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    Fala reacted to Chap in Full Back Piece Thread   
    I got some pictures but it doesnt show allot its very rough still. We still neef To do rosés On my Ass And coverup a mistake on the shoulders i made when i was 17.
    Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met behulp van Tapatalk
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    Fala reacted to Pugilist in Full Back Piece Thread   
    @ThatGuy - I love when I gawk at awesome shit on IG and then find out it's on a poster! Totally worth the nausea. :)
    I am not sure if I ever posted my completed back on here. Done by Stephanie Tamez at Saved in Brooklyn, from summer 2012 to summer 2013. I loved the journey and love the tattoo(s?) and it feels like it's been on my back forever. The map was my first ever tattoo from a long long time ago that we worked around, although she pumped it up a bit to integrate it into the larger composition.
  3. Like
    Fala reacted to ThatGuy in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Valerie finished my backpiece yesterday. Had some serious post-tattoo nausea after this one. Glad it's finally done, but will miss the process.
  4. Like
    Fala reacted to suburbanxcore in Invisible Radio   
    I'm sure a bunch of you saw this all over Instagram already, but Troy Denning started Invisible Radio. It's a podcast, and in episode one he interviews Matt Vancura and Chris Garver. It's a little scattered and kinda awkwardly paced, but overall it's a solid first episode. Worth checking out.
  5. Like
    Fala reacted to irezumi in Legendary Female Tattooers...   
    Scanned from an old copy of Tattoo Advocate

    Apologies for halfway crooked scans. Deal with it.
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    Fala reacted to gougetheeyes in The ladies thread   
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    Fala reacted to HaydenRose in The ladies thread   
    I have yet to hear an older woman with badass tattoos state that she regrets them. Therefore, I don't bother with this uninformed BS. If someone with tattoos done by a reputable, professional tattooer told me she regretted getting tattooed and sat me down and explained why, I would listen and consider her reasons. But those "plainskinned" bitches better shut the hell up about MY body and MY choices...
  8. Like
    Fala reacted to TrixieFaux in The ladies thread   
    Tattooed ladies being put down again...very trendy. I just couldn't stay out of this one...
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Like
    Fala reacted to Breakme in Question for customers! Portfolios...   
    I find this sweeping generalisation of women offensive. The ladies on this forum are incredibly passionate and well learned about their tattoos. If you want to alienate these fantastic women, then please continue making ignorant remarks like this.
  10. Like
    Fala got a reaction from jimmyirish in Hoping to learn   
    I feel like this is saying something akin to, "I know I'd be the most awesome chef in the world, better than Ferran Adria, if only someone would let me into 3 Michelin Star kitchen and teach me how to use the tools. I know how to boil water and make toast, so I know I'll be awesome."
  11. Like
    Fala got a reaction from Zillah in First tattoo - Dragon Koi   
    Going to check out the shop is super important. I visited quite a few shops before I even thought about booking a consultation for my first tattoo even though I knew which artist I wanted to tattoo me. It helped to cement my decision and allowed me to dive into the experience knowing without a doubt that I was working with the right artist and shop for me. I waited months for a consultation, then months again for my first appointment. Waiting wasn't a problem because I had more than enough time to save up what I needed to for the tattoo I really wanted, from a great artist, got the tattoo I wanted (and feel like I am not quite good enough to deserve.) It was a great learning experience, that I'm still thankful for - especially since I had absolutely no idea what I was doing! I didn't find out what my artist's hourly rate was until after our consultation was finished - while cost is certainly a factor, it isn't everything and shouldn't be the primary factor in your decision making. Nor should the wait list, you'll have the tattoo on you for the rest of your life, what is four months compared to forty years or more?
    With choosing an artist, I looked at countless portfolios until I found the artist whose portfolio I kept returning to, because it had that "special something" that I was looking for.
  12. Like
    Fala got a reaction from Mark Bee in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I am here in CA for a seminar/conference (which ended on Friday.) I've been out here two years in a row around this time, don't know if I'll be coming out again next year for the same seminar/conference. My convalescing includes mourning my lack of monmon cat.
