Oh, I'll be talking to an artist as soon as possible. Absolutely. 17 october at 12:00 to be precise! Thing is, they insisted on booking a 4 hour hour slot for drawing and lining. That worries me TBH and I did say I wasn't sure if I'd be happy going with lining the same day as meeting the artist for the first time. But, well, apparently that's how it's done. I've paid my deposit and if it it just turns into a damned expensive consult, so be it. We shall see.
I do very much want traditional flavored tattoos, but little of the 20th / 21st century flash appeals to me. I adore seeing it on other people but I don't think it's what I want for myself.
This lady http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/01/30/article-2270600-17409C19000005DC-452_964x1202.jpg I love, she has quite a lot of 'correct' botanical stuff going on if you look closely. It's all rather realist in style though but it's applied with similar tessellation to what is now used for modern traditional tattooing. A bit crowded on the arms but it's there. The cuffs she has are amazing.
So, it seems to (uneducated and here to learn) me that it stuff like, say, this
Antique botanical prints from Zorn 1779-1790
this Joel Oppenheimer Audubon and Natural History Prints
and this Ferrari Botanical Prints and Allegorical Prints 1638 would lend themselves very nicely indeed to being simplified to a modern tradition style of drawing whilst still keeping the correct leaf and flower shapes for the species.
I suppose this http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/gallery/flower-tattoos/14250-img-1868.html is getting towards what I'm after although there's less black than I'd want and if I go with colour I'd want more saturation. This http://pinterest.com/pin/270708627574608650/ is closer in terms of style but I'm not digging the vine trend and botanically it's all wrong. this is also absolutely not what I'd want (too little black, too flimsy, vine-ish but not rose-vine-ish) http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/e5/70/93/e5709396a216e1613b4773ab770be8fc.jpg but, it brings something to the table too.
I hope that make some sort of sense!
(There's a toad, a wren, maybe a long tailed tit and a few insects I's like in the mix too, if it works out)
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x post there candy...
It's not sunny very often here but I like to stay pale anyway so factor 50 in the summer and factor 20 in the winter is the norm for me anyway.