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NERD RAGE's Achievements

  1. I can't speak to the quality of the information on this site, but I've certainly enjoyed reading through it (and I think first discovered it through this forum) Japanese Buddhism - Apsaras, Celestial Beings, Heavenly Maidens & Musicians, Tennyo, Karyobinga.
  2. I finally got the catalog. I was surprised by how big and awesome it is for $20 and my back feels so empty now. And yeah, that Shige skull on that one woman blew my mind.
  3. I didn't realize it was only $20, so thanks for the heads up. Just ordered.
  4. That wasn't one of the Crazy John's locations, was it?
  5. Trojan.Penisprinter variants will be pretty funny, though.
  6. Love it. Love everything about it. Best thread on the internet.
  7. I dig yours too @Ragen. You guys are making me jealous.
  8. I was thinking the same thing. Ganesh recently converted, I guess.
  9. Holy shit, thanks for the heads up. I wanted to play it and a few other games but I want to pay for as little as possible.
  10. Now I want people to start photoshoping subtle penises into the photos they put on line so that they get copied.
  11. That looks awesome. How old was the original?
  12. $50? My boy can do it for $7 and some whip-its. You should hit him up.
  13. I've gotten sick after my last three sessions, but I have a toddler in daycare so we've been dealing with colds in my household a lot in the last year so obviously that could just be coincidence.
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