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Everything posted by OutOfIdeas

  1. Never tried a bath, but I always either soak a towel in really hot water and press it to a fresh tattoo, or stand under a very hot shower for a bit. This usually hurts worse than the tattoo itself, but the heat pulls out the excess plasma and gunk that leads to heavy scabbing. The stuff that usually seeps out for the first day or so. Im sure it's the same concept with a hot bath.
  2. I drove through West Chester yesterday, im actually only a few miles away. Beautiful little place, but there for a minute I thought it might wash away last night! And I finally booked my first appointment of the year, which I realize is very slacking. Its with @cltattooing in Oakland in a few weeks, should be pretty rad!
  3. Shit, you're making me want to come to Australia. I don't even ride (yet) but a bike is next on the list, when I can work it in between long overdue tattoos and my mission to pay off my car as fast as possible. That sounds like a hell of a time though!
  4. I really enjoyed "where the fuck is my happy place?" My first session on my chest I really psyched myself out and I remember thinking things very similar to this. So now that I can't feel that pain anymore, this is kind of funny
  5. I forgot how much I love the TED videos, thanks for reminding me. I just discovered that listening to these a great way to keep my mind entertained while I drive. This particular one was pretty cool
  6. That's gonna be such a rad tattoo! (Already is, but you know what I mean)
  7. I didn't say you contradicted yourself, I said you contradict this website. The fact that you're a scratcher goes against the ideal of professionalism and respect for the craft. The fact that you downtalk traditional, of which the founder of this site is considered one of the best in the business at, goes against a huge majority of the member's viewpoints. Im not saying you can't go to a Catholic church and preach Mormonism. Im just saying, you'd be an idiot.
  8. Nope, you're ignorant because you're saying traditional takes no talent to create, and you're stupid because you're trashing a vast array of incredibly talented artists. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's shit. Trashing an entire style, and talking shit on work that artists have put their heart and souls into developing, for generations, is downright insulting to the art and culture of tattooing.
  9. You're a scratcher who doesn't like traditional? I think you came to the wrong website. I don't know how you supposedly lurked here for any amount of time and didn't figure this out, but you obviously did not get an idea of what this place is about. It's about being the opposite of you.
  10. This would be so much cooler if LST was a bar, and some drunken idiot blurted all that out in front of the regular patrons. Hahaha.
  11. People think the same about people from Wyoming.
  12. Working! Doesn't sound like most people's idea of awesome, except im a trucker and just drove through Chicago with fireworks going off all around. Awesome fireworks, great setting for it, and getting paid to see it all! Happy birthday 'Merica.
  13. The amount of bacteria under the average fingernail is fucking disgusting. Fact.
  14. Looks fine, the top pic looks like a little much on the aquaphor, I use that stuff as well and less is more usually, but that's definitely not a big deal. Like graeme said, tons of variation. My first arm tattoo was all peeled in 4-5 days, the one right under/next to it took almost two weeks. Same artist, some just take longer. I've noticed in general it can depend a lot on the climate. Seems when it's colder, my skin is drier and takes longer to heal.
  15. At the risk of sounding incredibly stupid, what is a "sight hound"? Is something to do with breeds like greyhounds and whippets?
  16. I was mostly kidding, just thought it was kind of funny when it occured to me. I dont like or dislike people based on their stereotypes anyway, cool hipsters are cool, lame punks suck, vise versa. I'm pretty comfortable with my own (lack of) style. The strange habit of noticing my reflection does actually seem a bit vain and douchey however, not sure why I do that as I'm actually not very vain
  17. As I walked up to the gas station today, I noticed my reflection in the door. I realized I may be a little hipster, due to the way I dress. And on several occasions, I've found myself thinking "I wish hipsters didnt ______. I did this/that before hipsters ruined it." That and I look at my reflection in doors as I walk up.... Pretty much realized i might be a douche today. Fuck.
  18. Portland... streeeet fooood. Seriously. There's big lots filled with street vendors. Not good for the diet, but very good for the soul.
  19. Seventeen bottles of black later, the world has a new definition for the phrase "fuckin rad"
  20. Came to post this, too late I guess! Saw them last year at Riot Fest, and one of the bands im most looking forward to this year as well. Along with fucking Slayer. Duh. I hear Primus has an all right bass player, too...
  21. OutOfIdeas

    Book thread

    Try a series by ken Follett, the century trilogy. Books one and two are about ww1 and 2 respectively, the third I dont believe is out yet. They are fiction, but written around real events. They each follow through the time periods through the perspective of several people, on all sides of the war, running concurrently. I enjoy Ken Follett, and history, so I really liked these books.
  22. I vote take her advice ^ Cant go wrong listening to someone who makes tattoos like hers!
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