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    Dan got a reaction from MoistTowelette in 2015 Bay Area Convention of the Tattoo Arts   
    I'll be there Saturday :)
  2. Like
    Dan reacted to The Tig in LST Animal Lovers   
    Pets? Yes, we are allowed to stay in our pet's house as long as we keep loving and feeding them. Animals seek us out somehow. We have adopted or taken in off the street all of our 5 dogs, 3 cats, and two parakeets (one that must have escaped his home landed in the back yard and hopped up on my hand so we bought him a girlfriend bird).
    I'll start with Ziggy, the coolest, sweetest, most adaptable and intelligent dog I've ever had. We adopted him when he was young. At first, we thought he was a mix of Rhodesian Ridgeback and a whippet. We discovered that he is likely a Black Mouth Cur, a fairly rare hunting dog in the Southern US.

    With Katunda Kate, our sweet ol' greyhound (RIP).

    With George kitteh.

    To add, Mrs. T likes to add a bunch of goofy nick names to our pets over time. If I add them up you get: Ziggy Wiggy Wigwam, AKA Mr. Woo Woo (one of his sounds)
  3. Like
    Dan got a reaction from ironchef in LST Animal Lovers   
    you 3 will love these pics > These 21 Photos Prove Reptiles Can Be Cute Too
  4. Like
    Dan reacted to bongsau in LST Animal Lovers   
    recent glamour shots of our hell raisers:
    the shy one:

    the mischief maker:

    the turd burglar

  5. Like
    Dan reacted to SStu in LST Animal Lovers   
    @Dan - you're dog looks to have taken 1 too many hits off of the bong . . .
  6. Like
    Dan reacted to HaydenRose in LST Animal Lovers   
    @Dan never knew Aussie's had to be groomed... haha! My dad has an Aussie/Beagle mix and she has the Aussie colors, but not the heavy coat, so no grooming.
  7. Like
    Dan reacted to guitguy in LST Animal Lovers   
    Have been enjoying this thread and while I have no new tattoos to show off, I do have a new cat :)
    Eva is a little over a year old and has been with me for a few months now. She owned the place within a couple of weeks, of course. I got her from a friend who could no longer keep her. I had lived with cats before but never had one that was my own. I had been thinking semi-seriously for a while about getting one and decided to save this little girl from an uncertain future.
    Aside from being cute as hell, she came with skills too. She is the queen of the tinfoil ball and actually fetches ! Not unheard of, I know but, it's cool ! Makes my job so much easier ha ha ......

  8. Like
    Dan reacted to cvportagee in LST Animal Lovers   
    My cat does the same thing....the main difference being that it does actually almost weigh 40 lbs. (Last time at vet it was 37lbs.)
  9. Like
    Dan reacted to HaydenRose in LST Animal Lovers   
    We finally found our furever dog! Meet Ella :) She is 3 months, very small. She is definitely a boston terrier mix, just not sure what the mix is. Already head over heels for this puppy bundle.

  10. Like
    Dan reacted to smalltownVA in LST Animal Lovers   
    Thanks. She is the definition of a mutt but she is pretty awesome. The mom is a beagle/bassett hound/some sort of pitbull mix (that is where the short legs come from) and the dad is a Shar Pei (she has his curly tail). The only one that came out of the litter with predominantly Shar Pei features was the one male. This is a picture of the male and our puppy about a week after we got her when we took her back to visit.
  11. Like
    Dan reacted to TatsNCats in LST Animal Lovers   
    This in my Pappy Grizzle Nuts, sunbathing in the yard...

  12. Like
    Dan reacted to Cannibal in LST Animal Lovers   
    Animals? Got that well covered. Here is our extended family:
    Chyna, our fat bulldog

    Stinky, my 20 year old cat

    Spike in a do-rag followed by Spike and Arlo the miniature donkeys

    And finally my wife and Lakota the wolf, who lives at a sanctuary where we volunteer. He is our favorite!!!

  13. Like
    Dan reacted to KBeee in LST Animal Lovers   
    @beez - I love your "Selfie w/dog" :D ...you match!!
    @Zillah - Your bun pics literally made me exclaim "Oh my god" aloud.
    @SeeSea - You are an inspirational pet guardian.
    @TrixieFaux - Tomo-kitty update?
    This is Mirka the Wonderpup. She is submissive "smiling" because I had just found a chewed up piece of cotton pad that she swiped from the kitchen table while I was out. She started doing it as soon as I saw it. People who say that they don't remember when they were naughty or won't know why you are chastising them are soooo wrong! Sneaky-sneaks!
  14. Like
    Dan got a reaction from MoistTowelette in Tegaderm/Saniderm/Tatuderm healing process   
    both sides of the saniderm have a sanitary peel off sheet,one side peels off and is sticky to apply to the skin,and once it's applied then you peel off the outer sanitary backing sheet.
    and then you barely know it's there, How to care for a new Tattoo using Saniderm - YouTube ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    How To Use Saniderm | | SanidermSaniderm
    this is my right knee,

