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Everything posted by HettyKet

  1. Blimey, that really is beautifully done work. Not my style (at all) but she deserves full on props. - - - Updated - - - :eek: google says she only 20!
  2. Heck, well good luck then @RockPriest. Do you have somewhere to stay if the worst happens? I'm mid thirties and still waiting for my first tattoo (3 weeks to go now) - I was really nervous about telling my mother, she's a very liberal, hippy type but I remember all too clearly how horribly shocked when I got my lip pierced when I was 17 or 18. I was living totally independently, supporting myself and all that jazz. FFS. But, yeah, we live in separate countries so I had to tell over the phone - she claimed to be fine with the idea was clearly a bit ruffled. She's come round now though and is even getting excited for me. Quite amendment about me having loads of colour and <stern voice> thinking very carefully indeed before going bellow the elbow. That my nasty (and very, very old) self harm scarring will be covered by this first set of pieces is probably a factor in her 'acceptance' of the idea TBH. But I do wonder if she is deliberately and consistently refusing to understand that we're talking most of my arm (not just the grim part), that I'll probably be going with black and grey and almost certainly to 1/3 along my forearm but, well, for better or worse we live in different countries. I also keep showing her photos of almost totally covered women and telling her that that's what I'm after but, yeah, I'm pretty sure there's a bit of denial going on! - - - Updated - - - My children (one aged 4, one 5 1/2) are thrilled about the idea - in fact it was probably my son and his endless drawings on his skin that inspired me to finally make an appointment after years of quietly considering things.
  3. Oh, I'm ready already! No doubt about that! My artist has a long waiting list though - first appointment is in just under a month. Am so very sick of waiting.

    I'm starting with my left arm from elbow to shoulder - all round. Kind of based on this sort of thing: 57d6ff60122f8fd63e8ac8c621efa048.jpg .

  4. I think that's just the Twat Deterrent Mode :)

    I've started about 1436 threads about the sort of work I'm after already maybe best not waste any more server space on the matter until things are underway!

  5. Ach, I'm a newcomer myself - still waiting for my first tattoos in fact. I'm sure you'll find a lot of very friendly people here, it's a great place.

