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Posts posted by Dan

  1. 18 hours ago, chyden89 said:

    What about the swelling, my foot and ankle are like a balloon today

    try taking an OTC  anti-inflammatory  like any ibuprofen,

    try icing it with ice in a plastic bag wrapped in a towel.

    and like was said,try to keep off your feet and keep it elevated.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Rob I said:

    This is different altogether and the discussion should be allowed in my opinion. OP is NOT looking for a career as a tattooer and is simply trying to better someone's cancer treatment. 

    To the op-  this forum will be of little help. It used to be populated by tattooers but most left and you are just reaching collectors here who won't be able to answer your question. 

    I suggest calling or stopping by a legit shop and asking them. They will be much more help than anyone that frequents this board. 

    Best of luck. 

    I agree.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Youngjason said:

    There is no design nothing just writing . Its making me so angry and anxious 

    LOL  dude ! you need to relax,it's on there for now,it's a cool fucking tattoo,

    live with it,get used to it,be good with it,it's on you,chill out.

    own it and look at it in a brighter light.keep your head up ,smile,and plan your next tattoo.

    this normal feeling of "tattoo remorse" WILL go away,I have many many tattoos and still get that feeling right after a tattoo.(maybe cuz of the money) LOL

  4. 1 hour ago, littlefox1970 said:

    Maybe I should have said "talented tattoo artist", rather than "professional".  Hopefully my poor command of the English language has not given the wrong impression.

    I feel fortunate to have developed such a thick skin over the years ... heavy handed tattoo artists cause only minor irritation. 


    hi :) , what is your first language ? and where do you live ?

  5. I have had a large and one small cover up done,and IMO no,the pain/healing is no different than the original or any other tattoo.here is the large one I had done,I have even had tattoos on large scars and it didn't feel or heal any different.maybe because you're 10 years older ? I have been getting tattooed since I was 25,and I know that now at 57 getting tattoos seems to hurt a lot more ! LOL

    I think the only other concern is if it's infected ? or is it just that normal "sun burned" after tattoo feel ?


  6. 37 minutes ago, erikazzed said:

    I am healing my with tegaderm for the first time, I am due to take it off tomorrow. I was just curious if anyone has had an "issue" (not sure if this even is an issue) where they don't have any ink/plasma build up under the bandage? It just seems weird to me, everything I read made it seem like there'd be a ton of gunk under it. I've had it on for 4 days now, and I applied it the day after I was tattooed. 


    it's different from person to person and tattoo and ink used,for instance when I get an all black tattoo,there is no plasma buildup under the dermal film i use,and with color tattoos I get all kinds of plasma buildup,also another method I always use now is I always wait 15 to 20 hours after the initial application of the tattoo to put on the dermal film,there is no plasma buildup that way.Anyway,don't worry about "no" buildup,it's normal and just fine IMO.

  7. 5 minutes ago, HonestBridge said:


    That was a piece price of $800. I would be pretty pissed if I had to pay a couple of grand, lol. He is slow but I do think because it's a cover up that the old tattoo needed some extra ink not to show through.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    that price $$ makes a lot more sense,I was assuming you were paying by the hour,

    and btw ,that one turned out really nice !

  8. 3 hours ago, Tornado7 said:

    Stop it, you worry way too much about this tattoo!

    It will never look exactly like it did when it was an open wound. Your skin is going to heal over it, so you'll see the ink through a layer of you. Right now you're looking through dead skin.

    Yes, they absolutely fade a bit over time, wear, exposure, etc.

    yes ,and  the haze will go away in a few weeks.

  9. 3 hours ago, Colored Guy said:

    My mom died as a result of her smoking and high blood pressure... at age 52. I was only 24. Always tough to lose a parent no matter when. I am currently out of parents.

    I lost both my parents and grandfather to cancer,

    my mom was gone at 59,

    I have been scared for several years now,I'm 57 and  it's eating at me constantly.I think about all the F***ing time.


    CANCER SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. 4 hours ago, Devious6 said:

    After a horrendous weekend of trying to help my Mom manage her panic as she struggled to get oxygen, I was with her as she peacefully left this earth on Tuesday. She chose the 20th anniversary of my Dad's death to join him. Still numb, still haven't let the emotions out. Focused on the few administrative details left to do.

    Here's my gift to you from her. Don't smoke!!! She did for 60 years until a stroke forced her to stop. In the end, it wasn't even the breast and lung cancers that took her - it was the COPD that destroyed her lungs. Don't put your family through what I faced this past weekend as she stared at me, eyes pleading for me to help her get oxygen...wracking me with guild that I couldn't do anything but hold her as the morphine and anti-anxiety meds put her to sleep.



    best wishes to you and your family.

  11. myself and my wife usually both get tattooed in consecutive appointments at  shops and conventions,

    it's an awesome shared time together,we always have a lot of fun in those experiences.

    we always have a great time with the artists and usually laugh a lot and that also helps keep minds off of the pain a little.


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