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    spookysproul got a reaction from Graeme in Bottom of Toe Tattoos   
    A coworker of mine has a simple fly on the bottom of her foot... and it looks very much like one of the black spots that gum turns into after it's been on the sidewalk for a few months. From what I understand that is the standard result of the bottom of the foot tattoo.
  2. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Graeme in Inner Thigh Tattoos   
    We often advise people here to not overthink the whole process of getting a tattoo. I am going to offer you the same advice, but about fucking. There is no "perfect body" and the sooner you can understand that there is beauty in imperfection, the better. Tattoos or not.
  3. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Sean Sinha in Pre 1985 tattooers you've been tattooed by   
    Freddy Corbin in October, but I am not sure that he's pre-85, but he's gonna be the most legendary/known artist I've had work on me.
  4. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Graeme in Pre 1985 tattooers you've been tattooed by   
    I haven't seen more than a handful of photos of Dave Lum's tattoos, but did he really *hide* the dicks in those?
  5. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Bunny Switchblade in Pre 1985 tattooers you've been tattooed by   
    That's cool.....I just wondered if for some people they saw 1985 as some pivotal time in tattooing or something and my first professional tattoo was done in 1984 by Juli Moon.....
    - - - Updated - - -
    I don't really know why or what got into my head one evening BUT.....I just decided that I wanted to seek out some of the people who had been tattooing 30-40 years and begin to add their work to my body! At the time I was not even thinking I would ever pick up a machine and tattoo but to me it truly was my way of being able to honor those people who had put their time in to the craft and community I loved since I did not tattoo!
    It really hit home to me that this is what I felt I should do once I was tattooed by Dennis Watkins....the hubby of my now mentor Gale Watkins! Dennis apparently was dying at the time unknown to anyone but himself and had really stopped tattooing totally. I asked a friend to see if he could convince him to do something small on me....and he agreed to do something!
    That one tattoo turned into three.....Myself...my hubby....and my son have his last three tattoos!
    After his death I asked a few well known tattoo artists who I was fortunate to be friends with who were others who had this kind of time in and got back a wonderful list I have been chipping away at for some time now!
    I try not to really draw a lot of attention to myself because I am really no one special.....I have just taken the time to have been tattooed by a lot of really wonderful people who love/loved what they do.....
    I really would urge others to do this as well if you are just going for smaller pieces here and there on your body rather than larger mural style pieces!
  6. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Johannes in Chicks giving me crap   
    what others think is their problem, not yours. me personally don't give a flying f**k what others think of any of my tattoos anyway...but thats me...
  7. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from semele in Pre and post-tattoo rituals   
    I mean, I have the back of both knees done. Even with a beer to take the edge off, that was still no picnic. I feel like after 8 toes, both feet, most of both legs, the front of my torso, the entirety of both arms, one hand, all knuckles, and smatterings on various places around my neck, I've gotten the gist of the "pain" part of it. While I do have a handful of less-than-stellar tattoos, I'd say the majority of mine are "good" at the very least.
    Now, my last roommate would swallow a few Vicodin, drink some concoction of "anti-energy drinks" he'd make and go to sleep until they were done. Most of the folks at Blackheart and Temple have worked on him, so I'd say he has some decent work as well.
    But, who knows? Carry on.
  8. Like
    spookysproul reacted to kollin in Dry healing   
    I like to walk around a giant boulder three time. Upon reaching my third rotation, I point a six shooter pistol in the air and fire twice; in one second increments. After the second shot is fired. I hop on one leg backwards, around the boulder Three times. Guaranteeing a 100% successful heal. Hope this helps ;)
  9. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from MsCandyPants in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    For what it's worth, I know some people who've reported excruciating pain on their feet and said the whole story about having to wear slippers instead of shoes for a few days, yada yada yada. I, on the other hand, was able to loosen the laces on my vans for a few days and that was that. I didn't think they hurt worse than my shins, which was barely at all. So, hopefully yours go more along those lines.
  10. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Perspectivez in Dry healing   
    this has definitely been a problem for me in the winter. I live in toronto, and it gets cold as shit here. scabs form and start to crack badly.
    I hate putting lotion on thicker scabs, but it seems to be the only way to stop the cracking and let it heal.
  11. Like
    spookysproul reacted to beez in Dry healing   
    @spookysproul I don't have another city to compare it to, really, since most of my healing has taken place in Seattle, regardless of the city that I have been tattooed in, but I will say that I am in the habit of pre-conditioning the area to be tattooed for at least two weeks (or as long as you have!) pre-tattoo, and the condition of my skin while healing improved substantially once I started doing that. It might help! Give it a try :).
    Welcome to Seattle, btw!
  12. Like
    spookysproul reacted to David Flores in How do I get in touch with...   
    This isn't directed as a dig at the OP, because I understand how hard it can be to try to book an appointment, especially when we are talking about an international matter, but just maybe some insight on how to approach getting tattooed. That being said, is there anyone who books appointments over Instagram. I always see people commenting on posts trying telling tattooers to call them or email them if they have an appointment available or expecting them to comment back with a price quote of an idea that only exists in their own mind. If you want tattooers to take you seriously (and not just ignore you) you should always look for contact info on people's social media page, most of the time the easiest and prefered way to get ahold of someone is posted clearly, secondly if possible always go to the shop in person (if possible), if not call the shop and ask the best way to book appointment with the person you are looking for. 99% of the time you if you follow this, it's end of story, but if you have to contact someone through social media, make sure it's a private message and make sure you mention that you tried to contact them through conventional routes. Be clear, concise, and let them know you are willing to lay down a deposit to your paypal to secure time with them. Also give tattooers a week to respond before you send follow up emails, or call the shop again.
