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Everything posted by Dan

  1. yep ! I agree,I swear by Saniderm(same kinda stuff),love that shit ! applied to clean dry skin and the results are amazing if done properly.so easy too,I can sleep,I can sit on a plane,I can work,I can shower,etc,etc, I'm done with wet sticky healing. after removing the saniderm after about 4 days,all that's needed is unscented lubriderm.
  2. "Re: Tattoos linked to chronic diseases??" I have a terrible form of that,I have "Ineedmoretattoosism" , it's chronic with me. and apparently many are afflicted here as well.
  3. I guess I am lucky then,because I have tattoos from my ankles to my thighs and never had an issue with any swelling.
  4. I use Saniderm,same kind of product, I keep the original saran wrap & Vaseline that the tattooist put on for about 5 hours,then wash it with anti-microbial soap,(tattoo finished about 4PM) *this was "scrubbing hard in warm water with my hand and anti-microbial soap in the shower* then applied some cocoa butter and another saran wrap(about 5 or 6 hours) until the next morning,then wash again with anti-microbial soap, then I apply saniderm(to clean dry skin ONLY) the following morning (no cocoa butter or aquaphor or anything,pat dry with clean cloth using clean sterile surgical gloves) *or have someone help you with clean sterile gloves*and don't take it off for 4 days, the secret is to apply saniderm after all of the initial fluids(ink,plasma,etc) have come out,after the first 8 or 10 hours and two anti-microbial washings in the shower, remember ! all this is skin area after washing and when applying the saniderm make sure it's only touched with new sterile surgical gloves !
  5. IMO technique & the needle set has more of a role in pain difference then coil vs rotary.
  6. yep ! I agree UglyButProud ,I swear by that stuff,I love it !
  7. I don't wear a watch,(my phone is a good clock for me) actually the only jewelry I ever wear is my wedding ring. but like was said,IMO the watch will have no effect on tattoos , the only thing I can think of is may not be as sun tanned under the watch maybe.
  8. this /\
  9. Dan

    Another storm

  10. Dan

    Another storm

    LOL good one !
  11. Dan

    Another storm

    dude,I know what it means,those were just some thoughts of mine. and isn't that all part of a discussion ? and yes I can bitch at whatever I want to,(or voice my opinion)like was already done in this thread. what was put so eloquently here ? Quote Originally Posted by Graeme View Post That's my opinion, anyway, and opinions are like assholes.
  12. Dan

    Another storm

    I for one talk to people the same way online as I do in real life in person,and I know that rubs people the wrong way sometimes,but I am who I am,and what you see is what you get with me.I gave up on political correctness a long time ago.
  13. Dan

    Another storm

    that's what I thought the "Off topic-Random Crap" sub forum was for too ! but apparently it still pisses people off here to post off topic random crap in the correct sub forum LOL isn't this an online discussion forum ? there are 3 out of 20 sub forums made exactly for random discussion ? WTF ? some people need to relax and loosen up their panties.
  14. I like the attention my tattoos get,I like it when people look.
  15. IMO the pain is part of the addiction to tattoos,it's like no other pain,it's pain we ask for ! I love the whole process of getting a tattoo,from the consultation, to the mental preparation in the weeks & days leading up to the tattoo, to the physical preparation the day before & day of (getting good sleep/pre-hydration/a good meal,etc,etc) to the mental preperation of getting into that "groove" to get the tattoo, the mental challenge of dealing with & overcoming & getting through the pain in a way that I actually have learned to embrace the pain to deal with it, our human ability to really mentally overcome the pain is an amazing thing to me,I love it ! I love the minute by minute mental challenge during the tattoo process. and yes,I believe we earn our tattoos through the pain in part.
  16. I had a large rib cage piece done and we covered it with the squares,just make sure sheets get overlapped by an inch or so. . I have used Saniderm on several tattoos now,I love it BTW, I put the Saniderm on dry clean skin,no lotion or aquaphor or anything under it, and it might hurt a little peeling it off,but it does not remove or damage the tattoo, as a matter of fact after about 4 days of having it on the tattoo,the tattoo is beautifully healed ! ================================================== here is my healing system 1)plastic wrap(saran wrap) for the first 4 hours,then wash with anti-microbial soap(washing hard with palm of my hand in shower) 2)remove wrap(saran wrap) and re-apply plastic(saran wrap) for 4 more hours then wash with anti-microbial soap and apply light cocoa butter, 3)remove wrap(saran wrap) wash with anti-microbial soap and light cocoa butter then re-apply plastic wrap(saran wrap) for first night , 4) next morning wash with anti-microbial soap and then apply Saniderm on dry skin for about 4 days, remove saniderm ,healed,maybe just the normal itch. this works for me anywhere on my body that I get tattoos.
  17. that's great that it healed so nicely for you, that final "week long heal",was that wrapped with plastic wrap? (saran wrap), I have found a successful heal process for me as well,mine involves, 1)plastic wrap for the first 4 hours,then wash with anti-microbial soap 2)plastic for 4 more hours then wash with anti-microbial soap and apply light cocoa butter, 3)wash with anti-microbial soap and light cocoa butter then plastic wrap for first night , 4) next morning wash with anti-microbial soap and then apply Saniderm on dry skin for about 4 days, remove saniderm and it's like you said,healed,maybe the normal itch. this works for me anywhere on my body that I get tattoos. also,I have been lucky, I have never had a problem with leg swelling on my leg tattoos
  18. side of my neck up to my ear was the last painful,almost no pain at all.
  19. I agree :) the area is fairly conservative. . .
  20. I'm in Modesto/Turlock/Manteca/Ripon/riverbank/oakdale etc etc all the time for clients,modesto is not so small anymore IMO,the traffic is starting to suck pretty bad, fortunately I haven't had an experience like that down there,at least that I have noticed.
  21. I have a lot of tattoos,both full sleeves on my arms,a neck piece,and most of my legs are tattooed,and I wear shorts and t-shirts 99% of the year. I have seen a nice trend here for a while now,and that is I have received a lot of positive comments and compliments from non tattooed people of all types,both strangers and my work clients,pretty cool IMO.But then maybe I'm strange but I like the attention & reactions I get and see from people about my tattoos anyway ! and to AverageJer ,I agree,I like to talk to other tattooed people too,I feel like us tattooed people have a camaraderie of sorts IMO,some people are open to that and some apparently don't like it.
  22. that means I'm a senior :( LOL but most my 80's tattoos still look good ! 55 now :D
  23. just out of curiosity, what age do most people consider a person to be a "senior citizen" ?
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