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    Tesseracts reacted to astraelly in Hey everyone! New to tattoos and getting my first one in a few months...   
    Hey everyone, so I got the first session in on my qilin yesterday! Would've posted earlier, but I was exhausted and passed the fuck out after getting some food in me.

    It was originally going to go on my arm and back but Greg didn't count on my arm being that small and the stencil looked really squished. He talked me into going with my thigh and I'm so glad I listened to him! I was also a bit apprehensive about some things like color, but he firmly (but kindly) put his foot down and told me why my ideas would not make for a good tattoo so I finally canned it and let him do his job. Couldn't be happier with the result!!
    He's not too sure about the belly color yet (may go silvery blue or golden pink) but the hair will probably be ochre and we'll probably add some peonies in the third session. I could only get through about 4.5 hours before the shaking and shivering set in.
  2. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to Zillah in Feminism & Tattoos   
    I have peer reviewed this study and I agree with all findings
  3. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to DJDeepFried in Feminism & Tattoos   
    Funny how bad breath was more acceptable than either one. At least I brush my teeth every day.
  4. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Zillah in Feminism & Tattoos   
    I doubt it, there seems to be a bit of a double standard going on. It's assumed that every decision a woman makes about the way she looks needs to be made for the approval of men, but the same standard isn't applied to men. Also, according to this women find tattoos less of a "turn-off" than men do, probably because tattoos are generally considered masculine. Tattoos on women are mens biggest turn-off ? women don't like beards - Odd News | newslite.tv
  5. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from PinkUnicorn in 3D Printers...for tattoos   
    I don't do tattoos so maybe it's not my place... but I do digital illustrations, and many of my friends create pictures using computers for a living. I'm fully capable of painting in oils and other physical mediums, but I enjoy computers for their convenience, cost effectiveness and speed. It's an increasingly popular way to paint, but it still faces a lot of prejudice from people who don't understand technology and think digital artists are simpletons who merely press the "art" button. I know nothing about how feasible it is for a machine apply a tattoo to human skin, but I wouldn't dismiss it just because a machine is involved. I don't know how this hypothetical technology would work exactly, but I assume a human would create the design and a computer would help with the physical labor. If that's the case it would still be art created by a human. Not created by a computer. Computers are tools, they aren't replacements for people.
  6. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to TrixieFaux in Feminism & Tattoos   
    These are my findings:
    Doing what you want to is cool and never a turn-off for the right person.
    I surveyed 1 person for this poll. 1 out of 1 agreed. The beardo in the other room would probably agree w/me too though. So let's just say 100% of the tattooed women and bearded men in this house were on board.
  7. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to Lance in Feminism & Tattoos   
    I wouldn't bother with that article. It also states that beards on men are the biggest turn-off for women. 33% from a group of only 500. And it doesn't say where that 500 comes from.
    Beards are cool on men. Tattoos are cool on women.
  8. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from idyllsend in Feminism & Tattoos   
    I doubt it, there seems to be a bit of a double standard going on. It's assumed that every decision a woman makes about the way she looks needs to be made for the approval of men, but the same standard isn't applied to men. Also, according to this women find tattoos less of a "turn-off" than men do, probably because tattoos are generally considered masculine. Tattoos on women are mens biggest turn-off ? women don't like beards - Odd News | newslite.tv
  9. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to Mark Bee in Seniors showing some great tattoos   
    Tattooed Seniors Finally Put A End To The Question "But What About When You're Older?"
  10. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to idyllsend in Feminism & Tattoos   
    That's precisely it. A result of their one dimensional thinking suggests there's only two type of people out there: me, and people who wont like me due to having ink. That the only people available for me to be interested in will never be interested in me. Ridiculous.
    I wonder if men hear the same thing.
  11. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from idyllsend in Feminism & Tattoos   
    I thought about this, and decided I wouldn't want a relationship with anybody shallow enough to judge somebody by their tattoos alone. It's a useful filter to weed out people with incompatible values.
  12. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from TrixieFaux in Feminism & Tattoos   
    I thought about this, and decided I wouldn't want a relationship with anybody shallow enough to judge somebody by their tattoos alone. It's a useful filter to weed out people with incompatible values.
  13. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to Mark Bee in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Love this so much. Dan did such a great job.
  14. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to El Dolmago in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    So my japanese arm piece has been shaded today by the talented Dan Innes at the Pearl Harbor Gift Shop in TO - I don't have a good photo of the whole thing yet here's a detail of my Hokusai Mt Fuji :)
  15. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to graybones in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Yesterday I was in my car sitting at a red light and the guy to my right motions to roll down my window, I do. He points to one of my tattoos and goes "'EY WHAT'S THAT MEAN??" The light turned green so I yelled out "I just liked how it looked!" as I drove away. Weird place for that conversation.
  16. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from hogg in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    I'm catching up on an assignment I left until the last minute, and I've been counting calories so I'm hungry a lot. Also trying to get a real job and generally have a life that doesn't suck.
  17. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from JoshRoss in April 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    9 tailed fox by Horimitsu at NYC tattoo convention.

  18. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from tatB in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    I'm catching up on an assignment I left until the last minute, and I've been counting calories so I'm hungry a lot. Also trying to get a real job and generally have a life that doesn't suck.
  19. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Marwin3000 in April 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    9 tailed fox by Horimitsu at NYC tattoo convention.

  20. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Kahlan in April 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    9 tailed fox by Horimitsu at NYC tattoo convention.

  21. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Dennis in April 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    9 tailed fox by Horimitsu at NYC tattoo convention.

  22. Like
    Tesseracts got a reaction from Graeme in April 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    9 tailed fox by Horimitsu at NYC tattoo convention.

  23. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to TrixieFaux in Prejudice against people with poorly done tattoos?   
    I had a not the same, but similar type of experience with a tattoo I was kind of embarrassed of after joining LST--because it was a stereotypical printed-out-from-google-images solid black stock image of a lotus...certainly nothing that would get anyone excited here... But when I went to Spider Murphy's last summer, 3 of the tattooers were looking at my tattoos and I had to show them that one because it was directly under what I was going to get from Paul. Paul --and the other guys specifically said they liked that one. I was like, "really??" They liked that it was solid black and the simplicity of it and thought the placement was good. They liked my arms, too, with my more recent work from Memoir, but it just surprised me that they said such nice things about that one. That's one of the things that makes the shop experiences so good. If you are only on this forum, you might think all your work has to be this or that...but the more time spent in different shops you realize, it's all good. My black lotus was done at an L.A. street shop and the guy did a solid job.
  24. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to irezumi in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    He also did a lot of roids and beat up his shop help, and the animals in the cages in the basement were not exactly well kept. I mean, what kind of a decent human being locks up wild cats and animals in the basement?
    The reality of the sentiment and the nostalgia is that some of these people were just lousy human beings.
  25. Like
    Tesseracts reacted to Zillah in Prejudice against people with poorly done tattoos?   
    Thanks :) Not long to wait... I'm getting my koi done on April 26th. Woop woop!
    I think I'll work the ones I already have into a larger, cohesive, epic tattoo of awesomeness ;)
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