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Everything posted by deadsp0t

  1. If one is upset their work is being hijacked(used by another artist and other artist taking credit), and have taken no steps to prevent it, then they've only their self to blame. Retaining a lawyer may be a touch extreme in most cases, posting every piece if work they own on 4-5 websites is a bit careless if you're going to be offended if it's copied. Blasting your work all over the interwebs is somewhat effective, it's not the only way to spread the word. If they have time to bitch about it, they have time to actually do something and if their silence isn't consent, what exactly is it, it's clearly not a deterrent. Anyways, the whole thing feels hypocritical in a lot if cases, for me, if you don't care enough to at least, try to protect your hard work, then don't be surprised it got jacked. Simple.
  2. You should post up some pics if your tattoos! We live looking at tattoos lol :) Are you trying to be a tattooer or just a collector? Kinda hard to tell from your post.
  3. Fuck what ppl think is what I say! Seriously though, In just a short time of having a pig and a rooster tattoo I've herd it all. Post up a pic of your bass, we'd love to see it. Here is a trout my tattooers wife did. http://instagram.com/p/b4rBHEkE8g/
  4. We will need you to elaborate more to help you. Style of tattoo you want, your location , etc. Welcome to LST, help us help you. :)
  5. Welcome to LST.. Start by posting up some pictures of your current tattoos.
  6. More collectors then tattooers here.. Your best bet would be feedback from your customers, also hitting the streets and visiting tattoo shops will your best bet for meaningful feedback.. This forum generally frowns on these types of posts, don't be surprised by posts that may follow. This site is dedicated to good tattoos..
  7. Agreed. OP, who cares what anyone thinks? Collect as many as you like.
  8. They put out some great work, I follow them on IG as well, I think they just brought in another great artist as well. The name escapes me right now..
  9. I know the feeling! Not sure if there's anyone else here from NC or not.
  10. After thinking a little about this I think it'd be hard for someone so far removed from tattooing in general to even have a realistic idea of which questions to even ask to appease both tattooed and un-tattooed people. I'm starting to lean toward the majority here and say the approach is far off base. That being said, a better approach may have been to come here and ask how such a survey should be conducted. While this is a better approach IMO, like stated already, approaching actual artists and tattooers face to face would be far better. Just a little food for thought.. The answers/responses here may very well be used in such a survey. A more thought out plan may be in use.
  11. You make some nice tattoos! :) Welcome to LST
  12. Personally I consider highly visible to be wrist down and shirt collar up and it varies on legs for males v females. The consensus is that elbow down on the arm and just above the knee and down are high vis and of course shirt line/neck up. Stay away from those high visible areas and you should be ok hiding it. Def talk to your artist about you future tattoo plans, there's lots of prime tattoo locations in that covered area :) Welcome to LST
  13. I'm leaning towards agreeing but not 100%, by that same logic, if her research was on STDs would one suggest that she go whore around until she got first hand experience with one or more? Certainly not. Example our thread here about plain skins and the things they say. I'm of the belief that they say the things they do because they are truly ignorant to the culture of tattoos making/collecting and our stand-offish nature in general. Which this is another example of. While I believe my statements above, I also believe it's ones right or choice to discuss tattoos with whomever they choose and that the gap between tattooed ppl and non tattooed exists because ppl fear what they do not understand. After only skimming over the original inquiry, a lot if this information could be gathered without ever making a post here by simply reading. Making the post and asking for specific answers is a much better approach then just coming here and poaching information without inquiring. Having not found cooperation from the best tattoo site around, I can imagine the amount of misrepresentation to follow. I personally am not bothered by how I am perceived but having gotten to a lot of you guys from your posts, I know there some who do care. Do it or don't, makes me no difference at all, but we are being offered an opportunity to change the skew of opinions when these things come our way. Just my thoughts, going leave them here and move on. *disclaimer, I have no idea the validity of this particular survey, I'm speaking in general terms.
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