My iron and protein concerns never go far. ;)
Let's see: Today is payday, which is cool.
Had a four mile run with my 70 year old dad, 8:15 minute miles. Took the cat on a peaceful woodland walk and had oatmeal with raspberries after.
Came to a conclusion about a family member that I've got to cut her off; she was literally screaming at me I was a no good trouble-maker while I was GIVING her money. I was going to give her an ultimatum to remain in my life, but she can't be trusted. I have to learn (like my stupid, stupid father) that people don't feel the way I feel, and they don't care about the things I care about, and love, honor, and fidelity don't mean much to a lot of people. I don't want those people in my life, regardless of genetic connection.
Talked to Mr. Muscles. It's nice caring about someone in terms of a relationship, not looking over my shoulder, worrying if I'm being used. It's comfortable. It's a nice feeling.
I have to pop into a meeting today, and I'll get my schedule for November at the same time. I'll text my artist after this and schedule getting the other thigh done so it can heal before my trip with Mr. Muscles. The left leg looks just beautiful.