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  1. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Zillah in Trolls   
    In my opinion a troll is somebody who upsets people on purpose. Some of the people here seem to lack the social skills to avoid accidentally insulting people. However the outcome is the same either way: people are upset.
    I have to say this forum is probably the only forum I've been on that feels this strongly about women's rights without actually being a feminist forum, and that's pretty cool.
  2. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Johannes in Trolls   
    In my opinion a troll is somebody who upsets people on purpose. Some of the people here seem to lack the social skills to avoid accidentally insulting people. However the outcome is the same either way: people are upset.
    I have to say this forum is probably the only forum I've been on that feels this strongly about women's rights without actually being a feminist forum, and that's pretty cool.
  3. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Gregor in Trolls   
    In my opinion a troll is somebody who upsets people on purpose. Some of the people here seem to lack the social skills to avoid accidentally insulting people. However the outcome is the same either way: people are upset.
    I have to say this forum is probably the only forum I've been on that feels this strongly about women's rights without actually being a feminist forum, and that's pretty cool.
  4. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from beez in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    For those who want to know what Horimitsu is like, I found this. It's an interesting story of getting tattooed by him before the digital age when you could just Google everything, and it's written by somebody who actually speaks Japanese.
  5. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Mark Bee in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    For those who want to know what Horimitsu is like, I found this. It's an interesting story of getting tattooed by him before the digital age when you could just Google everything, and it's written by somebody who actually speaks Japanese.
  6. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to smiling.politely in Are there way too many tattoos, especially on ...   
    Not sure about anyone else here, but I've had to tattoo over too many long-healed upper thigh scars on girls in my generation to gloss over body image issues so easily. Or heard girls that can't weigh more than 125 pounds talk about how they want to lose weight before they tattoo their ribs or belly. Or been asked about covering stretch marks from when they had kids, despite that being a completely normal and natural thing. Etc., etc., etc.
    So, rather than think you're entirely the victim and getting attacked here (which I would say has gone a bit overboard, based on misunderstanding of some of your original points due to poor phrasing and explanation), realize that you do have a warped understanding of how deeply body image can affect women who have been conditioned by society to hate their bodies.
    Also, you should worry far more about poorly done tattoos than tattoos that don't fit the body.
  7. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Fala in Dropping the Bomb, how your parents found out about your first tattoo!   
    My mother thinks my tattoo is great. My father think my tattoo is better than most tattoos, but he dislikes tattoos in general unless they are really simple and have no color, so that's the best I can get from him. He wasn't happy that I spent so much on it, but I used money I earned myself so it doesn't matter.
  8. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Killercook76 in Dropping the Bomb, how your parents found out about your first tattoo!   
    My mother thinks my tattoo is great. My father think my tattoo is better than most tattoos, but he dislikes tattoos in general unless they are really simple and have no color, so that's the best I can get from him. He wasn't happy that I spent so much on it, but I used money I earned myself so it doesn't matter.
  9. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Hospitelli in Dropping the Bomb, how your parents found out about your first tattoo!   
    My mother thinks my tattoo is great. My father think my tattoo is better than most tattoos, but he dislikes tattoos in general unless they are really simple and have no color, so that's the best I can get from him. He wasn't happy that I spent so much on it, but I used money I earned myself so it doesn't matter.
  10. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to Graeme in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    I thought I'd also mention, especially since I just got my lower leg tattooed, that lower leg tattoos just plain suck to heal.
  11. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to RoryQ in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    Less is almost always more: less product, less handling... Keep it clean and protect the surface but otherwise generally try not to keep fiddling with it.
    This gels well with a dry or drier approach to healing, in my experience.
  12. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to hogg in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    I think the idea is that you want it to be able to "breathe," so moisturizer should be used sparingly.
  13. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to ironchef in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    So today's Father's Day and my dad is celebrating the only way he knows best...by spending the day at the mah-jong parlor. My lady is working so that leaves me with a free day to my own devices to which I decided to mount and hang up the Horitomo cat prints I have accumulated. I love the entire series and the various ones that are not in print but posted on Horitomo's Instagram. Patiently waiting for more prints to come out and the much rumored book that collects all of the various tattoo cat incarnations. Hopefully one day I make it out to the west coast to get a tattoo cat from him...would be an awesome experience.

