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    Fala reacted to DevilMan in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Ladies and Gentleman, we've got (some) color :cool:
    Tonight we managed to do a 3.5 hour session of mostly greens and red.

    Unfortunatly we can't continue until the end of may... A six week break after 3 months of bi-weekly sessions... how am I going to survive that?! :p
  2. Like
    Fala reacted to slayer9019 in Tattoos and the workplace   
    So I now own a company (yea!) and this topic creeps into my head every once in awhile, but now from a slightly different perspective. I'm moving toward the slightly heavier tattooed situation week by week and personally keep by my motto "when in doubt cover it up". Then again i generally am wearing a suit, so moot point as I don't have anything below the wrist or above the collar.
    I did just recently run into I guess an issue...I have an employee who is getting tattoos, which is all cool by me. Hell show em off when you get em and if you want to burn a PTO to get one, all cool by me. The problem is the same guy has mentioned he wants to get some more visible tattoos, and generally the themes are a bit, eh, black metal. It's a no-go by me just because customer relations standpoint but man is it hard to push that when your employees know I am covered in skulls, demons, snakes and daggers.
    On a more refreshing note, it was wicked awesome to walk into a clients office and see people with tattoos galore! I was like YES! Can't wait to be able to wear a polo again to work on casual events. The industry I moved to seems to have a much more relaxed set of people in it, as far as tattoos go. Even met a guy with his hands/neck done. Not the usual but nobody seemed to care all too much.
  3. Like
    Fala got a reaction from TrixieFaux in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Happy Birthday @TrixieFaux!!! Sounds like a great week so far!
  4. Like
    Fala reacted to TrixieFaux in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Got the new kitten, dyed my hair white, went glamping for 3 nights, and turned 45. Still have a couple more days left of spring break... YAY!
  5. Like
    Fala reacted to cltattooing in author gets Latin epigraph tattooed on forearm   
    Completely ignoring most mainstream media publications on topics of pop culture has saved me a lot of frustration as a general rule. Reading that article helped remind me why I do that.
  6. Like
    Fala reacted to HaydenRose in author gets Latin epigraph tattooed on forearm   
    When I got to the end of the article and it defined it as an essay in a series... I may have overreacted a tad. Not an essay, more like a rambling pretentious blog post.
    Also, I think initially she recognized her newbie-ness to getting tattooed, but then through these random confrontations as a result of the tattoo felt she was suddenly catapulted to understanding what it is like to be "tattooed". None of us on here are without experiences full of people prying into the meaning of our tattoos, even when none exists. What did this lady expect?
    And why would you get a tattoo as a result of a break-up? And a quote that basically states you understand all human suffering. Please. That epitomizes the douche-y white person mentality and it's getting old. I'll place it next to my deep-seated hatred of the hashtag 'firstworldproblems'.
    Not to mention that the artist suggested making the tattoo into an image. And all she could imagine was a dragon with a thought bubble. Tell me how that idea doesn't have the text in it. What?!
  7. Like
    Fala reacted to tatB in author gets Latin epigraph tattooed on forearm   
    clearly we aren't the target audience.
  8. Like
    Fala reacted to Zillah in Thighs Thighs Thighs!!!   
    Looking at your thigh is a religious experience. So. Good.
  9. Like
    Fala reacted to Lance in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    @Fala, it's funny how it works out that way. I "only" added background to my left sleeve, added a second sleeve, and had my backpiece done because my Office temporarily sent me to work in SF. I sometimes wonder what tattoos I'd have or even how many tattoos I'd have if I hadn't been able to continue going to SOG. Sometimes I look back and think about and wonder, "Who got the better deal? My Office's SF branch office or myself?".
    Hmmmm...Suckers! Ha ha!
  10. Like
    Fala got a reaction from Lance in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    I figured it was your plan @Lance! ;)
    I've wanted a cat tattoo for years, this is pretty much my dream coming true.
  11. Like
    Fala reacted to Pugilist in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    I would love a Monmon tattoo thread! Man, @Graeme and I like to plan a mythical trip to California which I am sure will happen someday, but I don't know how we will fit in all of the tattoos that we will just neeeeeeed to get.
  12. Like
    Fala reacted to Eilin in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    @Fala LOL! I'm having second thoughts about removing it. It's growing on me :p
  13. Like
    Fala got a reaction from ironchef in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    It's all your fault @Lance...
  14. Like
    Fala got a reaction from Eilin in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    @Eilin - your drunken clam is pretty awesome!!!
  15. Like
    Fala got a reaction from KBeee in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    I figured it was your plan @Lance! ;)
    I've wanted a cat tattoo for years, this is pretty much my dream coming true.
  16. Like
    Fala got a reaction from Lance in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    It's all your fault @Lance...
  17. Like
    Fala reacted to Lance in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    Just out of curiosity, just how many people on here already have or will soon have monmon cat tattoos anyway? @KBeee has one. @Fala and @TrixieFaux are getting one soon. @Eilin also? There's me too and I know there are at least a couple more but can't remember.
  18. Like
    Fala reacted to ironchef in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    I wouldn't mind one or two being that I'm a fanatic and I love cats. :D
  19. Like
    Fala reacted to TrixieFaux in Horitomo Tattoo Cat Prints   
    Yeah, I think it's a good idea. Don't you just love this place for all the encouragement? I know I do!
  20. Like
    Fala reacted to Shaun1105 in First tattoo: should I add more color?   
    So you failed to get a perfect tattoo*! Stop worrying about it, and go fail better...by getting more tattoos.
    If you want to add more colour, go ahead. I think it looks fine as is though.
    *is there even such a thing?
  21. Like
    Fala reacted to HaydenRose in The ladies thread   
    I love this. Especially because my MIL is constantly trying to tell me I should stop getting tattooed and instead save my money for the *future* which = her grandbabies.
    Don't really feel like being broke just yet...
  22. Like
    Fala got a reaction from beez in Views on these tattooists please   
    Yeah, I've relayed generalized info to Horitomo too - placement, size, and photos of my cat. I get my monmon cat in a month - wooooooot! It's going to be my first one-off tattoo as well!
  23. Like
    Fala reacted to TrixieFaux in Views on these tattooists please   
    Congrats on your arm!!! As for your question, I have relayed all my ideas to Horitomo and am just waiting to see what he comes up with. There was a lot of "I like this, and I like that...and it could be this way, or that way..." I'm leaving a lot up to him so I don't really know for sure what I'm going to get!
  24. Like
    Fala reacted to Pugilist in Views on these tattooists please   
    Dude, I am so jealous of you it's not even funny.
  25. Like
    Fala got a reaction from growltiger in Views on these tattooists please   
    Yeah, I've relayed generalized info to Horitomo too - placement, size, and photos of my cat. I get my monmon cat in a month - wooooooot! It's going to be my first one-off tattoo as well!
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