    @MarkBee - that makes me feel slightly better (that this has happened to others before.) Been so spent from work and then the conference, that getting sick seemed inevitable.
  13. Like
    Fala got a reaction from ironchef in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Horitomo - for a monmon cat of my cat. I saw the drawing at our consult last week - it was AWESOME, exactly what I had pictured in my head and then some.
  14. Like
    Fala got a reaction from Tesseracts in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Horitomo - for a monmon cat of my cat. I saw the drawing at our consult last week - it was AWESOME, exactly what I had pictured in my head and then some.
  15. Like
    Fala got a reaction from ironchef in Shading in Japanese tattoos   
    Mine's in the mail, can't wait to get it!!!!
  16. Like
    Fala got a reaction from ironchef in Shading in Japanese tattoos   
    Are you talking about wind bars combined with water?
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    Fala got a reaction from Zillah in Shading in Japanese tattoos   
    The "m" that I think of is munewari, but that's different from what you are asking. As far as I know, the edges are typically rounded off, or scalloped, for easier integration into a larger piece later on. I could be totally wrong about that though!
    Here's a google result from @Graeme's awesome research: http://books.google.com/books?id=yuMUAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA100&lpg=PA100&dq=botan+mikiri&source=bl&ots=Wt5Vpij1t2&sig=6GttzL7InkcSkj7X2Aomt83IWvU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=eCFXU-HeC4-_sQTpwoCYBw&ved=0CEMQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=botan%20mikiri&f=false
  18. Like
    Fala reacted to DJDeepFried in Shading in Japanese tattoos   
    Ah -- you guys beat me to the punch but this is from the Perseverance book.
    But saying "fat black wind bars with scalloped edges" will suffice I think.
  19. Like
    Fala reacted to MikeL in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Another session down...last session of black and finished up the maple leaves.
  20. Like
    Fala got a reaction from slayer9019 in Tattoos and the workplace   
    If you decide to hire full time, and want a cheery EA/PA who works hard, gimme a holler! ;) And, CONGRATULATIONS on starting your own business!!!!
  21. Like
    Fala reacted to Pugilist in The ladies thread   
    Hippie dippy alert (that comes partly from not yet having had a kid!): I kind of like the idea of my tattoos changing due to childbirth and other significant life events. They won't be perfect forever, and they shouldn't be, and so I will be happy for their transformation to be tied to my own.
  22. Like
    Fala reacted to MrsGougeTheEyes in I Heard There Was Ladies Thread...   
    So I decided to join. I'm also really bored at work and my husband has been on my case to join for awhile. So hi! I think I met a few of you when we visited SF!
  23. Like
    Fala reacted to OutOfIdeas in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    Sorry to hear that Rob, I wish you both the best.
    Personally, I've been struggling for a bit. I left a lame job in my hometown which I had grown to hate, and it's been an uphill battle.
    Encountered more than my share of setbacks; shady people, shady jobs, being straight lied to about jobs. Being broke constantly while somehow keeping the bills paid, but living in my car for a month or so (not any more luckily)
    Now I've taken a bit of a chance. Im going to a 4 week trade school to get my CDL. Always wanted to drive, but never had a means to get the CDL. Now I'm shit broke, have a student loan to pay off, and the next month will be interesting (no idea how im gonna pay these bills; anyone wanna buy some crack?? Joke, joke!)
    Might sound like I made a dumb decision, but if I just survive this next month, I'll have a skill set that will land me a good paying job. No more unskilled labor, and being treated accordingly. After a year of over the road, I should be able to find a good local job, just about wherever I want, and make a good wage.
    Here's to hoping the second part of this belongs in the positive things thread, and not this one, cause this month will be stressful enough...
  24. Like
    Fala reacted to Zillah in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    Yeah... went through something similar. I was embarrassing myself all the time. Had to give it up- 10 years sober last July...
  25. Like
    Fala got a reaction from Reyeslv in Tattoos and the workplace   
    Are you in the market for an EA/PA?!
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