  14. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to ironchef in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    Quick update. State of Grace and Horitomo released more prints so naturally I had to add to my wall. Filled in this space so far. Have six more pieces to place elsewhere in the apartment. Will provide another update shortly. LOVE the MonMon cats!!!

  15. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from polliwog in Dropping the Bomb, how your parents found out about your first tattoo!   
    My mother thinks my tattoo is great. My father think my tattoo is better than most tattoos, but he dislikes tattoos in general unless they are really simple and have no color, so that's the best I can get from him. He wasn't happy that I spent so much on it, but I used money I earned myself so it doesn't matter.
  16. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Cork in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Yep, this was all at the NYC con. I emailed him and told him I would like a nine tailed fox and I like this drawing, and he told me to come in Saturday.Horimitsu seems like a nice guy. He shook my hand when I arrived and left. He doesn't speak English well so sometimes I had to say things twice, but I was able to get across what I wanted. I asked if I should get it on my upper arm or lower leg. He looked at both and decided my leg would be easier. He enlarged the drawing with a photocopier when I asked him to. He knew what I meant when I told him I wanted it yellow but not too yellow. At the same time he also exercised his own judgement, which I'm grateful for because he knows his stuff. For example he told me blue wasn't a good color for the fox's eyes when I suggested it.
    I watched him draw, he was really careful, precise and focused. When he was done I saw him count the tails to double check and make sure there are really nine of them. I was planning to ask him if I could keep the drawing when I was done, but by the time it was done I totally forgot. I guess it doesn't matter though, because I have the same drawing on my leg for the rest of my life.
    I wasn't good at handling the pain, especially for the first couple hours. I probably moved way too much. I'm glad all the lines came out non-shaky despite that. It took 5 hours total including a few breaks. One of the guys working there (don't remember his name, sorry) gave me a rice dumpling during one of my breaks because there wasn't any food for sale at the con. The food helps with the pain. He also got me a Twix when I was done. He also answered some questions I had and even brought me my ipod so I wouldn't have to interrupt Mitsu to get it myself.
    There were a lot of people gathered around the booth watching me get the tattoo. I thought that would bother me because I'm a shy person in general, but I was so distracted by the pain I didn't care at all. Also the tattoo is so great I kind of wanted everyone to see it. I chatted a bit with the guys getting tattooed by Shunho right next to me, and some other people. There's kind of a sense of comradery in the place because we're all interested in tattoos, which is cool. I left shortly after it was done though because I was pretty tired.
    So, overall, Horimitsu is a nice guy and the experience was great.
  17. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from kimkong in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Yep, this was all at the NYC con. I emailed him and told him I would like a nine tailed fox and I like this drawing, and he told me to come in Saturday.Horimitsu seems like a nice guy. He shook my hand when I arrived and left. He doesn't speak English well so sometimes I had to say things twice, but I was able to get across what I wanted. I asked if I should get it on my upper arm or lower leg. He looked at both and decided my leg would be easier. He enlarged the drawing with a photocopier when I asked him to. He knew what I meant when I told him I wanted it yellow but not too yellow. At the same time he also exercised his own judgement, which I'm grateful for because he knows his stuff. For example he told me blue wasn't a good color for the fox's eyes when I suggested it.
    I watched him draw, he was really careful, precise and focused. When he was done I saw him count the tails to double check and make sure there are really nine of them. I was planning to ask him if I could keep the drawing when I was done, but by the time it was done I totally forgot. I guess it doesn't matter though, because I have the same drawing on my leg for the rest of my life.
    I wasn't good at handling the pain, especially for the first couple hours. I probably moved way too much. I'm glad all the lines came out non-shaky despite that. It took 5 hours total including a few breaks. One of the guys working there (don't remember his name, sorry) gave me a rice dumpling during one of my breaks because there wasn't any food for sale at the con. The food helps with the pain. He also got me a Twix when I was done. He also answered some questions I had and even brought me my ipod so I wouldn't have to interrupt Mitsu to get it myself.
