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Everything posted by kitti

  1. We decided to expand my whole thigh into a whole leg sleeve so changed my appointment this weekend just gone into a consultation / drawing sessions, whole outline now Sunday! eek!
  2. Booking in with Jay in London for my whole right thigh, Characters based on one of my favourite books. She did my left ribs last year and so happy with that. Hoping to get first session in before Christmas. https://www.instagram.com/le_hegarat/
  3. Booked in for end of August for my Tempest themed rib piece. Been on my to do list for a long time so very excited to finally get started on it :)
  4. Im on day 3 after my new geometric tattoo and wow I have a new hatred for driving, its impossible to drive and not put pressure on my lower back from the seat! Totally worth it but wow is it itchy after commuting :/
  5. @MoistTowelette - Looks brilliant!
  6. If you added a background or something to it I think you'd run the risk of still having something you were unhappy with and facing having a larger area to get lasered. Personally I'd save for the laser even if its going to take a while and get an awesome cover-up that your 100% happy with.
  7. @cltattooing That looks so great, colours are so rich and pop, serious tattoo envy :D
  8. Thats gorgeous @Graeme the texture of the feathers is so nice.
  9. kitti


    Thanks bongsau :) I found her approach really interesting it was a really chilled out nice experience.
  10. kitti


    Thanks for the responses everyone! I think I'll do as suggested and just try and go with solid work and deal with each tattoo border as it evolves. I have far too many artists i'd like work from to go for a full back piece as beautiful as I think they are :)
  11. 3 weeks till my appointment, my first time having something more complicated drawn up for me, so excited and a bit apprehensive to see the design :) Should cover most of my lower back, more geometric blackwork and Studio Ghibli movie references.
  12. kitti


    Hi :) Thanks, having different styles in different areas like yours is how I was thinking would work best, they fit together really nicely. Have plenty of time to figure it out as I go along I guess.
  13. kitti


    Hi everyone, i'm Kitti from London. I've just booked in for a new tattoo in July so have been lurking and finding great suggestions here. Currently I have 3 tattoos, 2 very small bits and 1 hand-poked piece on my back by Grace Neutral I got in January. I'm planning on sticking with Geometric and dot work on my back (some great artists in London for that) but am interested in having slightly different style work on my ribs (Thinking of flowers possibly). How have you managed to get work in different styles without it looking messy / jarring? Its important to me everything kind of works together cohesively.
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