    F.A.Q. | | SanidermSaniderm
    "How does Saniderm work?
    In layman’s terms, Saniderm locks in the body’s natural moisture and healing enzymes, allowing the body to heal itself in the most efficient manner possible.
    After tissue has been injured the body goes through autolytic debridement – a big word for the body’s natural process of removing dead and dying tissue. During this process moisture and enzymes are produced to help break down dead tissue and, in normal circumstances, they dry up and evaporative which reduces their effectiveness. When this happens, longer healing times are required and scabbing and scarring may occur.
    Saniderm locks in these healing enzymes, called autolysins, and allows the skin to continue to function as normal because the bandage is permeable to oxygen and water vapor (breathable). In addition, Saniderm protects against dirt and germs while eliminating friction and other irritations that might further interfere with the healing process.
    How will it affect my ink?
    Saniderm’s adhesive will not attach to the weeping area of a tattoo, therefore it can never damage or pull out ink. In fact, customers report that the colors of their tattoo remain more vibrant after using Saniderm, compared to tattoos that have healed by other aftercare products."
    and it was used on both my knee pieces and they healed perfectly,and even on a tough to heal body joint like the knee.

    I also used it on this large piece

    and it was so easy and healed so well and so fast I couldn't believe it,non of these 3 ever scabbed at all !

  15. Like
    Dan reacted to tc3500 in Asking the artist to tattoo whatever they want   
    @Dan.....That is a killer piece! Great layout and very nice color, I like that a lot.
  16. Like
    Dan reacted to MoistTowelette in 2015 Bay Area Convention of the Tattoo Arts   
    @Lance no. i was going to work Carlos' booth but since he isn't coming, i will just be a sad little spectator.
  17. Like
    Dan reacted to a1steaks in 2015 Bay Area Convention of the Tattoo Arts   
    We need to wear Last Sparrow pins or something.
  18. Like
    Dan reacted to CABS in 2015 Bay Area Convention of the Tattoo Arts   
    I'll be there on Saturday too!
  19. Like
    Dan reacted to Pete tattoo freak in Showing Off   
    if you worry about what people think of your tattoo's. you probably made the wrong decision to get tattooed.
  20. Like
    Dan reacted to Pete tattoo freak in Showing Off   
    ok to clear this up once and for all. my comment was a blanket statement. it wasn't directed at any one person. basically imo if you make the decision to get tattooed you will be judged by others period. so if being judged by others bothers you then imo you shouldn't get tattooed...simple. I personally dgaf how others feel about my tattoo's. stare all you want, make all the comments you want. I didn't get tattooed to get others approval. I got tattooed because its my passion. my house is filled with tattoo related stuff. paintings and prints etc. being tattooed to me is a lifestyle not a fad or fashion statement.
    so being called a rude tattoo hater was absolute comedy to me. especially after that person looked at my profile and seen that I am heavily tattooed. so if my comment bothered some my bad. but I meant what I said and stand by it 100 percent.
  21. Like
    Dan got a reaction from polliwog in Knee Tattoooo   
    I got this done on wed (09/25) on my right knee by Sam Shaw at http://kulturetattoo.com/public_html on Kauai





  22. Like
    Dan reacted to hogg in this forum is the friendliest "tattoo" forum around   
    Re-reading this thread and then reading several recent threads made me realize that the level of discourse has fallen around here. I didn't start this site, but I've been here since the beginning, and everything that @SacramentoDan said in this thread's first post is what I loved/still love about it. If you wanna find strangers being rude to each other on the Internet, go to literally any other forum. LST is different, and as a moderator, I'll ask that you respect and help to maintain that difference. I've met several of you in real life and have really enjoyed getting to know you a little better. Some of you are now real world friends (imagine that). If one of us had made a shitty comment to the other online, we'd both be less inclined to want to meet in the first place.
    If there's a poster you don't like, put them on ignore. Have a snide comment typed out that is guaranteed to lower the level of discourse/add nothing? Feel free to delete it. If someone's really out of line, trust that the other mods and I will gladly swing the banhammer.
  23. Like
    Dan reacted to MoistTowelette in this forum is the friendliest "tattoo" forum around   
    and please dont bash cris garvers rate on this forum. OR ELSE!!!!!!
  24. Like
    Dan reacted to ILikePie in this forum is the friendliest "tattoo" forum around   
    Hey Dan thanks for coming over to the forum today and spewing out so much hate what was that about?
  25. Like
    Dan reacted to ILikePie in this forum is the friendliest "tattoo" forum around   
    I will have to agree with this even being a mod on one of those grumpy forums. I just wish this place was more open to other tattoos then traditional tattoos. A well done tattoo is a well done tattoo whether it is traditional or tribal or realism or trash polka.
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