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    Fala reacted to irezumi in New to the site with a question about a healing tat!   
    ^Tess please don't apologize, no need to. You've been a decent recent member to the spot here. I wasn't really talking about you, or this thread specifically. Just my thoughts on how things naturally change, and I hope everyone that read my post sees that I am not saying anything bad or negative about this forum. I believe everything I said about LST itself was still positive.
    And thank you to the people that said nice things about me. I do try to be helpful it's just weary sometimes. I keep falling into the trap of trying to save people from their own selves just like Tux did for me when I first started getting tattooed and my shitty ideas and designs that I thought were super awesome. It's mostly just because I try to be nice to other people. I do try, really.
    Edit; Tess I just saw that you aren't exactly 'recent'. My point still stands that imo you are a great contributor.
  2. Like
    Fala reacted to Pugilist in New to the site with a question about a healing tat!   
    I would say this is the worst advice ever posted on this board, but then there was your advice re: sexual harassment the other day, so...
    (No seriously, to any lurkers stumbling upon this thread: hand tattoos are not socially acceptable and reputable tattooers don't just hand them out like candy.)
  3. Like
    Fala reacted to Graeme in New to the site with a question about a healing tat!   
    Can I suggest that we talk a lot less about hand and finger tattoos on here? I feel that if you're in a position where you should be getting hand tattoos you don't need this or any other forum to find out information about them.
  4. Like
    Fala reacted to TaeTae in Kitsune   
    Strongly considering a Kitsune now also. I love foxes in general, and although the 9 tailed fox is more mythical, still looks beautiful.
    Talking to my tattoo artist about completing my leg, he ran me through the options that work with the Tsuru and minogame I have on my thigh. Kirin, Baku or Kitsune are what I am considering to complete the auspicious animal theme, all with sakura in the background.
  5. Like
    Fala reacted to CultExciter in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    Firstly, fuck Yelp.
    Secondly, the tattoo industry has changed immensely. We discuss this often here on this site. We discuss it at the shop. The number one priority for the tattooer is to put on a quality tattoo for his/her client. We all have various expectations. Some people want a more comfortable environment, some people want that old school feel, and varying teeters between the two. I think that responsibility does lie to the client (no, goodness no, I am not referring to any circumstance of harassment). The majority of tattooers want to have a good interaction with their clients, that said, there are different types of tattoo shops, and not all of them are going to indulge or cater to clients in the same manner.
  6. Like
    Fala reacted to tatB in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    This reads like a 1 star Yelp review for every tattoo shop.
    Edit to add more substance:
    Just a pet peeve to read bad reviews of great shops when the number one issue is the customer had these high expectations of the experience that were not met.
  7. Like
    Fala reacted to TrixieFaux in The ladies thread   
    Oh @Brock Varty :rolleyes: :D
    - - - Updated - - -
    The regular way to cover arms: tunic, cardigan, long sleeve t-shirt...
    An INTERESTING way: those tights sleeve thingies: armery Armery from Mary Portas - Mary & Charnos Armery - from Mytights
    (The armery idea was from another thread, too, the Tattoos in the Workplace thread, idea originally posted by um @HaydenRose was it???). Still have yet to get some but it seems like a good idea.
  8. Like
    Fala got a reaction from SeeSea in The ladies thread   
    I've gotten tattooed around that time of the month - not fun!!! But, I did sleep really well that night, so it was a blessing in disguise.
    My upper thigh, I wore an old bikini bottoms with ties on the sides that we taped onto me and a dress - when the appointment was done I threw the bikini bottoms out. I could not think of a better way to go to my appointment because of the location. My other thigh I wore boxer style women's underwear and a super long skirt. I'm not super reserved/conservative in that way, despite evidence to the contrary (lots of grandma cardigans.)
    For healing - I found that wearing loose skirts/dresses to be the best, even though I tend to get tattooed in the colder months.
    I keep wavering between (another) bird or a dragon for my back - looking forward to your suggestions other than going braless for weeks on end. Not that going braless isn't fun and all, but at work it isn't always a good idea.
  9. Like
    Fala reacted to Pugilist in The ladies thread   
    @HaydenRose, would love recs for bandeaus that work for well-endowed ladies. I find the bra thing very tricky when going without is not an option. When I did my back, I just wore bras that didn't dig much (I have a couple of VS ones that are very soft and don't really have seams) and found it did not affect healing at all, thank goodness.
    The other thing I think is worth sharing on this topic are strategies for what to wear to appointments when getting particular spots worked on. For my back I always wore a button down shirt that I could put on backwards (often with a halter bikini top that we could untie) - this was Stephanie's recommendation and is brilliant. For my thighs (particularly upper when shorts may be obstructive), a friend once recommended wearing a skirt with men's briefs, which give you just a bit more coverage while still allowing the person to get all up in there!
  10. Like
    Fala reacted to beez in The ladies thread   
    About the period thing...I have been tattooed while on it and it SUCKED. (But it really didn't suck anymore than the first few days suck anyway). Not only that, it was a two day session and focused on my lower back :/
    But I'm kind of whiny when my hormones are in revolt, soo...
    But as much as it sucked, it was also okay. Ladies, if you can get through those miserable few days (I am usually pretty miserable!) then you will have no problem getting tattooed in addition to getting through through the tough days.
    If you have really difficult periods (due to endometriosis etc) then i would just wait and let your body focus on one thing at a time. But honestly, it ain't no thang.
    I also preload ibuprofen, echinacea, all sorts of goodness for my body when I know I'm going to be tattooed, anyway.
    My .02
  11. Like
    Fala reacted to TrixieFaux in The ladies thread   
    My weekend "look" is jeans and a tank top or t-shirt... My weekday work look is nicer jeans and a tank top or t-shirt WITH a teacherly cardigan! Keeping it simple. :-)
    Never had a problem getting tattooed during that time o' the month. Luckily, I don't really get crampy or moody during that time either. It has no effect or bearing on scheduling appointments or pain for me.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Like
    Fala reacted to TrixieFaux in Views on these tattooists please   
    I beg to differ.
  13. Like
    Fala got a reaction from beez in Views on these tattooists please   
    Totally @Pugilist! I still can't believe I have work from the artists I do (and upcoming.) It's pretty amazing. All you have to do is call! :)
  14. Like
    Fala reacted to beez in Views on these tattooists please   
    Can I +1 on the Claudia love? Her stuff is soooo good!! And I love badass women in general (I love badass men too, but I'm a chick, so....) and getting tattooed by a badass woman has been an awesome experience for me.
    +1 badassery.
  15. Like
    Fala reacted to tatB in Views on these tattooists please   
    my vote is for Claudia de Sabe
  16. Like
    Fala got a reaction from Zillah in Uncomfortable/disempowering tattoo experiences   
    That's horrible! The small number of times I've been tattooed, it has been quite lovely and everyone has been very respectful.
  17. Like
    Fala reacted to Eilin in March 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    Finished my leg by Marius Meyer yesterday, we managed to finish it in only three sessions and I'm very happy with the result!!:o
    Cat lady on the front is by Chris Conn