    There were a lot of people gathered around the booth watching me get the tattoo. I thought that would bother me because I'm a shy person in general, but I was so distracted by the pain I didn't care at all. Also the tattoo is so great I kind of wanted everyone to see it. I chatted a bit with the guys getting tattooed by Shunho right next to me, and some other people. There's kind of a sense of comradery in the place because we're all interested in tattoos, which is cool. I left shortly after it was done though because I was pretty tired.
    So, overall, Horimitsu is a nice guy and the experience was great.
  18. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Boxing Gloves in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Just got this! First tattoo!
    Another photo.
  19. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from exume in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Yep, this was all at the NYC con. I emailed him and told him I would like a nine tailed fox and I like this drawing, and he told me to come in Saturday.Horimitsu seems like a nice guy. He shook my hand when I arrived and left. He doesn't speak English well so sometimes I had to say things twice, but I was able to get across what I wanted. I asked if I should get it on my upper arm or lower leg. He looked at both and decided my leg would be easier. He enlarged the drawing with a photocopier when I asked him to. He knew what I meant when I told him I wanted it yellow but not too yellow. At the same time he also exercised his own judgement, which I'm grateful for because he knows his stuff. For example he told me blue wasn't a good color for the fox's eyes when I suggested it.
    I watched him draw, he was really careful, precise and focused. When he was done I saw him count the tails to double check and make sure there are really nine of them. I was planning to ask him if I could keep the drawing when I was done, but by the time it was done I totally forgot. I guess it doesn't matter though, because I have the same drawing on my leg for the rest of my life.
    I wasn't good at handling the pain, especially for the first couple hours. I probably moved way too much. I'm glad all the lines came out non-shaky despite that. It took 5 hours total including a few breaks. One of the guys working there (don't remember his name, sorry) gave me a rice dumpling during one of my breaks because there wasn't any food for sale at the con. The food helps with the pain. He also got me a Twix when I was done. He also answered some questions I had and even brought me my ipod so I wouldn't have to interrupt Mitsu to get it myself.
    There were a lot of people gathered around the booth watching me get the tattoo. I thought that would bother me because I'm a shy person in general, but I was so distracted by the pain I didn't care at all. Also the tattoo is so great I kind of wanted everyone to see it. I chatted a bit with the guys getting tattooed by Shunho right next to me, and some other people. There's kind of a sense of comradery in the place because we're all interested in tattoos, which is cool. I left shortly after it was done though because I was pretty tired.
    So, overall, Horimitsu is a nice guy and the experience was great.
  20. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to hogg in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    Good for you! Just make sure it's unscented and don't put too much on.
  21. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from titforatat in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Yep, this was all at the NYC con. I emailed him and told him I would like a nine tailed fox and I like this drawing, and he told me to come in Saturday.Horimitsu seems like a nice guy. He shook my hand when I arrived and left. He doesn't speak English well so sometimes I had to say things twice, but I was able to get across what I wanted. I asked if I should get it on my upper arm or lower leg. He looked at both and decided my leg would be easier. He enlarged the drawing with a photocopier when I asked him to. He knew what I meant when I told him I wanted it yellow but not too yellow. At the same time he also exercised his own judgement, which I'm grateful for because he knows his stuff. For example he told me blue wasn't a good color for the fox's eyes when I suggested it.
    I watched him draw, he was really careful, precise and focused. When he was done I saw him count the tails to double check and make sure there are really nine of them. I was planning to ask him if I could keep the drawing when I was done, but by the time it was done I totally forgot. I guess it doesn't matter though, because I have the same drawing on my leg for the rest of my life.
