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Everything posted by Dan

  1. I like that HB a lot(the style),I have also seen a lot of "watercolor" style tattoos that were beautiful IMO. IMO a tattoo without outlines it would hold up fine,being mindful to keep it out of the sun and/or slathered in spf 50. I have some color shading portions of my tattoos that don't have black outlines that have held up just fine.Black outlines can fade & get muddled together after years too,maybe worse than color.(just my opinions)
  2. this creature is so freakin cool,we love those things,when we visit Kauai,we always love it at night when the geckos come to the insects that are attracted to the lanai lights,and literally there will be a dozen or so geckos on the screens,and maybe a couple in the house,that's good luck in that culture.they aren't leopard geckos and much smaller,but still cool.we like to just sit and watch them get the insects for their dinner ! :) - - - Updated - - - I had a female black lab for 14 years,she was the love of my life,she had a little white spot on her chest,her name was 8-ball,I have a 8-ball tattooed for her on my rt arm.I still miss her. :) they are truly special dogs.
  3. no, the "spay, neuter, rescue......" part was not aimed at anyone , sorry if you took it that way.I'm not sure why you thought that,but I didn't mean it towards you or anyone here. :( I'm just a passionate "dog" person and I say it all the time just in general.I have a t-shirt that says it !
  4. I have a mini aussie,19 pnds,14" at the shoulder,she is 7 now. . . . . . spay,neuter,rescue.......
  5. what exactly are you asking for ? are you looking for the right artist ? or are you looking for help to pay for it ?
  6. I like it,I like talking about my tattoos when asked about them,I like it when people comment on them,ya,I like the attention I get from my tattoos.
  7. LOL don't feel bad,I've never heard of it either.
  8. 1st is an excellent achievement ! 2nd is totally the right thing to do. all that good karma will come back to you in a positive way.
  9. the only problem with that is you & I LIKE tattooed women ! LOL
  10. how is this guy not banned yet ? or at least he should have to spend the day in a small room with a bunch of tattooed women.
  11. I totally agree, have a great day ! :)
  12. the longest one shot I have ever done was with Jess Yen for 8 hrs last summer. that first beer after it sure did taste good ! LOL
  13. I've done it a couple different ways,last summer with Jess Yen,I paid a deposit & made the appt without knowing what or where I was going to get the tattoo,the only thing I told him was that I had a $3000 cap,otherwise I trusted him 100%, and I have paid a dep & got the appt in aug of this year with an amazing artist(Phil Garcia),and I have discussed the "basics" of what I want,but he is free to do what he wants with those "basic" elements and I trust him 100% also,and I know whatever he does will be perfect,or I wouldn't be going to him.this time with Phil,I don't care how much it is.
  14. here is my Loika reworked & tattooed by Dave Gibson . . I recently had contacted Bill Loika and thanked him for the artwork and showed him this piece,he's a really nice guy.
  15. no, :) I wouldn't worry about it,IMO the majority of the "tattoo world" people don't care,half the time all our pride is out the window anyway,I spent 8 hours at the SF show with no shirt on and my pants & undies pulled down below my ass for a tattoo,I realized my inhibitions didn't matter that day ! so my point is,don't be embarrassed .most reputable people with integrity in the "tattoo world" IMO are pretty forgiving & non judging,or at least that has been my experience.
  16. those are really beautiful tattoos littlecreatures :)
  17. :) ........................
  18. Dan

    Im mia

    they sold out yesterday :( Jack got the last one
  19. I saw these donkeys on the way home from work the other day,seems like kind of crappy dry place to have to live IMO,not sure how well they are fed & watered,so we bought some fresh carrots,cabbage,& apples and brought that and some water down this morning and fed them the treats,as soon as we pulled over on the other side of the street they started walking over to us,so it appears we are not the only ones who do this ! LOL very cute & very friendly.I will keep carrots with me from now on and do this again for sure. . . . . . . . this is my favorite pic
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