I’d like to take this time to express my thoughts on the current misconception about lower back tattoos. 10 years ago if a woman entered a shop inquiring about getting her first tattoo, there was a 80% chance it was going on her lower back. It’s a great place for a decent size tattoo and the location affords the owner the ability to choose whether or not it’s seen based on their wardrobe selection. The advent of the term “tramp stamp” has discouraged so many ladies from getting tattooed there that I can’t even recall the last time tattooed one. The derogatory word “tramp” in the title spawned from the fact a girl had a tattoo in the first place as if to indicate the tattoo alone made her low class. Being as though the lower back was the most common area for one to appear it became associated uniquely to that body part. So in turn, if someone avoids having that area inked to evade accusations of a slutty stigma all they are doing is sacrificing prime real estate for a contemporary taboo. Moral of the story, get your fuckin’ back tattooed:}