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  1. Like
    spookysproul reacted to hogg in Elbow Tattoos   
    Some guy named @Scott Sylvia put a cobra over my elbow. It swelled up nicely:

    But healed perfectly:

    Every tattooer who sees it is amazed that he got that red in like that in one pass.
  2. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Pugilist in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    I promise you that you are not on the side of Rosa Parks and MLK in this conversation, and that it's genuinely one of the most offensive things I have ever read on this message board to see you make this comparison. Rosa Parks and MLK were tireless in their articulation of the power imbalances that exist in our society, and the ways in which dominant groups silence marginalized ones. Pretending that their resistance is equated with "always speak up" with no analysis of power asymmetry, structural misogyny, and the fact that women HAVE SCARY FUCKING EXPERIENCES TALKING BACK TO CREEPY MEN is both painfully stupid and morally appalling. And that is the last thing I will say here, because I gave up internet arguments as a new year's resolution two years ago. But I just could not let this go.
    PS it gives me faith in this board to see so many like-minded folks calling this out, and not just women. <3 you guys.
  3. Like
    spookysproul reacted to SnowyPlover in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    I feel that's part of the problem of you totally not getting it - how she reacted or didn't react to the sexual comment during a session is not up for our judgement! She was sharing her experience and handled it the best way she knew at the time. Your comment that "silence is consent" seriously gave innuendo that a person is asking for more comments if she doesn't say anything. Everyone is different, sure, maybe you would have said something, but stop getting all judge-y to those that don't. It's complicated, especially because it is sexual in nature and the person on the receiving end of the comment was in a vulnerable state.
    I think all woman have had some kind of sexual comment at some point in their lives. I know I have, however, I don't have a blanket policy how I react - it depends, where, the context, the comment, the situation. I've never had sexually slanted comment during a tattoo session and I've been getting tattooed since the early 90's. So if shit like that is happening in a shop, that is what's wrong, not how the woman responds to it.
  4. Like
    spookysproul reacted to growltiger in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    The problem is that when you are in a vulnerable position, it is pretty difficult to speak up. Calling misogynistic behaviour out rarely ends with the perpetrator apologising and reflecting on what they've said/done. At best, you might get a patronising 'lighten up' type response, at worst an aggressive response.
    "Silence is consent" is victim-blaming bullshit. This is far more offensive than I think you realise, and is scarily close to blaming her for what clothes she was wearing.
  5. Like
    spookysproul reacted to CultExciter in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    Man, I'm so glad that @steve1461686340 reminded us of the "ignore users" function.
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    spookysproul reacted to SnowyPlover in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    Silence is not consent! I can't believe I am debating this!
    Just because one person would say or do something, doesn't mean some else in a similar situation would or could - that's ridiculous! Everyone has different coping mechanisms to get through a uncomfortable and vulnerable situation. She did the best she could, she did not invite those comments, nor is she bound to school that jackass about proper behavior towards women.
  7. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Graeme in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    Yes, you being reminded that somebody bolding something that you literally wrote when you complain that they are twisting your words is the same as someone who is being sexually harassed while in an especially vulnerable position. You are even fucking stupider than I assumed you are.
  8. Like
    spookysproul reacted to tatB in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    I'm not a tattooer so I wouldn't have to try to purposely fuck up a tattoo. It would just naturally be fucked up.
  9. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Graeme in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    He didn't twist your post, he bolded something that you wrote. Maybe you should instead think a little bit about what you write before you post it.
  10. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Pugilist in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    There is a pretty huge difference between engaging in off-colour humour in general and making uninvited sexual comments specifically about one's client, while you are quite literally controlling their movement (or lack thereof).
  11. Like
    spookysproul reacted to tatB in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    Are you blaming her for his rude comment?
  12. Like
    spookysproul reacted to iowagirl in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    I hope he says something like that to a woman who has a big and mean husband like mine.
  13. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Pugilist in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    I am really, really sorry that happened to you. It's unacceptable, and I think an asshole like that is explicitly taking advantage of the fact that he knows you can't really do/say anything in that situation to be inappropriate and harassing. Unacceptable.
    I feel super lucky that anyone who has ever tattooed me has been a total class act. Getting tattooed can put one in a fairly vulnerable position - often half-naked in busy shops, not really able to move - and it's so, so important to me to be doing so in chill, respectful places. I try not to take that for granted!
  14. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Harlot in Tattoos and Piercings?   
    I have stretched lobes (gauge is a measurement) and about a dozen other piercings (mostly non-ear piercings). So obviously, I love both. I am done getting anymore piercings for now though and I'm concentrating on tattoos.
  15. Like
    spookysproul reacted to kingofcosta in Man tattoos his dog   
    This is a disaster. I used to think my dog was cool. That was until I knew there were dogs rocking trad-heart tattoos. Now my dog is just boring. I can't even bring myself to pet him anymore. Stupid, uncool dog.
    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Like
    spookysproul reacted to hogg in Just building the lightest rotary tattoo machine :)   
    Pretty lame, if you ask me. Lots of great artists use rotaries these days. Then again, I'm not an artist, so I have no dog in this fight.
  17. Like
    spookysproul reacted to deadsp0t in fix or cover-up?   
    I think I'd build around what I had, a cover up will look bad, and based on the 3 tattoos I see, I'd consider asking if a different artist could tattoo my remaining money out, or maybe they could write you a check to get at least the star and the the date some laser treatment.
    You're already stuck, you'd be foolish to let her tattoo you again.

  18. Like
    spookysproul reacted to bugxjuice in fix or cover-up?   
    That or just cut it off.
  19. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Graeme in fix or cover-up?   
    Black in your arm. Nobody here really gives much of a shit about the tattoos you get.
  20. Like
    spookysproul reacted to CultExciter in fix or cover-up?   
    It sounds like the young fellow just didn't like the answers he was hearing, which is a bit of a difference. I think we did good.
  21. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Stewart Robson in fix or cover-up?   
    It's not unusual for a professional to charge for advice and opinions. Especially if that advice can save you money or make your life more pleasant in the long run. Quotes for various jobs are often free when they lead to more, higher paying work. Many professions are purely advice based too.
    Leave it alone. An extra-thick black arm to the star does not make it look better. If you're planning on getting more tattoos near it, if they are of a high quality, eventually you won't notice the wonky star.
  22. Like
    spookysproul reacted to tatB in fix or cover-up?   
    I would ignore this tattoo it for now. Maybe see if you can get any of your unused "deposit" back then save up some money and seek out some higher quality artists. It may take a couple months before your have the time and money but you will be much happier with the results. It would be insane to keep returning to an artist after you lost confidence in their ability to design and apply a quality tattoo.
  23. Like
    spookysproul reacted to abees in Some of the worst ever.   
    some of my favourites are attached below.
  24. Like
    spookysproul reacted to jinxproof1996 in Would you let your kid get tattooed before 18?   
    my daughter tattooed me at age 8. its was awesome. i told my son he could as well (he was 5) but he wasn't into it. haha. they have both been to the shop a bunch and they LOVE to trace and color flash. it was (and is) a great experience.
  25. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Julio Avila in Tattoo Fonts, Tattoo Lettering & Tattoo Script   
    them lettering book are a "stepping stone" to what can be done. the truth is, if you trace the letters directly out of the book, it totally shows. there is nothing like hand drawn letters.
    even when i do OE letters, ill tape tracing paper over the original style and then redraw my version of them directly on top. hand drawn letters have much more soul in them than any traced letters will ever have.
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