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Everything posted by GrayCatLove

  1. I've had conversations (and occasional yelling contests) with people I work with on how you treat the disabled: Age appropriately, and look them in the eye, and explain what you're doing clearly. You would be shocked how people can have a dozen years of education and not grasp this.
  2. Working with pediatrics for years and years, I can only imagine how much the staring sucks. Aren't people generally friendly to them? :(
  3. The 22nd at 2 PM. I hate waiting. You know what I really hate? I can't shave properly until the 21st at night.
  4. My dad informed me he'd get one of those DNR chest pieces.
  5. I've been getting stared at my whole life before the tattoos. I suggest getting a thick skin. If someone tells you some Mormon nonsense like the one lady, you need to fire back, "You know, Martha, what I do with my body is none of your business."
  6. I have to pick up my mother from the airport, less awesome... However, before I do that, I stop in a neighboring town for lunch, getting my cat's treats from PetCo, and picking up my specialty bra that only cost me $3.50. :D
  7. Plastic wrap will trap in bacteria. Gauze will stick unless you do wet to damp... Change before it dries out and you damage the tattoo. Don't use dirty tap water, but sterile normal saline.
  8. It's a permanent choice on your body. If someone gets hurt feelings, that's his or her problem.
  9. Very nice story, and welcome.
  10. Welcome. Do you travel in Asia for work or play?
  11. GrayCatLove

    Party animal

    He's a lovely little guy.
  12. Smashed something with a baseball bat after a long, frustrating night of dealing with a person who ultimately refused care because my coworker was Asian and I was not an MD.
  13. Never's the word God likes to hear when he needs a laugh. I never thought I was "the sort of person" who'd opt for a genital tattoo. I have one that extends onto my pubis and plan to get others near/on that area to cover scars I deem unsightly.
  14. Dry healing with the ointment from the shop after my shower where I normally get tattooed until it heals works well - I know it has tea tree oil and no petroleum, but works well. Everything has healed bright. No crazy plastic wrap, no nothing, unless there's a risk of exposing a fresh tattoo to something icky... Then I scotch tape a chuck with the ointment to keep it from sticking. I really am sensitive with lotion and have sensitive skin. (Thanks for the genes, Pop.) My favorite maintenance lotion is Aveeno baby lotion.
  15. I may get thrown on the chopping block for this, but I like some of Gaga's tattoos: I love the quote here, and though I'm not wild about the tattoo, the placement is cool:
  16. Okay. Not my style, but I think I understand, now. (Also, if he uses a lot of vulgarity, that's going to wear thin over time. Trust me, from someone who can cuss like a sailor.) A word of advice, though, that should be taken with a big grain or two of salt: I write, I work in the field of medicine (which means a lot of hours, starting my second of seventh straight night), and I have tattoos. It becomes rather hard to "accept" these things if your significant other doesn't love them or have tremendous reverence for them. These aren't little things that can be changed, like leaving clothes in the dryer too long or not washing dishes immediately after a meal. The major things in my life aren't going away. Acceptance (especially of something actively disliked) too often turns into a sore spot. I've seen it happen. I'm only seeing your side, so I'm not seeing that he's bringing you home roses and telling you how beautiful, smart, and interesting you are, but life is too short not to be with someone who builds you up, buttercup.
  17. Good year, and good town. Welcome.
  18. So many of us fail to really pay attention to what our personal paths should be. Glad you're following yours. It can be frustrating, annoying, even infuriating, but if you're born to do it, it's worth it.
  19. Welcome. I'll refrain from Big Ben jokes.
  20. Nicely done! And welcome.
  21. Welcome. Former California girl, myself, but I'm from Norcal. Sorry, toots.
  22. As a Christmas gift to myself, going to get a pin-up by John Barrett.
  23. Welcome! I love "Pig in Space!"
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