  18. Like
    Fala reacted to Diehardonvhs in March 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    I'm gonna arse up the RHW month combo with another Valerie Vargas piece!

    Even though most people know this, both Valerie and Stewart are seriously awesome people. If I had infinite skin and infinite money I could very happily spend all day getting tattooed and listening to their stories!
  19. Like
    Fala reacted to Graeme in March 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    @suburbanxcore and @graybones if you're going to play it like that, I'm going to throw this into the ring and we're going to have a three-way Ron Wells showdown.

  20. Like
    Fala reacted to ironchef in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I asked for the specific ones in red. Fugen is my birth year and guardian deity. I was born in the year of the dragon and I have a dragon 3/4 sleeve by Henning on my right arm. Made sense to highlight the Fugen on my right arm. For the left arm I chose Fudo Myoo to highlight in red. Being the immovable one and I also I like the flow and look of the written character a lot. The 8 Bosatsu together is a representation of all 12 Asian zodiac animals as well, a circle of life if you will and is basically protection from evil. I've always been superstitious (but not religious) so this all worked out.
    I know most collectors who get bonji, especially capping sleeves, get them in black. I went in with the traditional mindset but wanted something a little unique and different. I also chose red because I've seen large bonji characters shaded in red with a red outline and it always looked outstanding to me.
    Only thing I was bummed about is that I was looking forward to having these done in tebori but being that I have skinny arms and the characters stenciled out on the smaller side, he felt it best to do it by machine. I'm still happy with the results and experience and will definitely be getting future work from Mitsu sensei.
  21. Like
    Fala reacted to ironchef in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    @10PieceNuggets as @Tesseracts mentioned, most traditional Japanese style tattoo artists who do tebori generally line with a machine, then shade and color with tebori. I have seen some currently that line with tebori but generally its a very large piece and the lines are fairly thick.
  22. Like
    Fala reacted to Scott R in Trolls   
    Blaze and bubble were funny for different reasons and the guy who posted shirtless fashion pictures in the parking garage was so awesome if he was a troll.
  23. Like
    Fala got a reaction from Zillah in Trolls   
    I've been watching some of the more troll-y threads (and one in particular) - I also applaud and admire the women who are standing up to said trolls. For me, I don't see the point of engaging when all it does is add fuel to the fire and give the troll more stuff to work with. Lately, I am preferring "planned ignore" when it has become obvious that a person isn't going to listen, it takes too much energy to engage.
  24. Like
    Fala got a reaction from Zillah in Hi from NZ   
    Welcome! I went through restraint training at the school I used to work at, was interesting to say the least... Stay safe!
  25. Like
    Fala reacted to HaydenRose in New and looking for advice   
    Just curious, why didn't he open an account on LST?
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