pieces, but they're hidden.) If I had chosen a different career path (and I wouldn't, for anything), I'd get sleeves. I'd get leg and foot tattoos. And God bless anyone who has the sense of self and self-esteem to say, "This is what I want for my body. Don't look if you don't like it."
  24. You know, I always love when I see plants blooming in the snow, or plants growing up in the sidewalk. It's so fucking heroic.
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