    I wasn't good at handling the pain, especially for the first couple hours. I probably moved way too much. I'm glad all the lines came out non-shaky despite that. It took 5 hours total including a few breaks. One of the guys working there (don't remember his name, sorry) gave me a rice dumpling during one of my breaks because there wasn't any food for sale at the con. The food helps with the pain. He also got me a Twix when I was done. He also answered some questions I had and even brought me my ipod so I wouldn't have to interrupt Mitsu to get it myself.
    There were a lot of people gathered around the booth watching me get the tattoo. I thought that would bother me because I'm a shy person in general, but I was so distracted by the pain I didn't care at all. Also the tattoo is so great I kind of wanted everyone to see it. I chatted a bit with the guys getting tattooed by Shunho right next to me, and some other people. There's kind of a sense of comradery in the place because we're all interested in tattoos, which is cool. I left shortly after it was done though because I was pretty tired.
    So, overall, Horimitsu is a nice guy and the experience was great.
  22. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to HaydenRose in Are there way too many tattoos, especially on ...   
    @The Dude OK I'll give you that you didn't say that you didn't like heavily tattooed people, but I still think you're caring way too much about how others get tattooed. And with that, you are definitely saying some women should get tattooed less and I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but that's not going to sit well with some people. I'm trying to be nice now and explain this to you, because you seem capable of reason. I'm not siding with some of the people that are giving you shit, so... don't put words in my mouth either. The reason you're getting backlash is because (like I stated in my initial post) body image is a big fucking deal to women because men have made us insecure and scrutinize our bodies throughout history to where we now have an unhealthy disposition to hate our bodies passed down to our daughters and granddaughters and so on. So even if it's not your intention to single out women or agree with the OP or stir up a ton of drama... you did. The damage is done.
    I'm just trying to help you see how you could have come across as well, a douche. So that maybe you can continue contributing to this forum in a meaningful way because I have faith that if you stick around you'll see this place is pretty rad and people are genuinely nice and respect each other.
    Does that make sense?
  23. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from kimkong in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Just got this! First tattoo!
    Another photo.
  24. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Marwin3000 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Yep, this was all at the NYC con. I emailed him and told him I would like a nine tailed fox and I like this drawing, and he told me to come in Saturday.Horimitsu seems like a nice guy. He shook my hand when I arrived and left. He doesn't speak English well so sometimes I had to say things twice, but I was able to get across what I wanted. I asked if I should get it on my upper arm or lower leg. He looked at both and decided my leg would be easier. He enlarged the drawing with a photocopier when I asked him to. He knew what I meant when I told him I wanted it yellow but not too yellow. At the same time he also exercised his own judgement, which I'm grateful for because he knows his stuff. For example he told me blue wasn't a good color for the fox's eyes when I suggested it.
    I watched him draw, he was really careful, precise and focused. When he was done I saw him count the tails to double check and make sure there are really nine of them. I was planning to ask him if I could keep the drawing when I was done, but by the time it was done I totally forgot. I guess it doesn't matter though, because I have the same drawing on my leg for the rest of my life.
    I wasn't good at handling the pain, especially for the first couple hours. I probably moved way too much. I'm glad all the lines came out non-shaky despite that. It took 5 hours total including a few breaks. One of the guys working there (don't remember his name, sorry) gave me a rice dumpling during one of my breaks because there wasn't any food for sale at the con. The food helps with the pain. He also got me a Twix when I was done. He also answered some questions I had and even brought me my ipod so I wouldn't have to interrupt Mitsu to get it myself.
    There were a lot of people gathered around the booth watching me get the tattoo. I thought that would bother me because I'm a shy person in general, but I was so distracted by the pain I didn't care at all. Also the tattoo is so great I kind of wanted everyone to see it. I chatted a bit with the guys getting tattooed by Shunho right next to me, and some other people. There's kind of a sense of comradery in the place because we're all interested in tattoos, which is cool. I left shortly after it was done though because I was pretty tired.
    So, overall, Horimitsu is a nice guy and the experience was great.
  25. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to TheLance in March 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    Giving this a shot. This is my alligator tattoo done by Seth Wood who works at temple tattoo in Oakland California. We finished at Saved Tattoo in Brooklyn this Monday the third of march
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