  13. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from PopsBdog in Trip to San Fran   
    Temple is about a 45 second walk eastward from the 19th Street BART station in downtown Oakland, and you can take a bus that goes along Van Ness in SF that will drop you off roughly 5 or 6 blocks from Spider Murphy's.
    Incidentally, Diamond Club is on the aforementioned Van Ness and you will absolutely get quality work there. Blackheart is roughly four blocks from the 16th & Mission BART station in SF and everything else is easily accessible by almost any MUNI line.
    I miss the City, sometimes. :(
  14. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from slayer9019 in What about when you are old and wrinkled?!   
    I've always found really inconsiderate when people ask this question. Assuming the recipient of the question hasn't thought of it yet, and the above-mentioned response isn't known, then all it really accomplishes is ruining someone's day. People are so thoughtless.
    Alternatively, a friend of mine was carrying his daughter in Best Buy when someone pointed to his arms and said "What are you going to do when SHE'S old enough and SHE wants tattoos??"
    To which he responded, "Well, obviously I hate them." and walked away.
  15. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from tatB in Opening sterile packages in front of you   
    I don't know that it's ever occurred to me to ask to watch the set-up process, I've always just assumed that the reputation of the shop included cleanliness and sanitation.
  16. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from ironchef in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Ha! I knew a guy who - during the heigh of the Kanji craze - decided he wanted some, so he brought in the menu from Lee's Chinese and got "paper wrapped chicken" on his wrist.
  17. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from beez in Trip to San Fran   
    Temple is about a 45 second walk eastward from the 19th Street BART station in downtown Oakland, and you can take a bus that goes along Van Ness in SF that will drop you off roughly 5 or 6 blocks from Spider Murphy's.
    Incidentally, Diamond Club is on the aforementioned Van Ness and you will absolutely get quality work there. Blackheart is roughly four blocks from the 16th & Mission BART station in SF and everything else is easily accessible by almost any MUNI line.
    I miss the City, sometimes. :(
  18. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from Fala in What about when you are old and wrinkled?!   
    I've always found really inconsiderate when people ask this question. Assuming the recipient of the question hasn't thought of it yet, and the above-mentioned response isn't known, then all it really accomplishes is ruining someone's day. People are so thoughtless.
    Alternatively, a friend of mine was carrying his daughter in Best Buy when someone pointed to his arms and said "What are you going to do when SHE'S old enough and SHE wants tattoos??"
    To which he responded, "Well, obviously I hate them." and walked away.
  19. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from bongsau in What about when you are old and wrinkled?!   
    I've always found really inconsiderate when people ask this question. Assuming the recipient of the question hasn't thought of it yet, and the above-mentioned response isn't known, then all it really accomplishes is ruining someone's day. People are so thoughtless.
    Alternatively, a friend of mine was carrying his daughter in Best Buy when someone pointed to his arms and said "What are you going to do when SHE'S old enough and SHE wants tattoos??"
    To which he responded, "Well, obviously I hate them." and walked away.
  20. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from HaydenRose in What about when you are old and wrinkled?!   
    I've always found really inconsiderate when people ask this question. Assuming the recipient of the question hasn't thought of it yet, and the above-mentioned response isn't known, then all it really accomplishes is ruining someone's day. People are so thoughtless.
    Alternatively, a friend of mine was carrying his daughter in Best Buy when someone pointed to his arms and said "What are you going to do when SHE'S old enough and SHE wants tattoos??"
    To which he responded, "Well, obviously I hate them." and walked away.
  21. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from beez in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Ha! I knew a guy who - during the heigh of the Kanji craze - decided he wanted some, so he brought in the menu from Lee's Chinese and got "paper wrapped chicken" on his wrist.
  22. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from semele in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Ha! I knew a guy who - during the heigh of the Kanji craze - decided he wanted some, so he brought in the menu from Lee's Chinese and got "paper wrapped chicken" on his wrist.
  23. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Bart Bingham in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    I read an article in I cant remember what magazine many years ago that pointed out that almost every question we get asked about our tattoos can also be directed towards a new teen mother
    "did that hurt?"
    "what do your parents think about that?"
    " you know you're stuck with that for ever, right?"
    "i cant believe you'd do that to your body?"
    "why would you do something so irresponsible?"
    etc., etc.
  24. Like
    spookysproul reacted to Hogrider in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    You paid how much????? I had my baby in a friend's kitchen for $20!
  25. Like
    spookysproul got a reaction from hogg in What about when you are old and wrinkled?!   
    I've always found really inconsiderate when people ask this question. Assuming the recipient of the question hasn't thought of it yet, and the above-mentioned response isn't known, then all it really accomplishes is ruining someone's day. People are so thoughtless.
    Alternatively, a friend of mine was carrying his daughter in Best Buy when someone pointed to his arms and said "What are you going to do when SHE'S old enough and SHE wants tattoos??"
    To which he responded, "Well, obviously I hate them." and walked away.
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