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Everything posted by Dan

  1. good catch, I assumed it was his tattoo because the title was " Please rate my tattoo! ",
  2. 0-10 ? IMO that's maybe a 4,sorry but it is a mess IMO.
  3. welcome,that's how I started getting tattooed in the 80's(I'm 57), like you said,in those days we walked into a first come first serve shop and picked flash off the wall.
  4. interesting,I have never heard of that and it goes against all I have ever heard of re: tattoo healing. not judging,just commenting.
  5. maybe not so good,a little reading on it here https://www.tattoodo.com/a/2016/03/the-test-of-time-tattoo-styles-that-won-t-stand-it-watercolor/
  6. this is the definition IMO, and at this forum as is at most "tattoo" related forums the common definition of scratcher is this. "An inexperienced, untalented, unclean and untrained tattooer. Though usually found working out of home kitchens, they have been known to find work in disreputable tattoo shops. The word "Scratcher" comes from the look of the, so called "tattoos", they produce. Looking more like colored scratchs, than recognizable images." or this, "A tattoo artist who is untrained and usually can't tatoo worth a shit. They frequently place their clients health at risk by re-using needles, not sterilizing equipment, and not covering their machines." "Scratcher—Someone who tattoos without any training, health code regulations or the proper use of equipment typically causing damage to the skin of people they ink." pretty much sums it up. ======================================================================== sources: http://www.urbandictionary.com http://www.inkedmag.com/tattoo-lingo/ and a because I mean no disrespect and only mean this post in a positive good way.
  7. try taking an OTC anti-inflammatory like any ibuprofen, try icing it with ice in a plastic bag wrapped in a towel. and like was said,try to keep off your feet and keep it elevated.
  8. LOL dude ! you need to relax,it's on there for now,it's a cool fucking tattoo, live with it,get used to it,be good with it,it's on you,chill out. own it and look at it in a brighter light.keep your head up ,smile,and plan your next tattoo. this normal feeling of "tattoo remorse" WILL go away,I have many many tattoos and still get that feeling right after a tattoo.(maybe cuz of the money) LOL
  9. I Have a tattoo from Oliver Peck and it has a mistake in it,but it's a tattoo and I don't dwell on it, it's no big deal,I have forgotten about it. tattoos are hand made art on the human body, that imperfection on your 6 is tiny and not worth stressing over or trying to fix, relax and move on to your next tattoo.
  10. how do you know you were the first one to have a certain design in the first place ? (just saying) if you do have an original piece of art,and if someone does copy it ?! so that's a compliment then. like was said,who cares anyway ? personally I wouldn't be bothered by it,I wouldn't give a shit.
  11. hi :) , what is your first language ? and where do you live ?
  12. cool tattoo for sure ! and I just watched Alien and Aliens the other night again,I love those movies.
  13. I have had a large and one small cover up done,and IMO no,the pain/healing is no different than the original or any other tattoo.here is the large one I had done,I have even had tattoos on large scars and it didn't feel or heal any different.maybe because you're 10 years older ? I have been getting tattooed since I was 25,and I know that now at 57 getting tattoos seems to hurt a lot more ! LOL I think the only other concern is if it's infected ? or is it just that normal "sun burned" after tattoo feel ?
  14. stop looking at it with a microscope and enjoy it. I'm sure your mom loves it. wear it with pride and move on to the next tattoo.
  15. it's different from person to person and tattoo and ink used,for instance when I get an all black tattoo,there is no plasma buildup under the dermal film i use,and with color tattoos I get all kinds of plasma buildup,also another method I always use now is I always wait 15 to 20 hours after the initial application of the tattoo to put on the dermal film,there is no plasma buildup that way.Anyway,don't worry about "no" buildup,it's normal and just fine IMO.
  16. that price $$ makes a lot more sense,I was assuming you were paying by the hour, and btw ,that one turned out really nice !
  17. here is mine ( again because of broken links) tattoo by Jess Yen.
  18. LOL no,sorry,I couldn't resist,I have no clue !
  19. welcome to the forums ! that symbol actually means "naked fat man dancing on lily pad"
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