  6. But added up over, say 60 or 70 years (not forgetting hair dressers, beauticians, eyebrow plucking, all that make up we buy that turns out to be just wrong, cleansers, etc.) it's quite a different picture, I'd think.
  7. Well, for what it's worth, (blue) hydrangea is pretty much exactly halfway between sweet williams and forget-me-nots, visually (to me). Sweet candy tuft might be worth a look too:
  8. This is pretty interesting as well actually - not women - Russian Prison Tattoos - Imgur . Some of them are phenomenal.
  9. I've made a little collection of photos of (mainly) tattooed circus ladies here: http://www.pinterest.com/FrankieFrankie/circus-tattoos-and-stuff/ while researching some stuff. Love 'em all. Beware: nakedness and visible breasts. Must say I was disappointed by Bodies of Subversion, but maybe my expectations were too high. - - - Updated - - - Oh, these are interesting too - plenty of photos INK Part 1: A History of the Tattooed Lady http://www.transversealchemy.com/2011/02/ink-part-1-history-of-tattooed-lady.html?zx=8e7d635280bb0d60 INK Part 2: The Sideshow Girls http://www.transversealchemy.com/2011/03/ink-part-2-sideshow-girls.html?zx=e1573d9c2aadafce
  10. Well, I have tried to fuck the fuck off and stop reading but unfortunately since @Stewart Robson had me look at that thread I've been compelled to look into the work of the artists mentioned on it. I am an obsessive type - it's been unavoidable. Very pleasant indeed too. So, yeah, I ended up looking at this Instagram by Dave de Crom, a local-ish chap and mentor/friend/colleague of the bloke I'm off to see. And, erm, well, there might have been a certain level of soggy-panted-euphoria. It's the lines and shading on the bottom 2/3 of the piece that get me and at thee risk of being extremely irritating / getting shot / banned / whatever I have to ask if there's an acceptable way of referring to style of this piece. (I can pretend to have had a shitty dolphin on done my bum, 'tribal' anklet and/or random flowers put on my breast 20 years ago, like many of my friends of the time, if that helps) - - - Updated - - - Time will tell, I suppose. Am not entirely convinced there'll even be time for actual tattooing at my first appointment or, that if there's time I'll be happy with diving right in with the designs straight away (the studio don't do consults - just drawing and lining appointments). Left a month between appointments when I booked them in, something I'm already sorely regretting.
  11. Surely it's best to handle it much like one does when complimented on and asked about a dress / lipstick / shoes (or whatever) by someone whose taste is, erm, questionable: sweet smile, encouragement and the information. Disclaimer: am not actually tattooed yet - still waiting for my first appointment. - - - Updated - - - never in my life have I felt the need for a ticker. Never. Ever. Could do with one now though, maybe :rolleyes:
  12. Can't get seen any sooner than I am being. <fucks the fuck off until after appointment, as per instructions>
  13. Ach, I'm not trying to be part of tattooing. Still a month to wait for my first appointment. No consult though so am a bit tense. - - - Updated - - - Oh, and I'm glad I asked even if it did unintentionally ruffle a few feathers. Cheers
  14. Heck, where to start? Thank you for bothering. Really. Which is something that I feel deserves respect. I'm not a part of the culture, I'm a totally un-tattooed, tubby, 36 year old mothers of two - turning up and demanding a share and a story without bothering to google a bit and read a book or two seems, well, wrong. I would never hope to 'swim' as it were! Much as I rate my own taste (like a twat) I have to trust others on this one. Just hope to be almost-well-enough-informed to feel alright about asking tattooists who I respect to work on my skin.
  15. Thanks for the tip on that thread @Stewart Robson - it was a good read. Yet you liken researching tattoos, tattooing, tattoo styles, tattoo history and tattooers to researching swimming! I thought that the style was maybe related to the influence of Georgian / Victorian jewelery, as many elements in traditional tattoos seem to be. ho hum. Had never looked at the work of Hooper et. al. or the derivatives of their style(s) in detail at all mind. Just seen a bit of dot shading some dotty roses and an odd mandala in passing. Me too, a lot actually. Especially when it's not over sexualised. Not sure about wearing it.
  16. Fad isn't such a shocking term in my mind. Not positive, probably not particularly respectful or complimentary of the subject but absolutely not inherently insulting. Fads can be fun. But it's been over 10 years since I last lived in an English speaking country. That probably has a bearing. Don't wish to offend. Anyway, research. Well, I enjoy reading and tattoo history is new to me - why not have a gander? To me it's important not to feel I'm appropriating from a culture and tradition (tattooing) about which I've made no effort whatsoever to inform myself. I'm odd but it's not hurting anyone. But, yes, thanks - interesting. Off to find and read that thread. - - - Updated - - - Please don't think I'm after period-correct. I'm after a flavour.
  17. Urgh. Indeed. The pitfalls hey! - - - Updated - - - If I was a man it wouldn't bother me so, I don't think.
  18. That's just what I feared - that that one element would be in danger of dating the whole arm. Bugger. Was going to go with Venice lace until I found that that's everywhere at the moment. Hopefully the artist can come up with something based on filigree. Still, thanks (again) Graeme! - - - Updated - - - I think my link failed - this is what I was looking at translating to tattoo Would much rather avoid all elements on the fad scale though. If only some fucker had published a list of 'em.
  19. I'm after having some work done inspired by the old circus sideshow tattooed ladies, many of the women had bracelets tattooed 'after' the tattoos on their arms, IYSWIM. ( http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/01/30/article-2270600-17409C19000005DC-452_964x1202.jpg Jean Carroll as tattooed by Charlie Wagner). A lot of the period (and older) bangles I like and that look like they'd translate to tattoo well have a kind of dotwork look, Antique Victorian Black Enamel Yellow Gold Bangle Cuff Bracelet at 1stdibs this for example. Another possibility is maybe some sort of filigree effect, thus: Edwardian 14k White Gold Filigree .20 ctw DIAMOND Brooch from arnoldjewelers on Ruby Lane. The tattoos above the bangle will be Traditional American meets old fashioned 'stiff' realism. Any opinions appreciated! Obviously I will ask my artist and take his opinion on the matter seriously. Please excuse my ignorance, I've done a lot of research but my starting point was nil knowledge and I've still a long way to go...
  20. Here: BBC Radio 4 - A Mortal Work of Art . Nothing groundbreaking but enjoyable.
  21. Yeah, just read that. Also a another good one (for the uninitiated, like me) on the process of a custom tattoo.
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