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Everything posted by SacramentoDan

  1. . those shots were not so much about the tattoos,but was about the process of being tattooed :) . here are some shots from about 6 weeks ago shortly after some work on the ankle bands & iron cross so they are still healing & not touched up yet,these shots don't include the additional clouds work I got this week, as you can see,except for the niner piece,it's all "island/Polynesian" themed. . . . . . . . I know they are not "world class by world class artists" but they're mine & I like 'em.
  2. I got some more work on my left leg,pics when it's healed, the thing is I do photography for fun and I carry my camera with me 24/7,I document my life,so anyway,this is a pretty cool perspective IMO. this was shot with my Canon 50D & Sigma 10-20mm Super wide angle lens,(so there is an intended lens distortion)I love this lens for that reason, the light from the afternoon sun in the window made for crappy shooting conditions,so I did the best I could with all the contrast. :rolleyes: .
  3. crazy for sure,this was taken today at the same time as yesterday's shot
  4. crazy temp drop now,pretty much for today & the next week in the mid 80's ! 20f drop today thanks to the "delta breeze" cooling us down. https://sacwiki.org/Delta_Breeze
  5. I consider you lucky,I'll trade you temps anytime,I've spent a lot of time in SB,nice place.
  6. I have some tri-tip marinating ,but screw the BBQ,I'm gonna nuke some frozen taquitos.
  7. in the shade on my front deck
  8. you could probably tell by now,I'm a lager guy,especially on this crappy 106f day we're having today :mad:
  9. ,,,when us men think it's ok to shave our legs
  10. we watched and very much enjoyed "Django Unchained" tonight,lots of stars,classic Quentin Tarantino (who I also like very much)I like most of his movies. 5 out of 5 for me.
  11. sounds like fun, definitely better that our 105 :eek:
  12. mmm,ok,aside from the "photoshop" thing,these statements here worry me a little, maybe it's just me,but perhaps you need to go through a real apprenticeship,learn a bit more,and take it nice and slow. no offense intended btw
  13. you have a shop in Santa Maria ? I have tons of 20+ yo pieces that I like that could use freshening up.
  14. that makes more sense of what he was probably told.
  15. ok cool,that you will wait :) IMO getting a tattoo for a "fashion reason" is the wrong reason to get a tattoo. :)
  16. like was said already, and I say,if you think you might regret it,then why in the world are you going to get it ? - - - Updated - - - really ? are you joking ? also like was said, DON'T GET TATTOOED !
  17. if you're that worried about the pain,then don't get a tattoo,and whoever told you the tattoo pain is like a sunburn was way wrong IMO.Not that I ever get sunburned,but that's just not true. besides more importantly like was mentioned,you should not be getting tattoos at 16. wait a few years,think it over for a while longer,see how you feel in 3 or 4 years.
  18. I work in the Automotive Insurance Estimate & Repair Industry,we work with all the major auto insurance co's, none of the clients I go see I don't have to cover up for,except one, I have to wear long sleeves and long pants for the clients of this one particular ins co,and it's kind of ironic, because that ins co only insures current & retired military people,and 75% of them have tattoos ! go figure.
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