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Everything posted by OrlandoFerron

  1. Iron crown tattoo in Monterey CA was established in 2010 and has grown faster than imagined. We are a full custom shop in a great location. We have 2 colleges and 2 military installations and countless of local tattoo enthusiasts and tourists and travelers that keep our shop plenty busy. We need artist with high talent and skill with 3-5 years at least of experience. You have to be comfortable with custom artwork, top quality customer service, and providing a welcoming and enjoyable environment. We need someone that is dedicated and reliable. We've earned a great reputation locally the hard way, and need folks that arent afraid of the hard work it takes to keep it. A love and passion to the craft of tattooing is an absolute must. What we DONT need are the typical things no tattoo shops need these days like rock stars, druggies, unreliability, unprofessional talentless, inexperienced, drunks, tough badasses, drama queens etc. We encourage you to come guest spot to see if you're a good fit to our team You can contact us and send some samples of your work to ironcrowntattoo@gmail.com Our website is being revamped as we speak so you can check out Facebook.com/ironcrowntattoo
  2. Iron crown tattoo in Monterey CA was established in 2010 and has grown faster than imagined. We are a full custom shop in a great location. We have 2 colleges and 2 military installations and countless of local tattoo enthusiasts and tourists and travelers that keep our shop plenty busy. We need artist with high talent and skill with 3-5 years at least of experience. You have to be comfortable with custom artwork, top quality customer service, and providing a welcoming and enjoyable environment. We need someone that is dedicated and reliable. We've earned a great reputation locally the hard way, and need folks that arent afraid of the hard work it takes to keep it. A love and passion to the craft of tattooing is an absolute must. What we DONT need are the typical things no tattoo shops need these days like rock stars, druggies, unreliability, unprofessional talentless, inexperienced, drunks, tough badasses, drama queens etc. We encourage you to come guest spot to see if you're a good fit to our team You can contact us and send some samples of your work to ironcrowntattoo@gmail.com Our website is being revamped as we speak so you can check out Facebook.com/ironcrowntattoo
  3. a couple of years back the marine corps changed their tattoo policy and once they caught wind of it a lot of them started to get their sleeves finished or even started so they could be grandfathered into the new policy. I had 3 weeks booked solid of outlines. the longest one that i had was 11 hours 5 hours on each arm with a break in between for the outline. she was fucking tough, i couldnt imagine getting 10 hours of outline
  4. i find it attractive as long as its done in proportion, and its good work. for some reason ive seen really awkward chest tattoos where the content is too small or it doesnt follow the feminine shape, if youre already tattooed i wouldnt worry about your mum she secretly likes your work im sure
  5. i dont get tattoos where judges can see them
  6. ive always had the same curiosity, im sure theres a really logical symbolisim to the tattoo but Ive spent some time in SLC and when walking around the mormon temple theres tons of masonic symbols all over that building and one of them is the shaking hands, for all we know they shake hands before they put on their goat pants and howl at the moon in secret societies
  7. we tattoo near a military foreign language school, we have tons of military getting tattoos in foreign languages. Its not that easy to spell check words in other languages. I had a guy walk out with what he thought was death before dishonor in chinese, he got to his class the following monday and his teacher asked him if he directly translated it from english because it said dishonor before death...whoopsie on his part - - - Updated - - - we tattoo near a military foreign language school, we have tons of military getting tattoos in foreign languages. Its not that easy to spell check words in other languages. I had a guy walk out with what he thought was death before dishonor in chinese, he got to his class the following monday and his teacher asked him if he directly translated it from english because it said dishonor before death...whoopsie on his part
  8. my moms lives out there and it would be fun to work it, does anyone know who to contact to maybe get an invite?
  9. I have an uncle that served some time in the navy, he has the first tattoo that i can remember, he had an outline of a shark on his arm and he would let me color it in with markers. it was old, lines were all thick and aged he told me how he got it while he was overseas and he didnt remember if it was before or after visiting the mama sans but i was so intrigued with it and i always wanted to look at it when he came to visit
  10. every time someone walks into our shop the first thing they ask for is the price, they dont care to look at our work or view a drawing its just the price. I think that with popularity of tattooing increasing there is a natural increase of tattooers commited more to the money and less to the craft. In my general area there is 4 shops that have some very unexperienced people running them, one is a 22 year old that is barely going to open with zero shop experience, hes tattooed out of his house for god knows how long. Another got fired during his apprenticeship and opened up tattooing for 30 bucks/hr and 20/hr if he finished other peoples work around town. Another guy will tattoo you as long as you can sit for if you give him 150 bucks. What do all of these dudes have in common, no real apprenticeship and no respect to tattooing therefore theyre not educating the client that tattoos arent cheap and should be respected in that sense. You can tell the level of their delusion based on how bad ass they think their cheap work is...they even snub your quality work purely on the price paid for it while rockin some of the worst tattoos ive seen. Its all about the education of the community and the purification of those that are actual tattooers and not just glorified scratchers
  11. I love San Diego, and i make sure to visit Guru Tattoo every time im in the neighborhood, the folks that work there are an A+ all around. Nice, friendly highly skilled bunch of guys that are very welcoming. I got tattooed by Honkey Kong a while back and its one of my favorite pieces. They did a great job in covering all angles of the tattoo spectrum. I really havent gone to other shops in the SD area but im sure there are some other great shops around.
  12. My name is Orlando Ferron Ive been making tattoos for the last 10 years and like most of us fell in love with it when i saw my uncles tattoos from his time in the navy. After working for some of the best local artist in my area and with good support from my community and family i opened up a shop of my own in 2010 in beautiful Monterey CA called Iron Crown Tattoo for the last 3 years and its been the most amazing experience that i could have ever asked for. Im glad i waited till it was the right time to do so. Im just a simple family man trying to do great things to supply for his family and ones self, I wanted to extend a hand of friendship to the tattoo community and meet more like minded individuals that love the same things that make this the greatest profession in the world. I love to paint, tattoo, draw. I would also love to start putting machines together for personal well roundedness and knowledge but not really to be a "Machine builder" or be the next great thing. Theres tons of things i would love to learn and help myself be a better tattooer and I would like to learn more than i did yesterday.
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