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Everything posted by deadsp0t

  1. The story and tattoo are genuinely inspirational.. Best of luck to the both you in this fight.. The tattoo is cool I really like it.. A friend at work to me FFDP covers that song on their new album and its pretty good, haven't herd it so I can't say.
  2. A regulator/rectifier shouldn't be too bad to change time/money wise. Depending on the situation the battery may now be bad.. If the regulator is not trashed, may be able to charge the battery and ride it home if its not too far.. I'm in now way a Harley guy so I could be way off but that's how it went down with my Honda. Although there is a risk of the regulator catching in fire
  3. Got my anchor today :D loving it! Can't remember which thread we talked about these posters but here's Ray's 80 something of 250
  4. http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-after-care/4433-long-term-tattoo-care.html Isn't solely about longevity of color but good advice here, I had similar concerns.
  5. Had a scab, not that thick come off a little early on my last piece and the black looked extremely light but has since settled just fine
  6. Welcome! Sounds like you have a great opportunity to get some unique pieces! There are lots of ppl here from around the globe who can likely point you to the right places, looking forward to following your journey.
  7. Welcome to the show! :)
  8. A local news personality does some music stuff(vocals) with a good friend of mine and as a result I've gotten to meet and get to know her a bit and we talk and exchange comments on FB and talk at shows. Recently she's decided that she wants to get some tattoos and I've believe I've persuaded her to got where I go http://blueflametattoo.com/ She posted today that she had a consult with Shaun. It's good feeling to have passed a recommendation on to a good person for a good shop.. I believe it will be a win win as she's a popular person locally and having her as a client should be good for business. Dunno why, but just had to share this ;) Toot toot tooting my own horn ;) Side note, the galleries need to be updated.. Lots of newer pics on IG and FB
  9. Idk if there are any Harley ppl here or not, meaning like techs. I'm sure plenty if ppl like or ride HD's.. But.. Honestly your best bet aside from a dealer/mechanic visit will be to sign up on a HD forum, introduce yourself and post a thread asking for help and include the codes. I know with cars you can usually google just the make + the code(s) and come up with some links.. I'm assuming you've tried that?
  10. Personally I prefer about 3-shots of some high quality hard liquor, the end result is the same :)
  11. Sadly at work, sometimes 10mins is all I can give it before returning to work. Thankfully this hasn't caused me any issues.
  12. I've always used it very sparingly(very small amounts, it goes a looong way with no issues but after my artist said he had an issue like this from using it I make sure it's light, the thing I like the most is it doesn't dry out fast.. I will google that, have an appointment Sunday, maybe I'll give it a go. I'm interested in the OP's after care product and routine now.
  13. That was my first thought, too much lotion or ointment.. Personally I use very little, clean it off regularly, pat it dry and wait 10 mins or so before reapplying. My artist says he can't use aquafor because something like this happens(never seen it but it looks like what he described to me).
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