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Mikey P

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Posts posted by Mikey P

  1. A coworker once asked me: "aren't you afraid of what will happen in hell?" I asked for some clarification on this and he said " I was taught that what you have tattooed on you will be what you're tortured by in hell".

    At the time I had only an anchor and a flaming lantern, which I guess you could come up with some pretty inventive torture ideas with. I know some Christians are quite against tattoos, but that's some superstitious craziness right there (and I'm a christian!).

    Raised a Catholic. Still consider myself "Christian" in the non-judgemental sense of the word. I look at the question and answer that spending an eternity interacting with and dealing with the shit tattooed to me, is way more pleasant than a year or two of what my current job is. Gotta love people that threaten you with their idea of hell. Unbeknownst that your personal hell just might be having to tolerate that person's presence.

    Fearsome, Terrifying, and Dreadful are shit I would rather deal with at the moment, or any moment, than Repetitive, Boring, Unrewarding. Looking at my tattoos and thinking about what made me decide to get them makes me feel better, and pretty much every tattoo I have gotten was based on the fact I just like tattoos, and video games, and metal.

  2. Just curious, does that stand for Huge Mother Fucker In Charge? I hope so, haha.

    Also, what a dickhead.

    Head MotherFucker In Charge is what. I use it for. Actually, I took what he said as a good thing. He conveyed that he thought I did a quality job, and that no one should remember or even care that a salesman, marketer they worked with had tattoos.

    So two good things, one, the. HMFIC thinks I am worth employing for the foreseeable future, and two, he took no umbrage with what a lot of people in my field still do.

  3. Hi guys! I'm looking for some friendly advice about a white ink tattoo I got a few months ago. I wanted to go with white because of possible jobs in the future. It's on my wrist so I didn't want it to be very visible. In the last month the ink has turned a dirty looking color and I want to get it fixed. I talked to an artist and he said redoing the white may not make the dirty looking color go away. He told me I could go with a light blue or link to cover it up. Does anyone out there have a light blue or pink tattoo on their wrist? And is it very noticeable? I don't want it to be so noticeable that I can't get a job with it. Any ideas or advice would b much appreciated! :)

    *Stroking pretend expert e-peen*

    I have had four tattoos with white ink, and with all four, my body seems to reject that pigment. I have gone back to get more pigment. I have lots of light blue and some degree of pink on me, and for some reason, they look great healing, and end up looking good. I have fair white to olive skin, I react to sunlight rather well. That said, pure white, my body rejects that pigment. And.. that said, do what makes you most comfy in life. If your career is paramount, don't fuck around and get tattooed if it will be a problem.

  4. I just want to say, that because of the community at LST.com, and the attitude of the community on this website, I feel emboldened in my tattoo endeavors. I am working on a Super Metroid themed sleeve. I love video games, and I love Super Metroid. I am no where close to the best at the game, nor am I close to being an expert on tattooing. But those common interests have led me to where I am. $4,000.00 plus in tattoos on one arm, and I love every dollar spent, and every minute in the shop! Photos once the arm is done...

    "Keep on keepin' on"

    Joe Dirt

  5. I have an engineering background and work in marketing and commercialization for a chemical company that deals with the asphalt industry. Since my role requires me to meet and interact with customers, I generally keep all of my tattoos covered at any work event. I had a shoulder cap/half sleeve started in 2009, and if I wore short sleeved polo shirts, part of the tattoo would peek out. I went three ears without a comment from anyone on this, but eventually a customer mentioned it and while the leader of my business unit said that the company has nothing against employees having tattoos, he just said I should consider such a reaction. In other words, wear long sleeves.

    Well, I went full bore, and got the arm tattooed all the way down to my wrist since I was pretty much wearing long sleeves after this "incident" all the time, I just won't be rolling them up at work anymore. In order to be successful at my job, I need to make my customers comfortable with me. If I had a relationship with a customer that I knew he/she had nothing against tattoos, I would wear short sleeves, but I am not at the point yet with any of my customers. As far as my coworkers go, they really don't care as long as I make the company money. That said, I treat interactions with coworkers as I would any customer of mine.

  6. The only thing that really irks me is when people ask any iteration of the tired question, "won't you regret that when you are older?" implying that they know how I am going to feel 40-50 years from now, if I even manage to live that long. I got my first tattoo the day I turned 18 and I still like it. After a lot of thought about designs, and finally having enough disposable income to get more, it was nine years before I got my second tattoo. Plenty of time to evaluate whether I wanted more or not. Since smart phones have made replying with a photo easier, I keep this handy to answer any form of the question I mentioned.


  7. Sorry for the delay in the photos. I had Nic snap some on Saturday before he got to work on the color. The photos of the color work were taken after I took the cover off and washed all the plasma off my arm. It took Nic about 4 hours to do all the coloring you see in the photos.





    And here are images from the game itself:



    For those unfamiliar with the game, the protagonist enter a derelict ship with no power about halfway through. Upon killing Phantoon, the ship's power is restored. I wanted the tattoo to look like the moment when Samus first discovers Phantoon emerging through a dark aura haunted by the spirits of the slain crew.

  8. Since I was a young lad, I developed a taste for for things people would find often mentioned on a tattoo oriented website.

    I moved from Olathe, Kansas last year to what I would call my original home state, Minnesota. Having never lived in the Twin Cities until 2012, I was lost as to where to go for good tattoos. After perusing this site, I know I found the right place. I had seen mention of Zach Kinsey at Uptown Tattoo, in Minneapolis, MN more than once, and went to check the shop out. After visiting a couple other shops, I knew Uptown was where I wanted to go, especially after being referred to Nic Skrade. The tattoo I wanted was based upon artwork of a favorite video game of mine, that I discovered at age 11 and still play to this day, and it was clear Nic and I shared this interest growing up. I knew I would receive 100% effort and full passion into the design I asked to be commissioned.

    Nic absolutely delivered. I can deliver more details and photos if asked. I figured a dissertation on my hello post might not be apropo.

    But again, I will without a doubt say, that without this website and its members, I would not be as happy as I am now with the tattoo I started last weekend.

    Much Obliged,

    Mikey P.

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