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darkest light tattoo

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  • Biography
    20 years in the tattoo industry old school artist apprenticed at newport tattoo for two full years black and grey artist filip lue junk father and husband kings hockey fan
  • Location
    so cal
  • Interests
    hockey tattoos art and my kids
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darkest light tattoo's Achievements

  1. my good vibes are being sent your way hope for speedy healing
  2. dry heal is the way to go
  3. Slayer/Sepultura fanatic here rest in peace Mr. Jeff Hannaman
  4. I had a client of mine in newport beach (cab driver) get tattooed on his left arm it was summer time and he wasnt the brightest color in the crayon box but a great guy, anyways i did a Shawn Warcot frankenstien flash piece on his left forearm he drove around all day with plastic wrap on his fresh tattoo all day in 100 degree he came in the next day with his tattoo about 2 inches raised off his arm and green puss spewing out of all of Frankenstein s features. i washed it and wiped off the Quarter inch thick layer of slimy foul sun backed skin and told him to come in every other day so i could see how it was healing up. it took 3 weeks and one touch up to be good but lesson learned i never let a client leave without specific instructions on no sun exposure!!!! BTW: that was in my second year as an tattoo artist
  5. the one thing you have to remember is tattoo ink is opaque or see through if your skin tone is dark then no matter what the colors in your skin will be muted out by the darkness of your skin. however having an artist that puts color in solid will be the most important think if you decide to go with color. one last think most people with dark complexions will have lighter areas that are not exposed to the sun your upper legs inner biceps upper rib areas. If you take these things into considerations and have a honest good artist you will be happy with what ever you decide good luck
  6. maybe you can incorporate a person or women that has had a strong influence in your life into the tattoo the artist can work well with an image you provide and allow the artist to do the artistic modification with the image so it works with the tattoo style your looking for - - - Updated - - - the focal point would be the women's image so allow the artist to put the other details together for ya
  7. Graeme, well said if your looking to do something that detailed you need a detail oriented artist to do it shop around and look at portfolios the arm may not be the best spot for that tattoo unless you are open to doing some artistic changes to the potential tattoo art.
  8. freehand work in progress
  9. freehand hanna style mask
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