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Dope Antelope

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  1. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to CultExciter in Worried about tattoo   
    I'm a big fan of putting a pillow case over the area and slapping the shit out of it.
    - - - Updated - - -
    I also just made a Firestorm reference in my office, no one got it...
  2. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to slayer9019 in Worried about tattoo   
    ice it! you're welcome in advance
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    Dope Antelope reacted to Hogrider in Learning to Draw...   
    Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Get the book and work your way though it. My wife teaches drawing and used it to teach me. I couldn't draw a stick figure before this, now I just suck! :-)
  4. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to Steve in Confirmation Email?   
    Hey there - thanks for asking this.
    Yes, you do need 10 posts, but you also need to wait 3 days after you register (was 7 days until now). You should be able to create threads now - let us know if you find otherwise.
  5. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to tatB in For TATTOOERS ONLY, what's your biggest pet peeve?   
    So you tattoo for free?
  6. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to slayer9019 in Anyone have any good ideas for a cover up?   
    Reaper with a top hat, fighting a panther, standing on an 8 ball. Yes that was an actual conversation I had with a tattooer about my own coverup. Shit would cover anything.
    Realistically, you will have to talk to a tattooer, and see their take. I might get mine zapped a few times with a laser to open the possibilities up quite a bit (especially for black). Any tattooer I've talked to mentioned laser first (even just a few to lighten it up).
    That being said if you are just asking for anything that would cover that up on the internet, expect everyone to run along the lines of "pather, top hat, 8-ball, black koi, oil spill, etc)
  7. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to Brock Varty in For TATTOOERS ONLY, what's your biggest pet peeve?   
    The shop I work at has a front counter and then a raised floor where the tattooers work. We have huge signs on the counter that say "No One Past This Point". People don't fucking get it. They wanna run back there and hold hands and party, and fucking frolic in the meadow while people are trying to tattoo.
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    Dope Antelope reacted to G.Uristti in For TATTOOERS ONLY, what's your biggest pet peeve?   
    i hate to when someone walks in and says "how much for a tattoo right here?" so i tell them what kind of tattoo and they say "you know just a plan old tattoo right here"
    im annoyed just thinking about it
  9. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to mario desa in For TATTOOERS ONLY, what's your biggest pet peeve?   
    julio, i read a story about a tattooer on south state street, chicago in the 50's who also hated that. so he would wear a big sombrero while he worked so the dude couldn't look down! the brim was between him and the tattoo!!
  10. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to slayer9019 in Confirmation Email?   
    You can always PM the mods me, @hogg, @steve1461686340, @tammy, @Iwar, and @gougetheeyes if you have a question. I will PM you in a second.
  11. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to CultExciter in Hahahahahah   
    i feel awful admitting this...but i realize i have a penchant for lurking scratchers.
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    Dope Antelope got a reaction from CultExciter in Hahahahahah   
    it says in the top right corner "Scratcher - Tim Vanzant" i searched that name + tattoo in google and came up with this facebook page...
    definitely some hideous tattoos in there.. whether it is the same person or not i dont know.
  13. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to Hogrider in What is the DUMBEST tattoo you've had to do lately?   
    um, read the Old Testament and you will fear God.
  14. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to SStu in Why are bad tattoos so popular?   
    You are assuming that everyone out there has a creative mind and/or appreciates art.
    It ain't so.
  15. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to sbhikes in I really like my tattoos   
    Nobody in the world cares about my tattoos. But I really like them.
    I've got a bird friend on my shoulder who will be with me always. Poor little Squeaky, the real bird, died when I was away. I never got to say good-bye and now I don't have to because Squeaky is always there on my shoulder.
    I've got a story of hiking a long trail on my leg. If I ever get Alzheimer's I will probably at least remember that experience since it's right there on my leg to remind me of all that I saw and did out there.
    I've got big blue roses. Lots of color. I was hated and criticized mercilessly all my life for being ugly but now I have pretty colors on my skin to make me happy.
    And finally, my butterfly. First time I went to a tattoo shop the artist there told me of giving an old lady a tattoo of a butterfly on her arm because she had always wanted one. There are so many things in life I've always wanted to do and it took me a while to realize that someday never comes. Do it now. And even though a barely-graduated apprentice did my butterfly, he cleverly mirrored the motif of the leaves of my roses and tied it all together. I feel like I carry a flower garden and a little bit of spring around with me wherever I go.
    I claimed my body from those who had prior claims, defined it my own way, not theirs, and made it my own. Nobody cares about my tattoos, some people probably scorn me for them, and for that I even feel more grateful because against their disapproval, here I am, taking up space with my garden and my memories, just being me.
  16. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to Tight-Lines in 1st Tat   
    The only thing I can think of is Tegaderm. It is made by 3M and could provide with the waterproof barrier, but also adds another risk of breeding infection inside of the bandage. We all know that tattoos are just giant open wounds which need to breathe. When you trap bacteria in with water proof/air tight bandages you are susceptible to all sorts of infections.
    You know whats worse than a shitty tattoo? Staph infection from a pool full of dirty kids and nasty adults in an under developed country.
    But I'm not a medic or anything.
  17. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to CultExciter in Horror tats   
    New signature.
  18. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to cltattooing in Tattooing!   
    That's interesting, why?
    Actually, no.. don't have to justify this. People come here to learn, I'm not a mod, and I don't feel the need to display any sense of importance by telling people off who don't know their dick from their toe when it comes to tattoos.
  19. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to Brock Varty in Tattooing!   
    If this forum as a whole was facing certain annihilation from the barbarian horde and the only two options were to fight and surely die, or back down and live another day. I feel like you would be the dude whos like "Uh, guys, lets just let this one go". Meanwhile, every other member of the forum charges straight to instant death.
  20. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to cltattooing in Tattooing!   
    I believe it. I've seen this situation before, there are a few shops out here just like that. I've been trying really hard to not be an asshole in this thread. Luckily, shops like that usually end up closing within 3 years. People just get really hungry for the money or the recognition or the power that comes with tattooing, and they let their egos/greed/integrity get out of line.
    I know of a shop in Hayward where one of the "artists" took on an apprentice after he had been tattooing for 3 years, and that apprentice was one of 3. Everything that comes out of that place is garbage. I know... nobody that loves tattooing wants to believe that this stuff actually happens, but it does. I guess that's why it's so direly important that sites like this one exist.
    Kay, done with this thread, steppin off the soap box.
  21. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to Graeme in Dope Antelope   
    A tattoo will age poorly if it doesn't have enough black in it. I think that another problem with realism is that you're going to lose a lot of the finer detail over time. I think as long as the tattoo has things outlined and adequate black in it, and that the different elements in the sleeve have strong silhouettes you'll be fine. I think you can totally do Japanese-themed stuff in a non-Japanese way and have it look super cool...I'm thinking in particular of Canadian tattooers who tattoo sort of Japanese-inspired new school stuff like Steve Moore, James Tex, Rob Noseworthy. Anyway, those are some good looking tattoos Ian Ink does, please let us know how it goes.
  22. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to ian in Cover up tats on the back neck   
    wear a feather boa.
  23. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to hogg in Dope Antelope   
    Post now approved. Welcome!
  24. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to falcontattooer in For TATTOOERS ONLY - most hated tattoo requests?   
    a bartender friend asked me to tattoo a mustache on her finger and her eyes got all big like it was such a great idea. so i got real excited and said "i gotta better idea, why dont we tattoo the words 'played out' on your finger instead"? she got mad but she also never got the tattoo done.
  25. Like
    Dope Antelope reacted to Rob_Gilk in For TATTOOERS ONLY - most hated tattoo requests?   
    15 inches, haha, I just pictured you going straight through the lip and tattooing the chin.
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